Real question, why do you think women evolved to be dumber...

Real question, why do you think women evolved to be dumber? Like what reasons incentivized this difference between men and women




Not to mention men have always run societies and invented practically everything

Other urls found in this thread:

You're on Sup Forums asking why she's dumb. She's out getting laid. You're not.

Why be smart when you have pussy that feels good and 50% want it?

Man had to hunt women had to stay home and there was pregnancy and sheit.
But progressives are trying to change this.

>this is something to strive for

A dog down the street is getting laid so what

>implying "getting laid" is in any way an achievement when you're a female
it shouldn't be an object of desire even if you're male, casual sex is the epitome of degeneracy

Calling it now.
Another bot thread.

>Why be smart when you have pussy that feels good and 50% want it?

Yes, this

How's that nigger brain working out for you m8

T. Shill

Back to instagram


You should meditate on that, brother.

Pretty well. It got me degrees and a job. I make money and have a girlfriend. My nigger brain is accomplishing the things that will continue to bring me satisfaction. How's that brain of yours doing?

>work to eat to work

You should really learn from Tesla

>be hanging out with the gf at a ranch all weekend
>browsing Netflix last night for a movie
>looking through Documentaries
>see "The Hunting Ground"
>descriptive blurb says something to the extent of, "...exploring the rape epidemic on U.S. college campuses"
>I say, "pffft, that's bullshit"
>gf asks me why I think it's bullshit
>proceed to have a 20 minute convo about this horseshit propagandistic myth
>she gets upset for a little while, then concedes that everything I said was 100% factually correct
>have great sex that night and in the morning
>driving out to my car to leave
>tells me she doesn't see it working out long-term cause I "hold hyper-conservative views that are in such contrast with hers"
>mfw this girl is very intelligent, comes from a conservative family, yet still can't escape the brainwashing by her libshit friends and media
>mfw I realize almost all college-aged females are literally averse to factual information if it even so much as gives the illusion of rattling their closely-held beliefs grounded in falsehoods and propaganda

Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong century. Most women and men alike are shit-tier retards nowadays.

Back in Hunter gatherer times, men had to hunt meat so they had to think how to outsmart things like deer or mammoths to survive. Women had to have children and find berries.

This is why men are focused on important things that are actually important and women only care about sex and don't want to work. Women feel they are in charge in society because they don't do shit. But the reality is they weren't chosen to do anything because they're functionally retarded and only good for breeding.

Just get onto Sup Forums did you?
There have been numerous threads like this all night. It follows the exact same formula:
>bullshit claim
>A few bullshit links.
>Never posts again.
>Meant to bring out the worst of Sup Forums

Lurk moar newfag.


Smart women don't get pregnant and have kids. Simple as that.

Ok. This is going to be a rant and a half. To begin. I am a faggot. That picture I like her tits. Now. Secondly; yes man is more intuitive yes I said intuitive than woman. Both man and woman are tools. Males like to be used. Women don't but they like to support. I had a slight epiphany tonite. You can say im as gay as some might be straight but there is good in everything. But my goodness. Good for you, women, and all that. You are Blessed and fulfill a proverbial mother's role. You can be as vulnerable as are we. A family can mean many different things. Polygamy is ok in the Bible, etc. Our brains are different between the sexes and between individuals. Men are women with one different sex chromosome. We're all cousins. We all have the same parts and not really the same blood but we're all homo sapien. Blood types don't a race make necessarily but they battle eachother and we understand next to nothing. Be spiritually aware, women. You don't really protect your husband so much as having played a part in creating him. Nobody creates himself. Perhaps other than God. You protect your children. If you don't have any that's just great. Your bodies are useful. As are men's. But bringing us together isn't always 101% the best way to be led. And we are led. To finalise I think we all can agree that penis is amazing and MAGA

>mfw I can't wake up

>gf is a hyper liberal who gobbles up anything the social media claims
>I'm pretty conservative and love making racist jokes, two completely unrelated things
>she gets pissed off every single time I make a racist joke or talk about anything that doesn't go together with whatever topic the SJWs are up in arms about
>get tired of it since she can't even provide any reasons for believing what she does

I don't give a fuck what someone's personal opinions are, but if they can't back them up with solid reasoning other than "omg are you kidding me" then it's simply not going to work.

Talking about politics ends relationships and friendships for the most part, so I just tend to stay away from it when talking to someone my views don't align with. At least my current gf shares my mentality and is about as conservative as myself.

le wrong generation

That sucked. Truly.

