Daily reminder
If you have the "yellow fever" you are a fucking degenerate
>You're not better than women talking black dick
Daily reminder
If you have the "yellow fever" you are a fucking degenerate
>You're not better than women talking black dick
As my gramps said, "burn the rice, pay the price"
I have no problem with every white woman getting knocked up by a nigger if it means I'd be able to fuck asian women.
As my uncle said, "Screw an Asian, then it's treason"
Can Mexicans fuck the black women?
I suppose that makes me a fucking degenerate
Sure, you can even have the white women
As my uncle said, "Time is ticking, have fun"
I am degenerate
>pic related my gf
you are a degenerate and have lulled into the false song of asian pussy
im canadian so im not white any way
What a bunch of degenerates
It's okay, I'm Mexican-American and my girlfriend is Filipino-American. They're the Mexicans of Asia.
>Always been a socially awkward fuck
>No kiss, no gf in highschool
>Finally manage to get an asian gf in uni now
She's nice and all but at the end of day I know she's just a consolation prize. I couldn't handle white girls and the man upstairs gave me this one. It fucking hurts knowing my children probably won't have blue eyes, blonde hair and will almost certainly be half breed chinks.
White Men who like asians:
>they are hot, sexy and cute. They have an interesting culture that i have a big interest in. Asians seem like women you can love
White woman who like blacks
>big black dick
>i need big black dick
>i hope thos black guy has a big black dick
your kids will end up hating you, their self hating mother, and especially themselves
If you have blue eyes and you fuck an asian who usually have brown eyes it's a 50/50 chance she'll shit out a baby with blue eyes.
Here we go again, another ass hurt white knight.
>cannot into basic genetics
>what are dominant alleles
that doesn't rhyme, son.
Half-white Asians are based.
Harder working and more down to earth than 100% whites
Less awkward and culturally pressured as 100% Asians
Marriage and Divorce: As a group, Asian-Americans have the highest percentage of marriage (65 % versus 61% for whites) and the lowest percentage of divorce (4% versus 10.5% for whites).
Difficult to compete when I have a better chance of not losing half my shit and my kids and can live a fulfilling and happy life
>Half-white Asians are based.
Stop reading there
They are prone to be psychos
You're also a pathetic beta.
Where did this meme come from?
Don't say "Elliot" because his father was a Jew, not white.
i gotta be honest
asian women are fucking the most money loving greedy gold-diggers on earth
and latinas are the most angry, yelling, violent (non-lethal) women on earth
flips are a combo of the two and that's just plain bad
I don't like asian women for the same reasons white women like niggers so it's ok.
they'll beat you to death or run off and leave you with a kid and not help?
knowing about anything useful about people that aren't natives, eurospics, or mestizos. okay Juan.
As my Dad said, "Were you looking at my porn stash? You better not tell Mom."
it's a white supremacist meme
But Asian women are my only hope as a 5'1 manlet.
holy shit
The fuck is wrong with you, leaf. There are tons of cute 5.0' girls in Q-bec.
my girlfriend looks asian-ish her great grandmother was chinese
Where in Quebec? I live in Mtl and even asian women are either my height or taller.
You a dwarf?
what if i have white fever my fellow spic?
Please don't ever breed, else your spawns will have the same shitty life as you do.
What if I have yellow fever and I'm half Chinese?
What then, OP?
It's fine for white men to be in interracial relationships. When a white man gets with a white woman both parties usually see each other as equals and just like each other for who they are, thus the relationship is stable. Interracial relationships involving white women and a non-white man, however, are a train wreck. They're either rooted in spite and an attempt at 'revenge' (the man getting revenge against 'whitey', the white woman getting revenge against daddy) or they are rooted in sexual fetishism (the man viewing the white woman as a status symbol and the woman fetishizing the exoticism). These relationships are extremely unstable and rarely successful.
I have whatever fever I feel like at any given moment
if you don't you are a low test as fuck
Are you shitting me?
Asians have more culinary culture than white Americans, they have more acceptance of things like guns when they aren't informed about them, they take care of their kids and old much better than whites do, they are more patriotic than whites, they use less government assistance than whites.
Granted, I"m a bit biased because I grew up in a town that is half white and a third Asian in western Washington and I never really thought of Asians as being a different race any more different than I was for being Italian.
>inb4 Sup Forums calls me a dirty calabrian wop just to sound contrarian
Also my wife is a Chinese dwarf who was adopted by a giant white woman when she was 7, such my dick.
Degenerate! I, on the other hand, have "maple fever" and will get dual citizenship.
i mean, do white fever even exist?
isn't natural to prefer white women?
don't listen to brazil telling anyone not to breed
breed in brazil's face and kick him in the balls
fuck brazil
i hate brazil
fake humans
pretend human beings
>its degenerate if you're not taking it in the ass by your feminist man-lady who demands all your salary and sucks chad's dick
>You're not better than women talking black dick
But that's wrong, because having yellow fever doesn't necessarily mean you act on it (which is the case for me). Comparing that to an act (taking black dick) is disingenuous.
