Will the white race survive Sup Forums?
Are whites kill?
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Nope. Whites are done. And with us civilization ends.
We're the elves in the Lord of the Rings.
never say never user
What a bullshit map, everybody knows that Argentina is white.
in the global age we live in, whites truly are minorities, yet without whites civilization as we know it would cease to exist.
mixing is the worst threat - as long as whites still live they will most likely be able to survive
Latin America is 25 - 40% white and Asian Russia is over 90% Russian so this is all sorts of retarded
russians aren't white, they're slavs
We will survive, even if it means the last of us are living high up in the Appalachian Mountains, slaughtering anyone who trespasses into our lands
americans aren't white either, you're all anglos.
so who are whites? nords?
Anglos are just an offshoot of German. German is as white as they fucking come, el spico! Celts are also white
>Celtic master race reporting
Yes, if you consider slavs white
>brazilians cannot be white
Oh boy, are you running with that?
Sup Forums's race definitions are retarded, anglos, slavs, etc... Are all white.
Stop asking.
>nigger detected
"White" no longer has any meaning. I propose the following:
Hwite = Northern Europeans minus Finns
White = Mediterraneans/Slavs etc
This Thread in a nutshell
Study history. These things as cyclical. The current white empires are about due for a collapse. But when ever that happens something new and better rises up in its place.
Stop bitching about the now and focus on the soon to be glorious future.
>Glorious future
The thing is, when white empires fell, another white empire rose. Not this time because of the changing demographics.
The transitioning periods between empires are the nastiest bits of history.
No races will survive, they will all just meddle together.
roll for a new ??????????
No better time for a nuclear war.
I keep reading a meme that we have dominant genes. If it's true, then we'll survive.
If not, I don't give a flying fuck any more. Some other cultures might be a bit retarded, but the West is the most degenerate on the planet. I hope Asians dominate the globe after we've fallen, and not our ((other friends)).
what is Ireland supposed to be here?
But you wont...
a potato, smart guy
The white man's final revenge is his extinction.
Or at least tell yourself that. Once whites die out the nogs will go back to living in huts without thinking twice.
why is there a potato suspended above the magical cock and balls?
The white man will march on until the end of time.
Yeah nigga just fuck it
But certain friends of ours have cemented themselves into a global society, and the old patterns of history are no more. Things will change now that they're high in the food chain and not moving from there.
History has proven that societies that value individual freedom are more successful then those that prioritize the collective.
White nations will fall due to the irrationality of leftists and the hypocrisy of those claiming to be on the right. Some non-white country or Russia will fill the void. People that didn't listen to our warnings will suffer most. The unprepared fools will fall into violence, poverty and mass death. A few of us who prepared will be caught in the mix but if we band together we can minimize loss.
Women always fall in line when things are going bad. Their narcissism is only a problem during good times.
The new nations will build, will learn from the past and have a level of freedom never seen before. The next stage of society will begin. But we will easily and quickly out compete who ever happened to take benefit during our transition phase.
There are dark times ahead of yes. But don't despair, a better tomorrow awaits.
The world's fertility rate is 2.5. MENA has a fertility rate of 3 and subsaharan Africa is sitting at 5. I think we might be fine if everyone begins donating contraceptives and infrastructure for these places
Aryans obviously
The only thing stopping whites from cleansing the other races from the earth is lack of desire to do so.
If it ever gets bad enough to where no one is sheltered from the concequences, whites will be forced to reassert themselves. We're already seeing the tide turning though, so we likely won't have to get there before the consensus shifts.
True, yet the existence of the ethno-linguistic Slavic race causes many amerifats and some euros with autism to feel so insecure about themselves that they proceed to say Slavs aren't white, and it's partly true if you look at it from one perspective, but it doesn't change the fact that many like I've said being vastly inferior feel threatened by a superior people.
Also, immense tears and butthurt incoming in 5, 4, 3.... 2........
they will follow our fate when they get developed
well if Russia, China, and the West all colluded to end them, it would be very easy.
>We're already seeing the tide turning though, so we likely won't have to get there before the consensus shifts.
I hope you're right
I don't want to be stuck in a decline-rebuilding phase
Its always darkest before dawn
I've been to Malmö it's pretty dark all day kompis
Be honest Sup Forums.
Which one?
Over a billions White
>largest numbers in our history
I think we have a chance nigger
>believing that number
Any paler-than-average mestizo/mulatto south of the rio grande is going to claim that they're white.
5-10% of "actual whites" in the united states are at least biracial. Even more are mestizos lying to themselves to boost their self-esteem.