Because men are overly industrious and kill themselves all the time doing incredibly stupid stuff, if they were the child bearer and nurturer then their children would never survive.

It's really not complicated.

>implying I'm memeing

That video was really shit, my dude.

Is pic related me? I think of naked little asian girls in the shower too.

Because their evolutionary role really is popping out babies and being in the kitchen

Women outside of that are inferior to men in basically every way, if a woman is a threat to you it's because of control she exerts over other men

Women traded men for sugar daddy government, politically enfranchising women was infinitely more harmful to western society than including any minority men in the vote

Tell her to not let the door hit her ass on the way out then.

That's really all you can do.

Well said, Estonia.

I'll never understand why some people can't handle differing opinions, and I'll sure as hell never understand why differences in political opinions ever necessitate the dissolution of relationships. It's just so fucking trivial and retarded to me, but unfortunately that's reality.

Men are expendable in an evolutionary context. One woman failed to reproduce and fewer humans got made. One male fails to reproduce, at least he can die defending the tribe, or be a useful slave while the women are kept at max reproductive capacity. Tho if you were a soldier you got to rape, and if you were good slave you might get to be a bull. You only need a handful of men reproducing for a society to thrive. So for the greater part of human history women literally just kept pumping out babies, so cock craving and a focus on being fuckable have been hardwired into most women. Nowadays now that we know this stuff and have a sense of degeneracy maybe they can rise above dumb slut tier.

Not to say that wanting to fuck chicks isn't hardwired into dudes. It's probably just easier for us to resign to not having sex and busying ourselves with other things other things. Like science, feels, art, and shitposting.

>eats all the shit thrown her way

that's not how it works buddy

>implying i would ever touch a woman who wasn't a trap

wew lad

>le men invented everything meme

Not like women were only allowed to be a housewife for most of history. Do you see many inventions from Muslim women these days? It's hard to try to invent anything when you have to care for a house and kids all day and night.

>Real question, why do you think women evolved to be dumber? Like what reasons incentivized this difference between men and women

Because brains require a large amount of nutrients and calories: women are optimized for childbirth, so if their brains were allowed to become too large there wouldn't be as much available for the infant to grow.

Men had to develop advanced intelligence: it was men out putting their lives on the line trying to kill animals larger and stronger than them with only their intellect as an advantage, while women didn't usually need to outsmart anything more clever than a wild onion. As such, intelligence became testosterone-activated.

Women are also significantly dumber while actually pregnant: large portions of their brains go into "low power" mode to divert energy to the baby. It's a phenomena called "pregnancy brain" and it's well documented.

Solid point, Greece.

I want to believe there's more there than just a pretty face, great tits and ass. I. WANT. TO. BELIEVE.

More accurately, the bell curve is wider for men than for women.

More men will think about gambling, drugs, and sports, and physics, math, and philosophy, than will women.

The Y chromosome is the experimental. The X the control. That's why female traits aggregate around the mean.

2 X chromosomes=control=safer=more amenable to having children

ability to have children=more body fat, nurturing emotions
non-ability to have children=more muscle mass, aggressive and competitive emotions

Simple. Or do you just want to meme? If so, fuck off back to

I feel you man.
Recently broke up with gf of 18 months. We agreed on a lot of things politically when we began the relationship but Trump never grew on her after her two favorites sleepybot and Lubio dropped out. That and some spic professor who taught this sjw course on campus on the history of race and medicine kept trying to make the class think he's a racist. She really hates Hillary though so I do hope she makes the right choice in November.


This is /r9k/ tier.


DJ Cat Fim


I'll use a surrogate with a kid knowin the mum. Marry Christ. And have relations preferably in a marriage but I believe I wouldn't be out of bounds doing so being single. Feels great. Took me almost 30 years to realise all this. I have a big fear of disobeying commands covenants or God or luring him or any other entities and I think I've been doing a great job thinking the way I do. We are not expendable. Always be contrarian. In my view women could all be lesbians. We could all be gay. They can stay home. Pick the rich guys. And decide whether or not to be a surrogate and each coupling will end up knowing the other their whole lives and men and women will feel comfortable having probably ten kids together all with their each same sex parents and one another. Most women wouldn't turn this down. It is not fornication any of this in any way. It is not prostitution. And remember. Nobody procreated until we fell. But the fall brought about Christ. Then we were flooded. Then we screwed up. Is the whole each man must get a woman and live in a shack for 50 years efficient or just or commanded? It's not bad. But it's not a perfect recipe. This is probably te most taboo I've ever put on this board but if OP was going to post that one famous pic imma talk about it honestly one time. Why do I even find it taboo? Women are of God. Women I find are made for women. All of same is said for men. Just because we might be marrying our own, removes Christ, LESS, AND, we can reproduce and not defile and use medicine. Does this sound so Frankenstein as to not scientifically study? Don't take it too far and no I don't believe in eugenics or that women are shit or that anybody is expendable. However. I also don't believe that we're going to "evolve" genetically to start reproducing this way. I think that in regards of male, female, and children, that if some of us "stray" from the model, whether infertility or faggotry, this is ok. Differences are good. It wasn't a command....

