Amerifats, will you be voting?

Amerifats, will you be voting?

I bet 99% of Trump supporters here aren't even registered, let alone will actually leave their house to vote.
Then they'll cry when Clinton is the ruler.

Other urls found in this thread:

>world events
>political issues

>well thought out
>well written posts
By Canuck standards, perhaps

Take a (You) and make like your flag.

Maybe if they paid people to vote I'd be more interested.

But I don't wanna get off my fat ass

More concerned with networking and preparing for post-US america.

I love shitposting about Shillary and Trump but I don't give a fuck about politics.

I am registered independent. I will vote for Trump in Nevada.

another worthless leaf thread
down the drain it goes

God these Canuck fucks, ever since I moved to this degenerate country they shit on Americans about everything meanwhile they're country is literally ON STILL ON FIRE, they're government is just as corrupt as the US, they're 'free' healthcare is an illusion that's so far up their ass they're using as a third leg with any arguments , their dumb ass prime minister they all voted for just because 'muh legalized weed' then figure out that it was just a ploy to get shit ton more votes for him then finally the biggest of all...


registered democrat in Florida. Voting Trump.

Republicans vote more, and young people are mostly liberals. So you basically showed how Trump is going to win.

Bernvictim here.
I'm most certainly voting, and I'll be casting my ballot for Trump.

Suck it, hillniggers, we could have had Bernie, now you brown and black shits can have the fema camps.

It's nice being white and being able to switch sides when niggers and spics prove their own stereotypes.

I gave you monkeys a chance, and you fucking blew it. You're societal cancer.

>By Canuck Standards
Not in his dreams

We all voted for him in the primaries you idiot. Of course we are registered to vote.


Yes leaf bitch, I will. I voted in the primaries. What you do not apparently get is that trump's side is full of white people that will actually vote. It is the other side that will struggle with this.

Oh God I fell for this shit bait thread.

Trump supporter. Won't be voting because I'll be away at college and live in such a blue state that doing the paper work for a mail in ballot doesn't seem worth my time

The banter is weak.

Whole family and pretty much everyone I know Is registered and voting Trump. Im not going to miss it for the world.

that's a cute snake

forgot to mention none of my senators or reps are up for reelection which further solidified my decision

The more burgers doing their civic duty and voting, the better actually:

Voted in the primaries after work, donated to the campaign, will be voting Trump in the general along with everyone I know. Even the union workers in NY that say the unions support Hillary say personally they will vote trump


No. Locally, regionally, yes.

>Trump supporter. Won't be voting

Kill yourself you pathetic loser

Yes, voted Trump in the primary.

It is better when turnout is low anyways.

Fuck off shitposting leaf

Not voting because I don't support statism