Hey Sup Forums, I'm not white. Is there anyway I can not be a degenerate in you're eyes? I was born in the USA if that adds to something.
Hey Sup Forums, I'm not white. Is there anyway I can not be a degenerate in you're eyes...
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lurk moar fgit
You already WANT to be white, and that's half the battle.
Yes dude, Whatever color you are, you can earn acceptance in a white meritocracy.
You might have to work harder than some people, but the hard work WILL pay off.
IF you work hard.
Don't get discouraged. Improvise, adapt, and overcome. That's the white way.
Hey Sup Forums, I'm not a neet. Is there anyway I can not be a redditor in you're eyes? I have no friends if that adds to something.
Does it also help that I am a cynical asshole who hates both political parties and was raised in a mostly white suburb in the state of New York?
I am a complete neet. I work at home and only ever have to go out for food.
Into the chamber, negroid
That actually works because Im half Gypsy.
>work at home
"LOL look at me i'm le sad xd"
You sure do know a lot about reddit.
>Hey Sup Forums, I'm not white. Is there anyway I can not be a degenerate in you're eyes
yea dont be a degenerate its not that hard and its not race specific
"Degeneracy" is a meme about behavior patterns, not firmly connected to race - and, actually, many degenerate behaviors are mostly done by whites.
Anyway, just don't be an agressive nigger gibemeat.
And Sup Forums gives zero fuck about roma, by the way
Well its also that Im half "Poo in the streets" a.k.a. Indian
Man what a bitch...athough he probably banged one of them women are stupid
But user, if you work, then you're not NEET.
That's fine as long as your a civilized law abiding citizen an don't riot in the streets like a complete violent dindu nigger no one will care about your skin color or shouldn't anyway. Plus we need more Sup Forums lurkers to fight in the coming Crusade to save Europe once again from the 'Religion Of Peace' an I'll gladly cleanse the world of Islam with my fellow Sup Forumss including you. Followers of SJWism will probably accuse you of being a right winger NAZI which is ironically racist since they think all races should think with some kind of collectivist hive mind, not that anyone expect logic from people who chose to get a Genders Studies Degree an then complain about how they can't get a good paying job of course.
It's not racist to hate niggers, everyone hates niggers.
I agree. Germany and France especially have been fucked ever since the refuges came along.
Indeed but I still think they can be saved, after all most of Europes history is being out number by Muslim invaders an somehow surviving anyway. Sadly I think Swedenstan is a lost cause though.
I'd also personally like to see other religious like Hindus an Buddhist groups an atheits jsut anyone in general who isn't Muslim participate in the coming Crusade too since more people daily are being red pill on how cancerous Islam... Excuse me the 'religion of peace' is by simply reading a fucking Quoran. Could you imagine if India an South East Asia was Islam free? I don't want to praise commie nations but I have to give credit were it's due since China never put up with their shit to begin with.
as long as you are a productive member of society and oppose Islam you're fucking golden mate
So many grammatical errors in that post, damn I need to get some sleep.
Well good night user an stay comfy Sup Forums, never change.
>I'm not white
>b-but I was born in the USA!
There are no whites in the USA so that's pretty much a given. In fact that contributes to your degeneracy
Yes. You need to actively speak out against the degeneracy of your kind.
>The United Kingdom
>A progressive Islamist country.
Shouldn't you be governing London or something Sadiq Khan? You have a deadline to install Sharia Law with Brexit on it's way after all.
Alright now I'll hit the hay.
Yeah, just kill yourself
>Is there anyway I can not be a degenerate in you're eyes?
Just don't be degenerate?