Jesus, it is I, Satan.

what is going on


Female here just going to throw in something to this thread.
Can't be bothered green texting because I know I'm just going to get shit for just stating that I'm lacking a penis.
I grew up in a stable family. Bit different having a severely autistic brother but it was a stable family.
Growing up my dad made me feel like my thoughts and opinions didn't matter, if I asked about something on the news he'd give me some lame ass explanation or tell me not to worry. He never held political conversations nor did he encourage me to discover more about what really goes on in the world.

Father's need to stop sheltering their daughters. Father's need to explain to their daughters what's happening in the world and why. And guide them on the path to knowledge, otherwise your daughters will grow up learning about everything happening in the world through cancerous means like Facebook and leftist mind-fuckery.

Growing up with a retarded younger sibling made me grow up fast, it red-pilled me from a young age and taught me that life is not the delicious oyster that entitled and lucky people make it out to be.

You are strange leaf, i am bitter virgin and always angry

X chromosomes effect intelligence more than Y. So one x mutating to smart makes a guy smart. For a girl its only half smart. Girls have to have twice the mutations. Which is twice as rare. This is also why there's more guys with autism. Source: Sup Forums is mostly male.

didn't having a retarded younger brother accomplish the same thing a red-pilling father accomplished.

In fact, I would say it accomplished more. Women are notorious for not believing second hand advice and facts. Only with their own eyes either as a witness or when it happens DIRECTLY to them do women get red-pilled (usually too late as tyrone's fist breaks their cranial bones)

Fathers are important to have around, and even more important to have contributing to the family.

Did you get fucked out of your liberal stage before or during your 20s?

>Real question, why do you think women evolved to be dumber?
Because the roles of defender, provider, leadership/planning, and other functions that require high intellect fell onto men. The role of caregiver, mother, wife/lover/mate, and other functions requiring average to low intellect fell onto women. As time went on (in the thousands of years), said roles and functions became genetically encoded, leaving men with higher average IQ than women.

He meant normie intelligence.

Meme intelligence is a new level of knowledge.

Yes it did. But not every woman has the dis-pleasure of having responsibilities thrust upon them from day one. Growing up I was always aware of where he was, what he was doing and that his environment was secure. At school I was thinking constantly about upcoming social events and what the worst case scenario was. And what further responsibilities I would have to take on if both my parents died prematurely.
Other girls my age were worrying about their hair and their social hierarchy; what dress to wear for the upcoming dance, ect.
Women are raised entitled. That they are special snowflakes and that they matter. They have no responsibilities in life or to anyone in it. Which effects how they grow up and what they do in life.

Dubs devastation

by natural selection womens in geneneral think with using emotions, while some of guys using logic or trial and error method. its not lieke womens are dumb tho. i think its about equal , lots of dumb fucks guys but there is this 10% wise guys nad 1% of thinkers, geniuses , artists, while womens are more balanced, 99%mediocre

I was never liberal. I was always red-pilled to a degree. And I can't imagine what my life would have been like if my dad wasn't in it. He's a great dad, and dad's really are, in my opinion that backbone of a family.

They provide stability, financially, physically, and mentally.

But why though I mean does the thought of any kind of sex not engage you? It's not you. It's them. If you try and see if women or men dig you then you do what you feel is right. Be you. Theyll pick up on that. Don't be angry at that. It doesn't mean much at all. Are you the only person who thinks this? No. Put it this way. I might not be a virgin but that doesn't mean that people don't still talk shit about me you know? Get a hobby if you want or continue doing what youre doing. Youre fine. People earn surprises. You might see that you can kill two birds without even knowing it. Bringing shit together you know? I refuse to believe that two men automatically hate eachother. Fags are really good soldiers. If you take a straight pretty boy, would most men say they don't love an "ugly" one? I honestly don't think so. Women would answer all of that separately I believe. Tl;dr hop on the cockwagon or find or wait for a pocketvagoo

Intelligent people don't blindly follow ideologies. If her belief in feminist myths was a minor part of her life, then I would concede that there's indeed a possibility she is intelligent. But it clearly plays a big role in her life if she's willing to dump her boyfriend over it, and someone who can't bother/understand important things relative to them, is NOT an intelligent person no matter what way you look at it.

