ITT: Actors or actresses who everybody likes

ITT: Actors or actresses who everybody likes


I totally don't like whoever you posted cos I'm epicly doing the opposite of what the thread said, in an epic manner. I'm really cool.



How can you not like this? Just look at that level of acting, the absolute commitment to the role - like no other.

Swinging around like Cary Mulligan's tits

Are you gay? I'm obviously talking about him urinating onscreen, with no prosthetic - very daring and shows his commitment to the role. Daniel Day-Lewis could take a thing or two from Fassbender's book (except he's now retired).

Outside of Sup Forums, everybody seems to like him. Every normie I've ever talked to thinks he's a great actor


I have a female friend who doesn't like him becase he allegedly hit his girlfriend or something

did her name start with m?







It is physically impossible to dislike Kiefer Sutherland.



He made Covenant watchable.





>We need someone who can perfectly portray the family patriarch
>Got ya

This desu, never heard a single flaw of goose

>not raising the seat
>not cleaning your weeny

can't stand his face,

But he just plays the same fucking guy in all his movies, and that was only good for like the first two Pirate movies.

He's a crazy asshole in real life.



He is good, but not great. His adaptability is what sells him most, and he is indeed talented when it comes to that. Otherwise he's pretty average.




he's a big guy

the only guy who didn't like him is dead now


nite owl II?

Just rented Song to Song last night- A must for Fass fans, he really, really goes for it, and under Malick's beautiful gaze acts an absolute Mad Man. Maniacally wrestles nude models, physically attacks mexicans.

>Hey [B]eter!

>Keanu "Post-op dudes, send me nudes" Reeves
>John "He's my chick without a dick" Wick
>Keanu "Don't be silly, cut off your willy" Reeves
>Keanu "Invert your kit or get hit" Reeves
>Keanu "if you're sad, fuck a man in drag" Reeves

instant classic this one.

Walton Goggins. It's impossible to not love him. He steals every scene in everything he's in. Name a more tragic character than Shane Vendrell.


Nope. All Mike/Michael are pieces of shit, prove me wrong.


I hate Fastbender

Walton Goggins. It's impossible to not love him. He steals every scene in everything he's in. Name a more tragic character than Shane Vendrell.


This lad, if he's in a movie it's an instant watch

His left eye is lower than his right eye.

>that thousand cock smile

ur mother had more

daww, did the poor wittle jew get his fee fees hurt?

They said like, not Love, Ray.

Loved him in Hateful Eight

I actually can't think of any non-shitty michael's in my own life wow

kek ouch