>Duke is running for the U.S. Senate from Louisiana, and he pledged that, if elected, "nobody will be more supportive of [Donald Trump's] legislative agenda, his Supreme Court agenda than I will. I'm 100 percent behind it." He criticized Republicans and "so-called conservatives" who were balking at Trump.
>"There's a lot of political correctness in this country," Duke said, later adding that critiques of Trump as bigoted or racist were "nothing more then epithets or vicious attacks." When he announced his bid, Duke said that he was pleased to see Trump "embrace most of the issues that I’ve championed for years."
>In a recent poll conducted by the University of New Orleans’ Survey Research Center, Duke gets the support of about 13 percent of the state, with more opposition from older voters — who likely remember his past runs for office, the pollsters note — than younger ones.
>But here's the weird thing, as the New York Times' Campbell Robertson pointed out on Twitter on Thursday. Duke, a former leader of the Klan, gets support from 14 percent of black voters — a figure that eclipses the support Trump gets nationally or in nearby Georgia in a new poll from that state.
>But it's not like 14 percent support is good. The contrast here is mostly because Trump's levels of support among black voters are so bad.
David Duke, the notorious former KKK leader, had a 14% approval rating among black voters for his U.S. Senate run, the University of New Orleans’ Survey Research Center reported in its findings.
The Republican presidential candidate has only been able to muster a measly 1% of black voter’s support, according to the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal polling.
By Dr. Patrick Slattery — A new poll released by the University of New Orleans reports that black support for Dr. Duke’s bid for Senate is actually higher than his white support. This in spite of the fact that Dr. Duke has said he will be a voice for white interests in the U.S. Senate.
First of all, it must be said that white interests and black interests are NOT diametrically opposed, and that the policies pursued by our elite have been detrimental to both races. There is actually much greater overlap in interests than most people realize. There is the obvious common interest in controlling the boarder. Massive immigration is turning whites into a minority, while it is completely marginalizing blacks, whose numbers have already been exceeded by Hispanics.
Still, the poll reports that, even in a crowded field of 24 candidates, 13% say they will vote for Dr. Duke (14% among blacks), which would probably be enough to finish in the top two and go on to the run off in December. Yet, in every single election in Duke’s career he earned more than twice the votes the polls predicted, so on that basis he is probably in first place with between 28 and 30 percent.
>Stop the ethnic cleansing of America >End the Fed - Take back our money and our country >America first foreign policy >Term limits & total campaign reform >Stop the racist discrimination of affirmative action programs >A flat tax & and end to the IRS >Education: Save our schools, our kids, our future
I guess because not that many of us live in Louisiana so what are we going to do besides vote in polls on twitter and shit?
Kayden Reed
He made Trump look bad by endorsing him.
Looks like people are going to have to start taking him seriously though.
Jeremiah Brown
just riding on the coat tails of hating political correctness gets you a solid chance to win an election in this day and age. Everyone is fucking sick of that shit.
Does he actually have a chance? Is Louisiana actually crazy enough to do it?
Zachary Morgan
absolute madman
Logan Rogers
Well considering calling everyone you dislike a racist nowadays makes nobody gives a shit about the term anymore racist can actually get elected now.
Anthony Carter
I suppose the tide had to turn. Now we wait before the "new alt right" takes this to the extreme as well and abuse it, before the "PC left" rises again.
Jaxson Bennett
Ayden Williams
Duke isn't a racist you dumb faggot.
James Hill
Yes, it would be great.
Just remember I need to pick up My Awakening. For some reason a family member has a signed copy of it.
Angel Ortiz
Because he's polling at 13%. Didn't you read the article?
This is a chance to get him an actual US Senate seat. This shouldn't be taken lightly.
Look at the numbers, it's realistic. Actually, his chances of at least qualifying for the runoff are high. It's probable.
Ryder Cox
He could also be the first name on the ballot.
Jose Gray
But what Mika and I found offensive ended up attracting even more Republican primary voters to Donald Trump’s campaign. His approval ratings kept rising over the next two months, and in last week’s South Carolina primary, 75 percent of South Carolina’s GOP voters supported that same Muslim ban.
