>be me
>be 5’4
>be indian
>currently dating a white qt3.14
So, whats your excuse user?
>be me
>be 5’4
>be indian
>currently dating a white qt3.14
So, whats your excuse user?
I hope you shower properly and don't eat weird food that makes you smell funny.
Bullshit. I'm a 5'9" white manlet and I'm still a kissless virgin solely because of my height.
Did she teach you to poo in the loo?
>be me
>be 5’4
>be white
>currently dating qt3.14 bf
you have other problems than because I'm the same height and easily get pussy
Getting a girl drunk and raping her doesn't count as dating, Mr. PUA
>Indian lying about sexual prowess
Do try to be a little more stereotypical, BTW you gain absolutely nothing by lying as anonymous. You might as well tell the absolute truth because there's no prolonged judgement for it.
In case Americans aren't familiar with lower class Indian attitudes and culture, they have round about the same attitude towards women that black men have. Too many of them think they are God's gift to women, it's the catalyst for 80% of glassings in nightclubs; Indian thinks he can score with someone's girlfriend because white girls are "easy," that someone turns around and glasses them.
BTW, Indian girls are so hungry for white guys I'd hold off calling white girls easy.
>dating a white girl
So how's disappointing your whole family working out for you
How tall is She?
>be me
>be anonymous
>be mediocre
>currently lying on an image board
Based Aussie laying a truth bomb
>disappointing your whole family
Lel no, the average Indian guy would cut his left testicle if it means having a white wife.
This isn't r9k, you stupid faggot.
This, glad someone said it so I didn't have to
My father doesn't let me keep the hookers that OD in the bathroom of 7/11 he works at ...
Trips dubs.. Nice
Kek it aint your height
do you poo inside her?
>be me
>be 6'0
>be White
>currently pooing in a qt3.14 loo
So, what's your excuse OP?
scared of women i guess
how did you get into australia
How dare he sully the name of Glorious Bharat!
No motivation to do anything.
>be me
life's good
>be Aussie
>get payed for shitposting
I would like a definition of cute and a definition of white.
Foreigners find ugly as fuck girl from the west cute, and most then often, they are also mixed with a skin tone just a little lighter than their foreigner boyfriend
>be me, 5'11", white, germanic
>thick brown hair, bright blue eyes, red beard
>thick, solid & tight body
>still nogf
feels :(
fuck you chang
you're barely a manlet, that's not an excuse
ah, you forgot to mention the only thing that matters, which is facial aesthetics, which I assume you're lacking in since you so conveniently left that part out
Stop being ugly, loser
Faggots like you are the reason why the Jews are winning
>be me 5'11"
>if i dont get girls i steal them
>life is amazing
>people think third world is bad
>paki tells me how he fugged a white girl
>ask him where he picked her up
>k-kings cross
Its like that 99% of the time, the 1% is a human anomaly
No idea. I think I just suck.
My excuse is I am 5'10 and the pretty tall girls have to high standards and I don't want to date a pretty dwarf.
>tfw 7' 4"
My dad is 7' 9" so I am a eternal disappointment
Rape in loo
Picky one
>be me
>be 5'11
>be Canadian
>currently eating out my qt3.14 pupper
I'd date you.
>make $150,000/year
>chef at wendy's
>only 13 years old
I'm already ahead of you
Lmao im 5'7 and fucked at least 14 different girls by now.
It aint your height
Ish, is that you?
Go to bed. You have work in the morning, m8
lmao where do u live that 5'9'' is a manlet, fuckin holland?
The only m8 I got is my hand.