Hurrr durrr diversity is bad!

>Hurrr durrr diversity is bad!
>best cities in US are NYC, LA, SF and Boston
>all of them are diversity and tolerant

hmmmm.... your meme is wrong I think.

Look at fly over states and how terrible it is.


Heads up guys this is a slide thread don't reply to it it needs to die before it can be activated ty :)

>Best Cities
>All listed cities are liberal hellholes

OP confirmed retard. All fields, etc.

yeah. and "liberal cities" are best cities in US

Deal with it.

Check GDP data.


You couldn't be a more stereotypical Jap tourist if you tried.

>1 Postru by this ID-sama

Didn't know CTR hired weeaboo fags, they're getting smarter.

No. They're not.

Seattle is a better city than all of them combined. I'm not even American and I know this shit.

BTW, cities that accept extreme leftist indoctrination are shitholes. The blatant racism/sexism against white men in Melbourne STEM employment is simply the most disgusting and overt shit you could imagine. SF and LA are heading down that path, there is no justification for 60% of your IT/Eng workers being Asian when it's clear 60% of your city is not Asian. How is that representative of the community at all?

Tolerance and diversity are literally newspeak for oppression. Makes for a hypocritical shithole.

Only a dumbass asian would use corporate earnings as the basis for a city's prosperity.

Also, NYC is infamous for its police shitting on black people overwhelming more than anyone else. "Diversity and tolerant" my shithole.

Having lived in 2 and visited 2 of the listed cities, I can confirm that if my work wasn't a factor, I would GTFO immediately of all of the listed cities. These places are either warzones or trash heaps. If you're defending any of them, you're a degenerate trashbag who only wants to see widespread your-condition-of-living. With the exception of Boston to a VERY small extent, all of these cities are dirty, minority-infested hellholes with hardly any means of TRUE security aside from one arming themselves, which is exactly what the people defending the condition of these cities want to strip all Americans of.

Currently living in LA, for the record. Tell me why all windows here have bars on residential windows. Tell me I'm wrong.

I'd rather eat my own shit than deal with living in any of those hellholes. I fucking hate cities.

I'd rather live around non-violent whites in the Midwest and New England even if they are poorer.

thank you based japanon

Check wealth stratification and crime statistics in those cities as well.

My brother goes to Hopkins in Baltimore and there are literally armed guards protecting students on their way to school.

Yeah, just shit all over farmers like they're worthless scum.

>LA best city

its got the best weather but its hardly the best city, the traffic the smog and the shitty people all suck

You just listed all the worst cities and called them they best...what?

>Best cities
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHA what a retarded nip


There are only two cities in america. NYC and Chicago.

Hey Jap, your country is mainly Japs and I would argue its better than those shitholes you listed.
Unless of course you're that proxy using black apologist who always comes on.

>live in 94% white 4% Asian Midwest town

Feels good

>oy vey check your shekel production rate!
>surely that conveys with accuracy the quality of life the people there lead

Get out you subversive hooknosed demon.

>>best cities in US are NYC, LA, SF and Boston

Hahahaha fk off good shit

What grows in the desert of Washington.

Hahaha wtf?
Literally no one in America says that.

Don't talk shit about Boston. You're not from here. It's the heart and soul of America, anyone from the North East should know this too. And yes I strongly believe New England is the best place in the US by far. Minus the little fucked minority areas of Connecticut

When you go to these cities I bet you won't visit the "diverse" sections.

California here.
LA is a fucking shithole.
Also, don't forget to sage.

The only hellhole he listed is LA. There's nothing wrong with diversity as long as they assimilate. Some of the worst places to be in America are filled with fat white suburban losers.

You obviously have never been to Boston, it is the most segregated city I have ever seen

Safest states in the US are Maine and New Hampshire.
Fuck off

>"diversity is good guise!!!"
>lives in a country with almost no diversity

Almost as bad as Norwegian who calls themselves communists despite living in a country with one of the biggest free markets

Coming from the most xenophobic nation in history.

Boston is racist as fuck
NYC is a shithole outside of the mostly white wealthy manhattan parts
LA is a complete shithole
SF negroes cant afford to live there so its ok

Flyover states > miserable multicultural coasts

I prefer the green pastures to a concrete jungle and communities that are small enough that everyone knows each other. You won't see police in rural counties shooting people all the time because they know everyone and are better negotiators because of it.

NYC is alright in some places but niggers ruin everything
LA is a shithole
SF is the biggest shithole
Boston is mediocre

How is SF a shithole? It's a sanctuary city but other than that I really liked it when I went there. Even Chinatown wasn't bad.


Read my other post thanks

First off, LA is a fucking shithole.

Second off, Boston is mostly just half Irish and half Italian (eg almost all white)

Third, the others are great IN SPITE of diversity, NOT because of diversity

And even then, these being the best places in the US is 100% subjective

NYC legalized public urination a few months ago.

SF streets are sprinkled with human feces and aggressive panhandlers.

No these are not nice places.

LA here.
Please kill me.

>Thinking NYC is a good place to live unless you're rich

Topkek, friend.

>Your final point

Agreeable to an extent. Live somewhere off the map. If the mainstream media hasn't talked about that city/state (with the exception of Tornado Alley) in the past few years, the better off you are.

Boston WAS half Irish and half Italian. It's a melting pot of whites now, and some shitty nigger population too. Best city in the US by far. New England itself is the best part of the US except for the little minority groups building up in Connecticut

>>best cities in US are NYC, LA, SF and Boston

are you brain damaged?

those are fucking terrible

All these god damned newfags replying to the infamous proxy-jap shitposter.