The day I hung up on Donald Trump, I asked on air, “Is this what Germany looked like in 1933?” Later, I warned Republicans that Trump’s rhetoric could lead to a brokered convention where “the party will kill itself.” But it looks like I overestimated primary voters in the early GOP contests. A brokered convention is now just the fantasy of Republican elites and Marco Rubio fans. The harsher reality is that the next GOP nominee will be a man who refused to condemn the Ku Klux Klan and one of its most infamous grand wizards when telling the ugly truth wouldn’t have cost him a single vote.
So is this how the party of Abraham Lincoln dies?
Luke Evans
Duke is redpilled on the J.Q.
Aiden Reed
I live in LA. I'll do my part.
Josiah Myers
I can only imagine how glorious it would be to have an actual stormfag in the US Senate. Don't fuck this up Americans.
Dylan Green
Now it gets scary. Yep, fascism is a live and well in America.
>David Duke vs. Alex Jones youtube.com/watch?v=sPa1wLvCovE
>David Duke vs. The Young Turks youtube.com/watch?v=FrnfplmjMOs
Angel Johnson
I like him, but why does he keep saying he supports Trump and so on? Doesn't he realise he's hurting Trump's chances of being elected?
Connor Taylor
The media has already tried to attack Trump with David Duke.
It didn't work.
Brody Taylor
like Trump has any black support anyways nobody cares at the end of the day.
Charles Moore
Samuel Jones
>grammatical error in the first half of the first sentence
He's absolutely right, but did anyone proofread this shit?
Alexander James
Are you some kid or are you ignoring Duke's past?
He got convicted of tax evasion and during the trial it turned out that he sold his donor list for 90 grand. He plead guilty but tried to say that he only did so because the trial wasn't going to be fair. After doing prison time he ran off for a few decades and did fuck all while the situation in the US got worse. Now that Trump is trying to turn the nation around he comes back and latches on to him like a damn barnacle.
Fuck this guy I hope one of his crazy followers or some antifa puts a bullet in him.
Logan Reyes
I don't care.
Make America White Again
Tyler Perry
Nathaniel Walker
You think anybody in Louisiana can read?
Jace Hernandez
Gabriel Mitchell
This post fully explains this entire election cycle. It's to the point that some folks do not give a rabid fuck what anyone thinks of their opinion; they will cast a ballot for who they damn well please and if you don't like it you can suck on a rock or start a fistfight right fucking now over it. If you choose fistfight over rock sucking, they will punch your ass right back because they are not fucking around. We are headed right for a civil war and there's no stopping the thing. This election will end with no majority in the Electoral College and that will make for a constitutional crisis. There are too many presidential candidates approaching a critical mass of 10%+ of the vote to prevent such an outcome. Without an Electoral College majority, it will fall on Congress to pick the president. They will either accept the plurality candidate (likely Trump) or put forward an establishment Republican. And it won't be Paul Ryan; dude enjoys breathing too much. If they pull such a stunt, public outrage will be YUUUUUUUUGE. Whoever they seat in the chair runs a high chance of being assassinated. Even if such a person lives, people in the main will not accept the results and WILL revolt. It will be the Not-United-States-of-Somalia in somewhere between 48-72 hours and you can kiss electricity goodbye for about 5 decades because the all of us will tear down anything that looks like an organized society until we decide to calm down, which will take a very, very long time.
Lincoln Sanders
A KKK-member becoming a senator.
Carter Kelly
You act like that's never happened before.
Jacob Williams
Isaac Stewart
Why on earth would blacks vote for him?
Oliver Morris
Dylan Miller
Based Bowie look-a-like.
Eli Lee
He was a state representative in Louisiana.
Ryder Sullivan
I want him to win just fuck with the media. His public policies are pretty solid but his private thoughts are a bit extreme especially on Jews and white genocide. That shit shouldn't be going mainstream.
This fucker needs to stop talking about Trump though
Brandon Reed
Low information voters will do the damndest things.
Gabriel Allen
14% is actually pretty much expected given that 80% of all blacks vote for the Democrat Plantation in every election.