Reminder that philosophy remains and will likely always remain a bastion of reason in an unreasonable world, even in the most loony of university campuses.

>tfw i will never cum all over siris face


this, there are smart women but on the whole they just don't use their brains the same.

They are probably more attuned to the needs of children and of other people than men can ever hope to be.

Men are more logical thinkers. It's a balance.

For example, it would benefit a woman, and the society more, to be able to act intelligently based on feeling rather than using logic and solving problems, when men are already doing that. Furthermore her mental state drives her to engage in long term pair bonding with a male, who will provide for her and their offspring. Her dumbness probably also makes her more attractive to the male (to a degree) because it gives him more of a purpose in the relationship and can potentially strengthen their bond.

t. armchair anthropologist.

Damn Right.

women were cared for and didn't need to hone intensive skills

men will follow suit given modern decadence

XX chromosomes mean genius genes on one X chromosone are wiped out by normal genes on other X chromosone

XY means there is no second copy X chromsone to override the genius genes (or the dunce ones). Hence men are more extreme at both ends, whilst women are more normie and cluster around the middle.

you're right
women in this society (and in fact any time of decadence in an empire) have no responsibilities as a group and only view themselves as victims no matter how good they have it.

But let's be honest. Women's looks and not their brains have traditionally been, for thousands of years, their ticket to protection, resources and power. They don't understand concept's like sacrifice and protection or loyalty to anyone but themselves before they have children. What you experienced was basically some version of proto-motherhood at a young age that red-pilled the shit out of you about life.

I've seen this happen to women before and it usually numbs their relationships with their own children since by the time you have them it will be old hat, not a new magical experience.

What are father's supposed to do? Girls run to their fathers for protection at all ages. The father may red-pill his daughter, but the hardest, truest, most lasting lessons are taught in the face of hardship without anyone to run to. And to a father his most priceless treasure is his daughter. His son must go through the fires of tribulation at least at some level to be tempered to become a worthy successor and have his own offspring.

Generally, women don't have to learn these lessons to live their lives fully. Even if they do it wrong.

>Real question, why do you think women evolved to be dumber?
Women have no reason to be intelligent. Naturally, the role a female is to mother offspring and attract males.

>They are probably more attuned to the needs of children and of other people than men can ever hope to be.

Unlikely. Single fathers raise more more balanced kids than single mothers.

>For example, it would benefit a woman, and the society more, to be able to act intelligently based on feeling

Except they don't act intelligently based on feelings either. Men are better at regulating their emotions than women. Men probably feel a larger range of emotions as well, because their amygdala is bigger.

In theory yes. In reality this does not apply. Women consistently score 5-15 IQ points behind, despite being universally coddled by the education system.

They evolved to be more concerned about spawning the next generation of humans, thus your picture, and of course self-preservation. Being physically weaker than men they were forced to use manipulation to control men to get what they needed/wanted.

a fucking sheep

Your flag is badass. Bland design but great colors.

I agree completely. I do however believe that for a woman and a man, a child that you have made with someone you love; watching it be birthed into the world and growing up would be a truly humbling experience and even though I was a third parent I think it will be a special experience when and if it happens.
As for any father; their way of raising a child will differ from man to man. And you're right, you can argue or reason with someone as much as you like but until they've experienced something first hand they cannot understand.

I don't know the answer on how to raise a well-rounded, mindful, caring a respectful daughter. I am not well-rounded, I have grown up a bitter, damaged person. But I think the main problem for women in this society is their feelings of entitlement and their complete lack of being able to put themselves into someone else's shoes.

The genius genes get propogated more and the dunce ones which Darwin awards themselves out. Only the sons make use of the genius genes

Do you see any inventions by white women?

What about men like Socrates, Galileo and Jesus? They weren't allowed to express themselves either, and yet they did. Stop making excuses for your dumbass gender, you brainwashed cunt.

They weren't forced into that position, you sheep shagger. Being a housewife was a cushy as fuck job for most of human existence. Whereas men had to do all the hard labor of tilling the earth and reaping wheat or other back-breaking and/or dangerous jobs, all women had to do was keep the home well-kept and take care of the children. And they had control of the larder which was pretty much full control of the family because food was scarce for most of history.

