What are some movies about war
What are some movies about war
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None of this Bullshit Matters and You're Wasting Years of Your Innocence Obsessed With Infantile Institutions Instead of Following Any Possible Passions: The Movie
>tfw wasted months of my life on GG
>None of this Bullshit Matters and You're Wasting Years of Your Innocence Obsessed With Infantile Institutions Instead of Following Any Possible Passions: The Movie
If he enjoys it, it's not really wasted.
>has the grammar of a 12 year old
Ayyyy, modern journalism in a nut-shell I guess.
>if he enjoys it, it's not really wasted
It still is wasted if the focus on unimportant subjects persists, as the efficiency of the person is unfulfilled. The only rebuttal against this is nihilism (ex. "well nothing matters anyway etc etc"), which is not only a deflection, but also is not relative to the reality of the situation
>tfw I just want to watch kino but because I'm associated with Sup Forums there will be people working day and night to release all my personal info to the public
Yeahhhhh shut up Jew. CNN isn't walking away from this with their reputation. What was left of it. 8 years.
i dont know why with all of Sup Forums's autistic power, we cant just expose the jews and get this shit over this, start WW3 already, samson option
Why do you think I'm talking about CNN? This topic could be replaced with 100 other pseudo-political subjects, and my post would still be the same.
We all took intro to philosophy bud who are trying to impress
>Random person posts in "BuzzFeed France Tips Group"
>Make a gigantic leap from this to saying that BuzzFeed as an organization has "declared war" on Sup Forums and is attempting to dox users
You people are so fucking stupid
Jelly that we have the highest IQ white boy? You're not even as smart as chinks
This isn't philosophy, I'm just explaining why most people's passions on here are wasted
Because this threads topic is CNN you side winding kike.
why do people think Sup Forums is synonymous with Sup Forums? have they ever bothered to browse this site?
jewish leaders like billionaire sheldon adelson, michael bloomberg, and mark stern of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), have all come out in favor in what has traditionally been looked upon as sexual depravity.
even elena kagan at the supreme court (yes, jewish, and an alleged lesbian) has been known for "queerifying" harvard when dean of the law school introducing transgender law courses.
two jewish groups in particular, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), together with the American Federation of Teachers, have been promoting the homosexual agenda in our public schools. Books like "Daddy's Roommate: Ken", "Daddy's Wedding: Daddy Marries Ken", "King and King", are part of the ADL's early learning program. Molding the minds of impressionable little children, who accept and embrace deviant sexual acts.
But jews prefer sending their to private schools. it gives their children better standing for admittance to Ivy league colleges and shields them from homoseuxal propgoganda.
Liberals lost the culture war when Trump was elected president and Sup Forums opinions are now mainstream republican ones. We control every branch of government and you are completely powerless.
>Control every branch of government
>Can't pass any meaningful legislation
>has passed plenty of meaningful legislation
>powerless liberal lying on Sup Forums in the dark
Oh shit my Sup Forums account is gonna be shut down??
Anyone else think Lexi Belle is beautiful? Like really beautiful?
>Unable to repeal and replace ACA
>Unable to pass infrastructure bill
>Unable to pass tax reform
>Unable to pas budget
>All while one party controls every branch of government
How are they wasted? You could only argue that they are wasted if there is an objective goal that is the meaning of life. Seeing as how there's no agreement there, then one can't ever say that a person has wasted their life, no matter what he chose to spend it doing.
>over 7 years left to pass them
She used to be. Kinda cracked out looking now though.
Aren't they too busy making a list about top 10 cutest kittens?
protest fatigue is already setting in. the vast majority of normal people are just trying to get back to their lives. come midterms, etc., the average normie centrist is going to be unconsciously biased against the side that's been most vocally obnoxious, or worse, has been impeding their routine activities
>Taking 7 years to pass what Trump said he'd pass in the first year
>Taking 7 years to pass a budget that needs to be passed every year
You're a special one aren't you
Saving Private Ryan. Star Wars
Good thing the first year isn't over yet. Any more paper thin arguments for me to bulldoze?
