ITT: Sup Forums approved puppers
2 rules, they have to be cute, and they cant be pitbulls
ITT: Sup Forums approved puppers
2 rules, they have to be cute, and they cant be pitbulls
I need to buy ear protection for my pupper
Do Americans get their dogs circumcised as well? y'know, for hygiene?
Luck dragon.
nah we just cut they're balls clean off
a dead one
An Alaskan pupper
The single greatest dog breed, the Great Pyrenees
A natural state mutt pupper is master pupper, not a 17th century Frankenstein monster.
Do chink dogs count?
only humans and moles have foreskins
Sasuga, Chink country I can't point on the map.
Dog sheath is effectively a foreskin.
>Posting the best dog
You're alright, leaf
>a girl and her dog's cock and balls
I love my pupper
I take better care of her than myself.
No photo, in phone but...
Rotterman. Doberman and Rottweiler cross, having strength, brains and bravery makes this THE BEST pupper
Someday I'd like to get a golden retriever or a labrador retriever. But Im a single man who works for a living and plan on staying that way, so I probably never will.
An excellent choice. I have one. He farts almost unceasingly
Don't forget my semi-naked body, user.
Thanks man :^)
From the thumbnail I thought that was a Bunny.
Ancient dog breed coming through.
Thanks for that. Hey did you know that a tossing a toaster into the bath makes it just the right temp?
Rottweiler are top tier companion puppers.
Go fuck off back to that normie asylum you piece of shit REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
These guys are so great.
So are all the other dogs in this thread.
thats a very nice RWDS pupper ya got there
I expect this pup to have some kind of name like "Hercules" or something similar. It looks brotier.
My folks' doggers.
Pretty swoll
>not liking puppers
Take your nigger ass back to r.eddit
it's you. you're the normalfag. just think about how you're shitposting.
Is jerky the best way to eat dog?
Jerky's marinated for such a long time, and then dried for a long time, so wouldn't it be the best way to hide the dog flavor?
After the death of my Australian Shepherd (extremely based dog), I got one of these. Black mouth cur. So far, pretty based dog. Kinda aggressive but very trainable. Seems very smart and loyal.
Jezebel was eaten by dogs m'lady.
dayum those dogs clean af
Rate my Übermensch, Sup Forums
Will defend you , warn you of sudden movements , and loves his ball.
>no gun
How can he even compete?
That's a good looking dog
This beast
good dog, gay bedsheets
That's one fat dog. Jesus Christ take that guy on a run
I dig the contrast of a highly smart, loyal dog with a highly loyal, inbred retard.
That was ~5minutes before they became this.
Holy fuck.
> the c-couch
Holy shit, what kind of dog is that? I want it. Beast.
Rate my pupper. She's old (15), but will attack all Jews (and food/squirrels) on sight.
I had a Caucasian shep, fantastic guard dog and loyal pet.
The only people who dislike Muslims are dogs and shit people
Fuck off
Which dog is most aristocratic?
too bad the jews almost exterminated it so we couldnt advance more on the antartida
Based on his breed, probably a pretty cool dog but God damn he's an ugly mother fucker.
More beagle
Wow 15. Adorable and looks very friendly.
We walk him often and he has kids that play with him. He just seems to put on weight. I'm wondering if my in-laws have been feeding him bacon when they look after him because he rarely finishes his dinner in one sitting.
I fucking love beagles, great looking and adorable doggo
Are you all fucking retarded? How did you divine me not liking dogs from calling out the OP for using a stock standard redidiot term?
I love dogs.
I hate OP.
stop worshiping dogs westards, its so fking stupid
Caucasian shepherd. Long time ago it was actually used to hunt bears in Russia. As far as I know it's the largest breed of dogs in the world.
Anyone got an Inu? How are they?
Which dog has the best cock with the biggest loads?
my pupper
I hunt, sleep, eat, relax, run, walk, hangout, cuddle, and pretty much everything with him. Truly is mans best friend. Couldnt ask for a better friend
Rodesian Ridgeback
Dutch Sheperd
Four top-tier, bro-tier dogs. If you ever think you want a dog, pick one of those, train it well and you'll have an amazing experience.
Small dogs are useless, like cats. Fuck that. Get a real dog.
where did you get it? I hear they're very loyal and friendly to their owners but not so much with anyone else
more pupper photos
I'm going to turn her into teriyaki jerky.
15 years old, nice one user. She looks like a great dog.