>very intelligent

If I had a dollar for every time some schmo said their broad was smart and she turned out to be a ditz I'd be a richer than a kike.

I guess what I mean is that women do have vital functions in society. For example, I definitely think women are better with kids, sorry if you had a bad mom, but plenty are actually super loving and sweet. And help raise children so the dad can go do shit. You don't need an IQ of 150 to raise children, especially if they're being educated by someone else anyway.

And women do act intelligently based on emotions.

For example women can usually tell what their baby wants just by the way it is crying. They know if he's hungry, has to shit, or whatever. I think with guys it's a bit more hard to figure out just what's going on there.

idk, women can make kids and that alone secures their value, their value is not predicated on intelligence or strength like a man's value is.

Is it similar to the lack of innovation and individual enterprise amongst Asians vs Whites (depsite having comparable IQs)? Not enough testosterone perhaps, or indicative of a deeper difference.

>As such, intelligence became testosterone-activated.

As memey as this is, this is actually true of spacial-rotational intelligence, which I suspect is a huge reason for lack of achievement in things related to physics and engineering.

Biological division of labour & trade specialisation.

I knew it was gonna be stupid before I read it. Then I read it anyway. It was dumber than I thought it would be.

Y chromsone doesn't have very much info on it. XY is more consequential because it means a mutation/abnormal gene on the X chromosone can't be overwritten by a normal gene on the other X chromosone (which doesn't exist in men, men only have one X chromosone).

>its other peoples fault im a worthless dumbshit

also tits or gtfo

Can Asians do it? Testosterone differences is one theory of why Whites differ from Asians. Autonomous individuals vs hive mind autists.

your mom suckig nigger dicks

Women need to hurry the fuck up and evolve past the primitive instinct of having sexual attraction towards physical fitness. We need intelligence, not fit bodies. Why the shit are female breeding standards still set on primitive? This is a huge problem. White men are losing out to inferior shitskins simply because women haven't been able to evolve the instinct for breeding with a male of intelligence and only see muscular brutes as attractive.

the biggest problem for women in this society is and has been the systematic destruction of the family unit being able to create good mothers and fathers.

Liberal socialist welfare society creates weak adults with no loyalty to family and no self-responsibility and self-drive.

The counter-response to this is Christian traditionalist fundamentalist values. The problem though is a lot of churches during this time are compromised and more of a conservative country club attitude than family building.

Never under estimate the damage and warfare capability of a powerful spiritual enemy with a lifespan exceeding the entire length of human history can inflict.

>Real question, why do you think women evolved to be dumber? Like what reasons incentivized this difference between men and women

because of pregnancy woman evolved different traits than men

you still have men like woman in africa, that hunt kill and do work

Probably the smart ones were killed off/suppressed to be dumb.

I don't deny that men in the past were terrible, but I think women are going too far with this "empowerment" bullshit.
I wonder how long until little boys are humiliated raped and/or killed by their nigger/mudslime pets.

Why did we evolve to only live until 70. It just is. Women are dumb just because.

Humans took thousands of years to reach this point where we have a pretty comfortable and peaceful life and we're still quite shit and only a few steps away from nuking the hell out of each other.

Interesting opinions, i am not that good looking, and i got a limping leg, i am buff but that doesn't help and all the failed tries to gain the love of someone made me frustrated and bitter, not to talk of the rheumatism i got at 20 years old (21 yo now) everything indicates that i should prepare for a short, lenely, painful and angry life

Every smart (& dumb) woman has a ditz mode m8, it's their way of socialising and gaining male attention. Part of it is also not triggering their female friends and signalling they are not rivals/threats.

>mentions evolution
>praises africa and african women while simultaneously bashing western women

you can't make this shit up

It took me a long time to realize that I wasn't a worthless dumbshit. I don't blame anyone for anything, I'm sad that my brother was born (or became) the way he is and I certainly don't blame him for his behaviors.

Studies show that higher IQ people are more likely to believe in ghosts. Intelligence doesn't immunize anyone against believing stupid shit everyone tells them is true. I mean hell half of the progressive dipshits in the academy are probably well more intelligent than average. They're just uncritical believers in an egalitarian ideology.

Just hit the gym fat cunt. There's a reason why Asian women prefer White men.

woman in africa are weaving baskets and shoot arrows and ur petty white woman watch netflix all day you think there are no differences in evolution?

enrich urself