Is she right about Whedon's Batgirl?


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>A Stacy using the word "Capeshit"

More proof Sup Forums belongs to us normies. Abnormal shits get the fuck out.

Discount Emma Stone > Inferior Fanning > Worst Emma

>Emma 'ASM' Stone deserves better than capeshit...teehee but i'm waiting for MemecuntPool.
Fuck this retarded shill.

Also...why does it seem like tumblr hate Whedon a lot more than we actually do?
Its fucking weird and least normies don't care either way.


Age of Ultron pissed them off. And that tweet about how the key to writing a good female character is that she can't have a penis.

So good.


Fuck off normalfag.

I have my reasons.

Foot fags disgust me.

Oh shit, That's what the SJW girls were crying about?


I don't get your love for her. She looks like a more goofy Anne Hatheway. I could say she's talentless but all 3 of them are talentless as is Gal Gadot and Scarjo so eh. Margot Robbie is pretty great.

She kinda looks retarded


Ok, you donlt like me, but what about jane levys feet?


I won't disagree

>not casting an Asian as Batgirl
fucking whitewashing

She is dyslexic after all

No you stupid faggot, the forced Batgirl plot completely destroys the original story and Bruce Timm is a stupid shippercuck that just had to have his OTP fucking while being completely out of character in a story that didn't asked for it or needed if you are going to adapt this you need to use the original colours instead of just making it another run of the mill cartoon bullshit like the JL and Damian flicks.

Stacies don't know about nuMarvel shit like Spider-Gwen or have opinions on Joss Whedon. She's a tumblr girl.

my choice, Jane Levy would be good too

lol From her profile she's likely extremely ugly

girl from the Leftovers desu


Try and make me, abnormie subhuman. You live in our world you trash.

>tfw no Casskino directed by Refrn

Status: triggered

If you cast a small titted woman as Wonder Woman then you may aswell do the same things and cast a cowtit for character with moderately sized breasts

The only correct choice

I ship it. don't care how wrong it is.
the movie sucked. R rating was fake, budget was 0 and in prologue batgirl was some neurotic with anger issues and a sassy gay friend (basically all that SJW love but all the kills stories) whole prologue could have been a YA book with the antagonist having hots for her and her trying to bait him and fail, thus almost getting herself killed.

>NPH as Nygma
>Drake Bell as Nightwing


Rich mans Emma Roberts, fuck yes.

>using capeshit outside of this board

dumb frogposter


Jane Levy is like a prettier version of Emma Stone who can actually act.

Jane is not prettier than Emma, nor is she a better actress.


Literally 90% of actresses are beret and more attractive than that goblin, m8.



That's a good fightfuck

old and busted lol

>Emma Stone deserves better than-


>Waiting for Spider-Gwen
>Has the nerve to look down on "capeshit" and Joss Whedon

Her lack of self awareness would make her right at home on Sup Forums

Fuck off

The girl who plays Betty in Riverdale would make a great Batgirl. Let her hair out, dye it red, and she's good to go.

lmao that primate face



She would look cute standing next to 6'4 Batfleck.

Not nearly stumpy enough.

Jane would be a great pick if she didn't have the proportions of a midget.

Actually it's proof that anything that becomes popular on the internet originates from us abnormal faggots. Except pedos, fuck those.

>Emma deserves better than capeshit
>but somehow it's fine for Jane and Elle

lmao, who the fuck bitch this is? Emma(s) is so mediocre as an actress. Stone/Roberts are cute but neither of them has done anything worth while. Meanwhile, Elle and Jane have both proven they're great at doing different types of roles and both of them would look 10x hotter in the batgirl suit over worst emma(s).

just IMAGINE having taste that shit, bros

when did this thing come from or women wrapping themselves around the opponent and somehow spinning them around come from?

emma :3

Character is a white female with red hair? Why not cast a brown girl with black nappy hair?

idris elba

has the most annoying lisp

this is cute

Seconding this. I think shed be perfect

That or melissa benoist