Can someone explain why doesn't he just clean his fucking mouth?

Can someone explain why doesn't he just clean his fucking mouth?

I swear to god this is the only nitpick I have with this show. It almost makes it unwatchable to me.

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more saliva = less autistic audience.

He doesn't to specifically bother you. Your names are in the credits. You're listed as "fuck this guy"


what's it like having autism

Words hurt. I wasn't being ruse just pointing something out that I find annoying in this show.

He's a disgusting old man who probably smells like months old sweat, piss and spilled beer. The drool is just visual que for this.

Remember when John K thought that drool was a goatee?

I like this show alot, but am i the only one who's really distracted by the eyes? I just want to scribble them into regular circles.

Because he's in a constant state of extreme intoxication, and doesn't care about his appearances around people who aren't his old revolutionary friends (all of whome but Unity, possibly Squanchie, are dead) in the slightest.

Hes an alcoholic old man, drool just kinda happens sometimes

all olds, alcoholic or not, have crap around their mouths


The eyes tell you which universe someone is from


it's like asking why africans dont chase the flies from their eyes
after enough years you just give up. no amount of wiping is going to solve the problem for a long enough time to be worth it.

no they don't, everybody has the same type of eyeball

>Dan Harmon fag
>probably wants Justin Roiland scrubbed from the show entirely

Your opinion is wrong. You should have watched some Roiland shorts before Rick and Morty, and that shit wouldn't be so confusing to you.

I would walk out of Africa on two broken legs.

Only subhumans tolerate subhuman conditions.

Is there going to be an SDCC panel this year? Will we get a trailer or something?

>John K thought Rick's saliva was a beard patch


Every character has squiggle eyes, but each character has unique squiggles.