My theory is that everything about a successful civilization comes down to impulse control: when you are angry...

My theory is that everything about a successful civilization comes down to impulse control: when you are angry, how well can you control your impulses? When you are emotional, how easily can you return to work?

Note that this has nothing, necessarily, to do with individual self-control: a successful civilization could control its people's destructive impulses through fear or through constant gratification.

But I think the most pleasant societies are those where, though the government does not actively coerce you to control your impulses, the people of the country controlled their impulses fairly well, because not doing lead to an assured death.

I argue that different races have different levels of impulse control because different ways of life demand different levels of impulse control, which are then evolutionarily selected for. A farmer must be able to control himself pretty regularly in order to yield enough crops to survive for the winter. Those who cannot think 9 months ahead, in other words, and then plan and act accordingly, simply did not live long enough to pass on their genes. Leading to many stable farming societies where murder and crime rates are low.

I wish there was some world-wide measurement of impulse control, behavior and planning. But I can't find that. However, IQ is close enough.

Without a doubt, the asians seem to have the highest impulse control of any society, which is no surprise since most of them were farmers.

On the other side of the scale is the spectrum is the negro, who has barely made it into an agrarian lifestyle, and shows a tendency to anger and crime ("crime" of course is relative; in a tribal, hunter-gatherer setting, such low impulse control is not necessarily maladaptive and in fact could be beneficial).

I also think the weather plays a primary role in determining how well a people learns to weed out those with poor impulse control and planning skills. Obviously those who must survive harsh winters must think farther.

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you are retarded

Agreed. Instant gratification behavior is fucking us up.

As for how to reach impulse control? Stoicism is a good start.

you are retarded

pls no bully

stoicism=being a cuck

t. Nip hedonist

IQ has absolutely nothing to do with impulse control. I have to work on my impulsiveness daily,I have very low self control, and a high IQ.

I'd almost argue that higher IQ people have lower impulse control (when corrected for race) because, especially among the extremely smart, high IQ people have to control their impulses much less than others, especially as kids.

Nope. If you are intelligent, you can reason yourself to act in most beneficial manner.

>Nope. If you are intelligent, you can reason yourself to act in most beneficial manner.
>believing this

o i am laffin.

Interesting, but IQ seems to correlate well with those societies in which their members have high impulse control. Again, I cannot find any world data on impulse control, and correlation is not causation.

Also, the smartest people throughout history also seem to be those who can sit for long hours and think - Gauss, Kant, Euler, etc.

I think there are differences between IQ and impulse control, and that is possible to have huge processing power so to speak without much planning ability. But I think that is pretty much useless. A hi IQ without impulse control and emotional regulation is like a Ferrari with no steering wheel.

The closest any organization has gotten to functional stoicism is through Christianity, which had to shoe-horn some very superstitious ideas into it to make it work in the first place. It kind of is a cucked philosophy, all worthwhile ideals have flowed from and through the idea that "its not what happens, its how you react" have put us on top and made us masters of this planet.

order devolves into chaos. its to late to stop what has been started without a massive culling of the population and reeducation of the masses

otherwise gib me dats will fuel the decline of order and the liberal enablers will descend into madness

Would you say that all actions should have a worthwhile utilitarian goal behind them?

I would say I prefer it that way but cannot say that it should be a universal law. I prefer it for me. Some of my actions are automatic, and some of them are planned. I can't speak to what they should be, only to what they are.

Technology has made things a lot easier for us; thus, we become more impatient/impulsive when we don't get the instant gratification like we're used to. That's why each generation seems to get shittier and shittier to the older generations.

I think there's a major difference between intelligence/intellectualism and emotional intelligence/intuitive behavior.
You call it impulse control but I call it having a high emotional IQ, something a lot of smart people tend to lack and therefore accused of being an autist/sociopath.
One might argue that emotions are useless or irrelevant, especially when the landscape of our society seems to be edging nearer pure logical and technological thinking. I find that to be false, while emotions can hinder us, that can also at times project us forward, especially when in a form of stasis, be it financial or otherwise.
The truth path to a successful society is of of cooperation. Unfortanately, most humans are competitive in nature and would rather an "all or nothing" mindset which is dangerous.
It is not impulse control or emotions that are our enemies, but over inflated egos that perpetuate toxic ideas.

>your theory
yeah, I'm sure you came up with this by yourself. this is literally all Molymeme talks about

You have autism AND low IQ. Truly the worst of both worlds.

Yes that term "emotional intelligence" is perfect. I'm talking about the thoughts that let you see your immediate desires and anger is a delusion and there's a huge opportunity cost involved in getting upset and emotional over nothing, when that time could be spent working or thinking.

But I also think the autist differs from the sociopath in that the sociopath often cannot control his urges at all, in addition to being deficient in real emotional depth. Then again, that may just be the sociopaths who get caught. It's very disconcerting that nearly all the literature on psychopathy/sociopathy focuses on those psychopaths/sociopaths who are criminal (ie have gotten caught), when I firmly believe that there are psychopaths and sociopaths who can control themselves really well.