What are some threads about fat retards that stay on their containment boards.
That word does not mean what you think it means
Not Sup Forumsedditors like you
it's fucking hilarious how reddit always gets lumped in with whatever drama Sup Forums is kicking up since they try oh so hard to be as in-offensive as possible
do you think moot regrets selling Sup Forums now?
Says the nu/pol/ /r/The_Donald tourist.
o i am laffin
>random poster on some facebook page = Buzzfeed
When are you faggots going to learn to stop believing everything you read on the internet.
Step up again. I fucking dare you
lol no he probably wants to be as far away from this shithole as possible.
I wonder when I will escape?
>do you think Moot regrets not being involved with an autist-den that is routinely talked about in the media
Im gonna have to say no
>conservatives distrust everything except for shock jocks and talking heads
Why are they so distrustful of other opinions?
The laughs just keep coming.
>stop posting on Sup Forums: the Sup Forums post
It is a waste. Enjoying actual hobbies can open doors for the future. If you find yourself enjoying films, you can gain inspiration, then start learning about them and make your own. If you enjoy drawing, you can gradually improve your skills and become an artist. If you enjoy reading, you can either learn more or gain inspiration from a writer and take on writing. If you hang out with friends, you can develop social skills or stories to tell or get introduced to new friends
Being obsessed with "wars" over the internet gets you nothing, because no one will give a shit a few years down the line and it requires no skills or talents.
Alt-right homos can't handle someone having a different point of view same as the far left, two sides of the same coin and all that.
>pretends he was here
>doesn't know that the peak of Sup Forums was when trips were everywhere
Pathetic fucking fraud shows his true nature again
>If he enjoys it, it's not really wasted.
It's not about whether he enjoys it now, it's about how he remembers it in the future.
Nobody is keeping score, normie
Guess what you stupid fucking nigger, I was one of those tripfaggots. I quit being one because it was fucking embarrassing. Every other tripfaggot wanted to talk to me like I was their friend and join them in the oval circlejerk. Tripfags, including myself, were always cancer. Suckstart a shotgun you fucking retard.
Could you imagine what would happen if they succeeded?
Imagine the mass exodus of people on Sup Forums, refugees going to all corners of the web.
The spike in right wing values, the blacked spam on safe for work subreddits, the number of discussions derailed.
They're not just wars though. It's entry level politics, it's a door to you learning history and politics. That's something everyone should do eventually.
>n-no i was here! i was one too!
Fucking pathetic
Pathetic that you got called out so hard you redditfugee? Yeah it is.
shit thread
No that you tried to pretend you were here after you read a few ED pages and thought a meme drop would help your case. You're a fucking star wars tourist without a doubt
No it isn't, it's slacktivism at best and ignorance at worst. Buzzfeed complaining about Sup Forums has no bearing on the future of the nation you live in or on laws, or anything. It won't gain you any connections, it won't introduce you to a possible political career, and it won't teach you anything. If you wanted to take on actual politics, you would at the very least march out in the streets, call your senators, or try to help the poor, not whine about a shitty website.
When did the alt right get people fired for telling a sex joke again?
When did the alt right begin forcing their rhetoric onto every other ideology?
When did they dominate media and educational institutions so heavily that disagreeing with them is social suicide?
Pretending as though they're the same severely over estimates the power of the youth conservative movement, while downplaying just how ruinous identity politics and feminism have become in the current political landscape.
Keep living in your retarded dreamworld redditfugee, you aren't fooling anyone. I've got fucking reaction images that are older than you.
>When did the alt right get people fired for telling a sex joke again?
They were trying really hard with Colbert.
>When did the alt right begin forcing their rhetoric onto every other ideology?
>*posts anime girl with MAGA hat lazily shopped in*
>When did they dominate media and educational institutions so heavily that disagreeing with them is social suicide?