There are 900 million at best, and "largest numbers" doesn't mean shit when there are even more Africans, Indians, and Chinese than ever.
You are bad at Math burger.
>8% of world population are white by loose definition
>50% of whites are old/ageing and not going to have anymore children
>1.8% of the world population are white women of child bearing age or younger
>White birth rates are way below replacement levels in every white country.
>Not 1 single country now exists that has in not openly accepting massive non-white migration and promoting multiculturalism
>Immigrants have birth rates way above replacement levels
>Race mixing among whites is the highest in history and being actively promoted in the media and by the state
White people cannot possibly survive with no racially homogeneous homeland and without a replacement birth rate. Period.
White genocide is absolutely real.
>I promise you this—either the white race will survive or no one will.
Eastern Europe will always remain white.
White genocide is impossible unless governments actively hunt down whites, because as the number of whites diminish the stronger becomes their social cohesion. It's same the reason why Jews managed to survive persecutions throughout history. When you're surrounded by people of different races and cultures, you're bound to look for your equals and, more importantly, inclined to collaborate with them. So you faggots need to stop being nihilistic, whiny pussies and start working towards establishing small white communities in other countries. White majority countries may not be a thing one day, that is certainly possible. But they still may be ruled by whites, as history show us.
TL;DR Whites won't disappear in the foreseeable future, only degenerates will be excluded from the white gene pool by means of race mixing.
White Population(Basically Europeans or people of European descent):
USA: Around 150 million
Russia: Around 110 million
Europe: Probably around 200 million.
Australia: Around 20 million
New Zealand: 2-3 million
South Africa: 4 million
Canada:- Around 30 million
And there are countries like Argentina and Uruguay, whom I have no idea how large their white population is.
You only need ~4500 for a viable gene pool, so it will suck to have to write off the majority of jew pozzed Whites but yes, we can recover if what's left over is pol tier, aka natural healthy ethnic identity and traditions, racially aware, aka not cuckstian.
>White genocide is impossible unless governments actively hunt down whites,
Apparently you're not paying attention, the jew captured governments around the world are doing so to an ever higher degree as time passes.
Promoting miscegenation and destroying national borders, while effective, is hardly the same thing as outright killing whites. The government can't force you to impregnate a niggress, you do it because you're degenerate.
Another thing is that the government is still run by white people, no matter how many minorities they've put there. As long as there are whites as a ruling class their race won't die. They might have to relocate if things go out of their control in a country, but white have been immigrating forever anyway, and America is only a superpower because of white immigration.
Finally, even if I'm wrong, and white genocide is really happening without hope of being stopped, then that simply means white people are not fit to survive anymore and nothing of value was lost.
>is hardly
Work on your reading comprehension.
"to an ever higher degee"
Our jewed governments are moving to the level of outright killing Whites. "home grown terrorism" everything under the sun that's White is racist. racism is terrorism. war on terror. war on "racism" war on Whites. They'll put this lipstick on this pig and we'll see a repeat of what the jews did in the USSR, which they did in the same under the rug fashion.
>The white man's final revenge is his extinction.
>Or at least tell yourself that. Once whites die out the nogs will go back to living in huts without thinking twice.
Oh so much this.
Imagine the shitshow when white people disappear... But their realisations don't !
I let 2 years to mother earth before being destroyed by atom bombs and exploding nuclear plants as well as biological weapons.
Litterally Warhammer 40k tier levels of destruction. Huge battle between Chinese and hindus, iranians and arabs, Spics and latinos, jews and everyone, niggers and themselves...
2 years later the world is killed through diseases and famine + radiations. only a few thousand people remain.
>Our jewed governments are moving to the level of outright killing Whites
Come back here when they're actually on that level then.
Oh wait, you won't be able to, because you'll be dead.
Tough luck.
Yes you fucking retard,white people aren't getting extinct. Percentages getting lower doesn't mean there are less of them.
Russia is 80 percent white, while the U.S about 68, but there are MORE white people in the U.S than Russia (or Poland) due to numbers. Our culture is getting overwhelmed by stupidity yes, but we're not going nowhere.
There are more white people today than there were 10 years ago.
>There are more white people today than there were 10 years ago
>That means other races havent been breeding twice as fast somehow
Do you understand what a percentage is, slav?
I'm atill not unconvinced that the entire world is one big Rhodesia waiting to happen. Once white people die out, as was the case with Rhodesia, the lose of medical research, agricultural ingenuity, and political stability that whites provide go away too. If whites go extinct, places such as the Arabian Penninsula will become uninhabitable due to their relience on whites buying their oil and selling them food. Africa will collapse in on itself without whites being there to cure their ebola-aids-malaria and pay to feed them and give fresh water. The mass death that would come to Africa when whites stop sending them gib me dats will be the largest single famine in human history, spanning the entire continent. The Chinks and poo in loos are poisoning their own water supply and putting so much carbon in the air (which is causing draughts everywhere) that Asia may be uninhabitable as well, unless they expand.