>posts a horse face
East-Asians are the only race that outperform whites in education and non-criminality, so having kids with one isn't nearly as bad as burning coal. They'll still have mongrel genetics though.
>Tacoma, Washington
Degenerate southeast asians are not the same as a regal Japanese or Korean
>and old much better
Hello Chang.
ever heard of outbreeding depression ? the fact that racemixing is more degenerate than cosanguinity ?
Just a casual manlet. Drawfism is 4'7 or below.
what if i want my latinas
All over. Are you even looking?
I was just talking to a friend about this recently who has a Chinese gf. She seems pretty great, but I asked him about what his kids will look like, and asked him if he was ok with the white race vanishing.
What else should we discuss?
5'7 is casual manlet. You're a hardcore manlet.
Talk about why you are talking about really cringey topics dealing with his procreation, you mong.
Not true, Jews are more intelligent than asians or whites and also more peaceful
Stop being such a bunch of whiny faggots.
As long as you don't marry it's ok to use any none white as a fuck toy. This because men are superior to females.
>implying miscegenation matters for the males of a race
Men are biologically disadvantaged and reproduce at magnitudes lower levels than the females. Men spreading their white seed to other races is WHITES winning you dumb faggot.
Only women are supposed to not race-mix.
Casual manlet detected.
White dicks in black chicks is actually the strongest coupling? what gives?
Move to the US. Ladies will love your accent. Women often have trouble forming personalities of their own, and would love to be known as the one dating an Aussie. You don't even need to be that attractive, just fit. I'm serious, play it up and call people mate all the time and even dudes will love you.
Gee, I wonder who's behind this post...
dating a brit here, shits going fine as of now
It is the future, you cannot stop it.
I don't give a shit anymore. Japs/Koreans have white skin and are close enough to being white, and western women are gutter trash.
Mexicans are gross. Just slightly above niggers.
I'm in Texas. This is more of the reality of the illegals here. Please deport.
But they don't have the soul that white people have. They don't have souls, actually.
But still above racist white trash. Give your daddy a tender kiss after he beats the shit out of you and rapes your asshole, yet again, tonight.
>le all mexicans rook same
>le mexicans are a race
Nigger, please. This Mexican woman must be gross too right?
Nice try, I'm asian.
Fuck it into them m8
No, I'm gay. She's just a baby incubator to me.
Sure they do. Just not the chinese, who happen to hate Japs and Koreans.
No, being a weeb and jerking off to anime does not make you Asian, no matter how much you wish it would.
Lol. I was talking more about Japanese and Koreans. Chinese people are forced to work in little labor units for measley wages. They're spiritually well. They practice kung fu and meditate and shit. The Japanese are like Santa's elves. Little trinket builders.
I'm Chinese. Was born there.
Anyway, this is more of the reality of the type of people in Texas. Fat, short, ugly Mexicans who speak loud Mexican Spanish everywhere.
That's a European you faggot
there are plenty of Europeans left in Mexico
>Virgin basement dwellers believe they can convince me not to breed with my hot asian gf and make glorious, beautiful, eurasian kin.
It's like you can't even see how cringe-worthy and butthurt you look. None of you microdicked elliotposters have an "aryan gf" (I actually have before). Most of you are just asian-american beta males with crippling anxiety that are furious that fat white weebs are getting your women. The thing is, even your most beautiful women are getting swept up by good white men with looks and a high-salary career. There is no escape from your destiny: Give. Up. You. Inferior. Organisms. Culture will not protect them from their natural desires. The rest of you are just r9k-pol crossboarders who get mad at racemixing and then proceed to jack off to JAV and BLACKED videos immediately after. Trust me, actual attractive people are doing just fine, regardless of race.
Go ahead, post le subreme gentlememe just like christfaggots post fedoras. Top fucking kek. Don't forget to take your anxiety medication before posting!
Already half nip, so might as well go for it
It's not even yellow fever per se, I just fell for someone who was asian; I'd be just as attracted to a white girl with the same qualities
Not a nigger though
Idgaf what color a chick is. If she makes my dick hard, that's nature telling me to fuck that chick, and there's nothing more red-pilled than listening to nature.
Never heard of her, but I know who I'm fapping to tonight.
Got too heavy handed around the "give up" part, don't be so on the nose. Never forget: trolling is a art.
Stormfags and guys who have yellow fever need to go back
As a mexican without a shield i say shut the fuck up faggot
Sure you were, champ. Sure you were.
Sup Forumsfags talk about how Asians are better because white women are sluts but Asian women are also really slutty. You guys who believe they arent are so naive
no data for yellow/black because monkeys are a delicacy in china and you don't taint your product with your taint
Mexican is not a race, it is a nationality. Not even the Amerinds look the same or belong to the same culture/tribe. Same with mestizos, harnizos, criollos, etc.
but its not far from the truth. other than israelites, when was the last time a jew stepped up? when was the last time a jew didn't defend you in court?
t. Wang
Burger food > Asian food any day of the week
t. Zheng
Black to White = lower IQ. White to Yellow = Higher IQ.
Praise Kek