Carson Wilson
This whole cycle is about fucking with the media and the D.C. elites every bit as hard as they have been fucking with the average American over the years. It was bound to happen eventually. People are not just going to sit back and eat shit forever when they don't have to do so.
Eli Nelson
Trump would get around 14% black support too if the polling was better. In the recent NC poll, he was around 20-30%. I forget the exact number and I'm too lazy to check
Robert Miller
>That shit shouldn't be going mainstream.
Most whites have never even been exposed to the term white genocide. Just having concepts like this brought up in the media at all is a victory for our side because some whites will think about it for the first time and realize it makes a lot of sense. A media blackout that prevents ordinary people from learning our views exist is far worse than media criticism.
Landon Watson
>truth shouldn't be going mainstream >we should just work within the frame that kikes want us to
Luke Edwards
The longest serving member of the US Senate was Robert C. Byrd. He was a Klansman at one point in his life (though he later left and renounced the organization), and was likely a member on the day he was sworn in to his Senate seat.
Jacob Price
A lot of Tommy Sotomayors listeners are black and he has had David Duke on his show a few times. Probably garnered some support there when they actually heard his views without being unfairly discredited and attacked.
James Harris
Guess I'm a #SpookforDuke
Eli Barnes
thats cause they cant afford media saturation
John Ross
Liam Barnes
It's interesting how professors and shit are doing research into this guy and not BLM faggots and why they keep terrorizing the country
Xavier Lewis
shit; duke surfs the chans
Christian Gray
Mainstream movements will start white national militias similar to BLM. We'd have an actual race war instead of a unified front against BLM
Sebastian Jenkins
Landon Russell
>Mainstream movements will start white national militias >We'd have an actual race war
And these would be bad things HOW?
Brayden Mitchell
Ballotpedia, which claims to be objective, is against us
Gabriel Gonzalez
Pink flesh. That's how you know he's pure White.
I bet his nipples are like strawberries.
Xavier Reed
Lincoln Ward
Civil wars are bad for economic progress even if their causes are just. Increased tribalism is bound to be very bloody and rip the US apart. We'd lose the south and south west and the north would be pretty burnt up. Read this book if you haven't already resist.com/CWII.pdf
Isaiah Nelson
William Thompson
If your main concern is "economic progress" become a Progressive. I am serious. Globalism makes you richer. Satan has always used wealth to tempt the human heart.
The point of being a reactionary is that metaphysical ideals are set above materialism.
Kayden King
>Actual Neo-Nazi/White Nationalist thread
Jeez, no wonder American politics is a joke.
Thomas Diaz
>Ethnic cleansing And some Amerifats actually believe it is happening.
Leo Robinson
>list of people and things said people are most notable for
Connor Peterson
I am a reactionary. I'm just a nationalist rather than a racial reactionary. The economic and political well being and infrastructure of the nation must be preserved even if our global standing and the position of our allies falters. Every action should be taken to ensure the stability and unity of the populace even if that means stopping immigration. That's why I think Duke goes too far in some areas but still support him in order to destroy the progressives and their media monopoly. My 80% friend is not my enemy.
Cameron Gonzalez
>I vote him because he is black/white/woman/or whatever and I feel like he represents my ethnic group
Identity politics in the worst form. I thought only the left plays with it.
a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
America isn't a nation.
Jackson Foster
Nah, American politics is a joke because the military industrial complex uses tax payer dollars to lobby both parties for more tax payer dollars
Josiah Flores
but that is objectively true
Jaxson Cox
It has the potential to be
Ethan Hill
He's a former Louisiana state representative as well, which is arguably much more relevant.
Nolan Rivera
Blacks can barely be bothered to vote for the president, let alone senator or any other lower political election. Probably why Republicans have been winning more seats in the senate these passed years
Lucas Wright
yes, but putting former state rep would be more relevant
Nolan Morris
>lead the KKK >not racist
Pick one
Evan Nelson
Why? Duke played a prominent role as KKK leader and still involves in white nationalism.
He was a state representative only briefly and hasn't held any office ever since.