Moronic reply, attempt to "win" the argument with attitude while ceding my position.
god i hope yes
In this sense I'm OK with a massive White die off, as long as it's the christcucks and jewed "progressives." With them dying off so does the turd world and domestic shitskin pets.
> Russia is 80 percent white
More like 95% white. Our muslims are not arabs or niggers, I bet they are more white than average european nowadays. Except for uzbeks and tajiks of course.
Except I had already conceded to the possibility of your doomsday scenario at the end of my previous post. You think I care if half the white ameriburgers go extinct? That's your problem, not mine. If you want to believe you're done with, then by all means go ahead. Non-degenerate white people will outlive you and your descendants (if you ever have any) either way.
Yes, we'll survive. If everyone else does. Because there will always be families who just don't want to. But most whites will probably go.
It's not too late to reverse it, if you go about it tactically.
The sauce I checked said 80, but I believe you. Point is whites will not go extinct, our population isn't even declining. Every white country except for Russia will be completely unlivable for whites however, with an anti-white apartheid, ruled by niggers, gooks and pahjeets with a victim complex.
>be american white anglo saxon protestent
>cause circumcision popularity in north america
>create breakfast cereal
Only in cities, where it's already happening. If you live in a small town with a population of less than 2,000, you're probably good to go.
>not white
wew lad
Many Protestants seriously believe Genesis 17:10-27 is still relevant.
>Are whites kill?
No, and they never will be. And even if whites were to go extinct it wouldn't matter anyway.
In America it's already dead.
Thing is they love taking it up the arse from everyone non-white.
They literally just bent over backwards and begged for it.
I've already pointed out my position repeatedly that Whites won't be done with, only need around 4500 people to have enough genetic diversity, that culling of christcucks and jewed "progressives" would be a good thing since the turd world and shitskin pets would die with them.
It won't survive until they stop the liberal agenda and become orthodox like strict white-white marriage only.
See we have Indian-Indian marriages and white people call it "aaw cute", "aaw such culture" because we put our liberals in Jails and brand them as traitors.
When will you finally remove the curry kebabs before they remove poo?
We are already removing Kebab in Kashmir.
We are hacking Kebabs for having Beef.
When are you starting?
Slavs aren't white, so claiming Russians are 80% white is quite the stretch.
Why don't you kill the kebab for stealing your cows.
Then eat your cows and solve the poverty problem in India. Cows aren't Holy.
Yet Islam is still growing in India and Pakistan has almost a solid alliance with the PRC.
Caucasian muslims as is. Even the whole white race was named caicasian. Once they were pagans, then turn to christianity and later convert to islam (fucking hanks to Turkey and dumb imperial policy during that period). But still some republics in caucasus are pretty secularized. Imagine muslim drinking vodka and praise allah as cheers. Some dagestanians even eat pork, but only under the roof because allah lives on the sky and dont see through roof, lol. Making namaz is also free. A lot of chechens are moving outside chechnya just to get drunk until coma and their modest women turn to slut-mode just leaving the republic (same is correct for kabardinian and balkarian women as well). So its up to you to decide are they muslims or not.
But there is one thing they can teach russians - how to support your tribe and be strong. Learn it.
>Cows aren't Holy.
We know that.
But see, killing muslims over religious sentiments sounds reasonable to muslims as they kill people over Quran/mohammed. Its a smart tactic to kill them without triggering them to on riots.
Also, dude you keep funding Pakistan. You and China are the reason Pakistan still exists. They cuck your government to give your taxpayer money to them to fight terror and they use that money to fund terror.
I know. That will change if Trump is elected. I honestly can't wait for the day India conquers Pakistan. The muslim buthurt will be unprecidented.
Not gonna happen, sorry. They have nukes and will surely use them.
I hope Trump wins even though his chances are low. Hillary is a threat to world.
>I honestly can't wait for the day India conquers Pakistan.
I think, we even have a plan for that.
Mehmet my son, you better check your priveleges instead discussing whiteness during sucking rapefugees cocks.
All India has to do is secretly fund the Shia to revolt against the Sunni majority and neutralize their nuclear arsenal.
>the West is the most degenerate on the planet. I hope Asians dominate the globe after we've fallen, and not our ((other friends)).
Hear hear
Pic releated