>why can't i say nigger at my job?
>a fucking /vg/ redditor
This just keeps getting better and better. Step up again
Make me FUCKING LAUGH you fraud
Buzzfeed complaining about Sup Forums represents the larger sentiment of extremists trying to suppress people's right to express themselves. It's not an isolated incident, these trends are ongoing and have only been getting worse. The fact that it's now a media organization with a large support base, instead of some retards from Tumblr, speaks volumes about how it's progressed so far.
People began feeling alienated over this shit back in 2010. It's only getting worse.
not that guy but how on earth did you come to that conclusion
>/vg/ redditor
You are fucking pathetic.
>you would at the very least march out in the streets, call your senators, or try to help the poor, not whine about a shitty website.
Ironically, whining on a website has way more power than you shouting on the street, giving money to the poor or calling a senator of all people. That does nothing in current year
>trying to suppress people's right to express themselves
Don't you faggots always complain about too many people being able to express themselves? That it leads to cultural degradation and all that good shit?
What you don't understand is that they see you as the extremists.
>whining on a website has way more power
I'm pretty sure those websites are not Sup Forums, user.
>They were trying really hard with Colbert.
Like that was ever going to happen.
>>*posts anime girl with MAGA hat lazily shopped in*
I used to be big into Marxism. Traditional Communism is all but dead, because identity politics and intersectionality have infected academia so much that a class-based perspective of society is now considered racist. Anime girls wearing MAGA hats doesn't compare to the damage these people have caused to leftism.
>>why can't i say nigger at my job?
How is that even relevant? Disagreeing with the alt right has never been social suicide like it has for those who disagreed with the current SJW message.
How the hell would a newfaggot know about Oval and it being a tripfag circlejerk? Stop being retarded in my thread.
>Disagreeing with the alt right has never been social suicide like it has for those who disagreed with the current SJW message.
Depends on where you are.
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums played a bigger role in electing current president than people who donated to the poor and called a senator.
>being this disingenuous because you were called on your shit
Which faggots? I'm of the opinion that freedom of speech is paramount.
>it leads to cultural degradation
Lacking a balanced opposition, I would say yes. If there was a decent resistance to groups like Buzzfeed, it wouldn't be the case. Seriously, who's the best conservative debater at the moment? Fucking Ben Shapiro?
>Like that was ever going to happen.
Irrelevant. It happened and it made you look like SJW pussies.
I was only telling you how dumb you look by injecting your ideologies into every single facet of your life, child. Thanks for proving me right.
>How is that even relevant?
You don't get kicked out of a job for voting Republican, you get kicked out of a job for behaving like an antisocial pariah.
I'm not the guy you responded to. Nice non-argument though.
>Lacking a balanced opposition, I would say yes.
I find it funny that you think a few loud tumblr kids are representative of contemporary culture.
He spends most of his life on the internet, it's not surprising that it's his whole world
>It happened
Did it? I remember people being annoyed by Colbert, not trying to get him fired.
>injecting your ideologies into every single facet of your life
...With photoshopped images of anime girls? Are you serious?
>you get kicked out of a job for behaving like an antisocial pariah
You get fired for making a joke that a proud PoC finds offensive.
>not that user
>actually that user
The thread.
>...With photoshopped images of anime girls? Are you serious?
If that's what you took away from his post, you're either stupid or being disingenuous.
>Did it?
Oh fuck, you WERE part of it, weren't you? Cringe.
>...With photoshopped images of anime girls?
Don't pretend this is normal behavior, user. You're better than that.
>You get fired for making a joke that people find offensive.
Welcome to Jobs. Enjoy your stay, 15 year old kid. That lady was fired as well, for starting that shit. So don't claim there's no opposition.
>Enjoying actual hobbies can open doors for the future. If you find yourself enjoying films, you can gain inspiration, then start learning about them and make your own.
Ahahahahahaha. So when's that film of yours coming out, user?