>"""Emotional Intelligence""" is real

Jesus christ you people are retarded.

>inb4 citing kike literature

Regulation of emotions is a skill I would say. Being aware of your emotions, and thereby in more control of them is emotional intelligence.

fuck this website.
I'm not going to be berated by some fucking college dropout who probably in majored in something that has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
Go back to jerking off to your anime, loser.

I like her hips

>like a Ferrari with no steering wheel

Damn it feels like you hit the nail on the head with me.

Now I want to agree with what you say, and it makes sense. But it's hard to think in averages, like how on average high IQ people have more impulse control, when I am an outlier of that average.

I do believe many genius IQ people are never known to be smart, so the data might be skewed by the fact that those with high IQs AND impulse control are almost always extremely successful in everything they try and do.

This seems pretty accurate to me. Impulse control can also accurately be described as part of what we call "Maturity."

To piggyback on your idea, would you then agree that a society is liable to experience issues if it gives considerable attention, power, and credence to adolescents and young adults whose brains have not yet fully developed, and who therefore lack fully functioning impulse control?

Yes, but I think it goes further than that. The mechanisms by which culture was passed down from person to person have changed considerably, just over the past 50 years. Parents do not have the same control over the development of their children that they used to. Impulse control is now expected to be self-developed or state developed, rather than family developed. And the one-size-fits-all methods of the state turn out individuals who need only to focus in 40-minutes class blocks. And even then, the state run public schools don't really develop anything I would call discipline. It sounds like a quaint argument from conservatives, but I find it to be true.

One thing that shocked me was learning that German teens were kicked out of their home and expected to be engaged in some craft apart from their family by the age of 15. This was after 15 years of discipline on the farm or in the craft of the father. Almost every aspect of life was determined by the parent. Today's youth and even the youth growing up in the 60s and 70s seem like a different species from the humans of the past.

Yeah I don't think a person with a high IQ and good self-discipline can be stopped in anything they want to do, mentally speaking. But they are rare and getting rarer, because that sort of impulse control I believe is developed and learned, or the genetic predispositions to self-regulate should be polished through childhood.

Is that a Laney 1x10? Nice.

Holy shit the ultra synth from blade runner didn't age since 1984!!!!

Who is this trouser arouser?

im not reading any of that

her and soe are the hottest women in the world.

Stefania Ferrario

And that's why Christianity is the best thing to happen to the world even if you're an atheist: it nurtured the West.

based Sup Forumsand

Basically what you are saying is correct.

Asians have the highest impulse control, highest IQ, lowest homicide, lowest obesity, lowest addiction, etc. This is due to intelligence, being less impulsive, and having a larger pre-frontal cortex.

Blacks are the polar opposite in all ways.

Studies show that hotter weather makes people more impulsive, gamble recklessly and plan less.

Also colder climates promote monogamy, familial upbringing, morality and lower crime. Countries on the equator are basically savage beasts, while northern and colder countries are most civilized and intelligent.

>I wish there was some world-wide measurement of impulse control, behavior and planning. But I can't find that.

You want the marshmallow study, or the candy test, that attempts to assess impulse control in children and contrasts it with "happiness" attained in later life... really I think it shows adherence to authority and subliminal gesture but they did find in the original that fatherlessness was a big factor in impulsiveness... But they almost refuse to research this now because it could be a racist answer.

IQ doesn't change your behaviour. Culture does, and blacks don't have it.

IQ means nothing if you don't have an education to back it up.

My dick is literally crying right now.



>Studies show that hotter weather makes people more impulsive, gamble recklessly and plan less.

I wonder, does the weather cause them to do these things, or is it that equatorial societies simply do not select for thinking much ahead, since there is "always" fruit on the tree or a meal running across fields? I think people in Mesopotamia must have a relatively high IQ since it is where our earliest civilization sprung up. If weather was the factor and not the absence of a free meal, then we'd see in Mesopotamians much more impulsive and destructive behavior. But even with suicide bombers and religious fanatics, I would rather live there than Africa. There's order, law and even finance, concepts which seem to completely escape black people.

>My theory is that everything about a successful civilization comes down to impulse control

Wrong. It's the opposite. Laziness is the mother of invention. Too lazy to make a fire every day? Invent an oven. Too lazy to walk? Invent the wheel. Too lazy to go to the river to wash? Invent running water.

Literally, laziness is what makes us human.

china is not a country where statistics are as rigorous as in the west

we have asians in the west, but we usually get the cream of the crop (a couple billion means millions of 140+ iq)

using only those asians in your "impulse control thesis" is bad. china is india tier and india is africa tier, whites have the highest iq, so high in fact we have the facility to calculate everyone into our statistics, and not just new york and la (if we were chinks)

You're right. I think the basically whole Sup Forums debate can be reduced to the problem of self-control and willpower. The less self-control you have, the closer to animal you are and vice versa. Willpower is the ability to overcome your low urges. Willpower builds civilizations and achieves greatness.

And now the most important fact - I think we witness the war on willpower today. People with low willpower can be easily controlled. Therefore all the porn, hedonism and instant gratification. The globalists need obedient, easily controlled sheep.
Degeneracy is the lack of willpower. The globalista fear the people who can overcome their low urges like fear, lust etc... THE JEW FEARS THE SAMURAI. Remember this. Pic related.

>negroid ass
>ugly hair
>looks cringey as fuck

It's probably a combination of many factors.

I remember reading how Chimpanzees developed more aggressively, formed gangs and involved themselves in infanticide because of a lack of food sources. While Orangutans developed the opposite -- more social, empathetic, homosexual, etc, because of greater food sources and less competition. A water way separated the two species from intermingling.

>pierced nipples

More like convinience

Hong kong, singapore, taiwan, japan and s korea arent vigorous enough?

>t. brainwashed kike puppet

successful civilizations have goals. when a civilization gains success and stops working towards a group goal, the civilization stagnates, and special intersts pop up with their own goals masquerading as group goals such as' women/civil/gay/ect rights.

i actually wrote my thesis on what you are talking about.
I believe what this all comes down to is COGNITION. Alike yourself, i believe society should focus more on various different cognitive abilities that visualize a sense of Psychological advancement.
I'm studying towards a degree based on cognitive Psychology, and i must say there is definitely impulse differences based on race, BUT it's also based on nurture, it's both nature and nurture.
essentially there are some philosophies that enhance cognition. Christianity is obviously a prominent one, but theres also Stoicism, which some argue played a role in building Christianity (since it was founded in Greece, among other areas)
I think Socrates said something really interesting in terms of self awareness of your own cognition
"True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing."


America does get the best immigrants from Asia and India. However, Asian countries score highest in OECD PISA rankings and other standardized tests.


lets just cut the shit, here are her nipples

very nice, but piercings automatically deduct points

Stefan truly is becoming one of the great philosophers. People can't even plagiarize him without getting called out on it. A girl I didn't know even said I sound like I'm familiar with him. I immediately tried to procreate with her, but fine woman that she is she already had a boyfriend, and wouldn't cheat.

Why do all the white nationalists look at IQ scores and shit, and then they say that white people are genetically superior to black people? Isn't it irrelevant whether black people are 2nd or 3rd place when the yellow people clearly have the best genes?

he is 100% right you retards.

Yes, impulse control is more important than IQ. But they are correlated as high-IQ results in better self-control.

But for what? For peaceful cooperation in society.

But OTOH for survival in conflict it's better to be an aggressive xenophobic savage, who rapes and loots all who look different.

Finland bar should be yellow colored.

I'm not white or a nationalist, but I'll answer your question.

IQ is simply a test of working memory. Certain occupations are more mentally rigorous and require more of it.

You can find these breakouts on their site.

That's an enourmous simplification. It does not just test working memory. If that were the case, an IQ test would consist of merely memorization and manipulations of memorized information, eg, "repeat this string of numbers, but backwards". It also tests pattern matching and manipulation. You must be able to note all the different factors in a pattern and imagine how they relate to one another or to some hypothesized rule. You have to keep track of your hypotheses and, most importantly, be able to discard them and not "anchor" on them emotionally when they don't work. Its as much emotional regulation as intellectual thinking.

Working memory covers what you said.

>Working memory is our ability to consciously work with information. By conscious, we mean you are thinking about the information, concentrating on it, shining a mental spotlight on it, and ignoring everything else. By work, we mean that you are manipulating the information, making calculations with it, or reformulating it.

The classic example of a job that requires a strong working memory is that of an air traffic controller, whose responsibility is to maintain the safe and orderly flow of air traffic. With hundreds of planes taking off and landing every hour, an air traffic controller must have the mental agility to process multiple variables — such as equipment, weather patterns, traffic volume, precise communication with pilots, and quick calculations. In times of emergency, they must be able to make split-second decisions while effectively moderating the stress of knowing that the lives of pilots and passengers are in their hands.

In a similar manner, your working memory helps you managing the deluge of information that comprises your life: the ringing cell phone, the Twitter update, the presentation that must be rapidly assembled for a client, and the constantly changing schedule.

Scientists at the cutting-edge are beginning to realize the importance of working memory in daily life. In the last decade there has been an explosion of research showing how a strong working memory is beneficial for a diversity of human experience:

Stay focused on a task: Researchers at University of North Carolina found that those with a higher working memory were less likely than those with a lower working memory to let their thoughts wander from an appointed task.

I think you're right. Thanks, I just found inspiration to get shit done. Wish I was more of an ubermensch and less of a 5'10 Neanderthal manlet, though.

OP: This really, really, really made me think.

is dat zarya



There's something off about your pic, OP.


Successful civilization should not produce anger, since when people are already angry that means civilization failed and degeneracy is on the loose.