
With Gathering of the Juggalos over, what does Sup Forums think of juggalos in general ?

Would you fuck a juggalette ?


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>12 year old picture

bet they look like the average Juggalette now.

i mean, yeah id have sex with the blonde in the picture, but considering 99% of them are ugly...

Juggalo gatherings are like 3rd world countries: no plumbing, floppy-titted topless chicks, and everyone lives in tents.

People with no identity of their own. And no, considering they probably account for all the people from the Midwest that actually have an STD.

>implying you wouldn't hit 4th place 2016 Miss Juggalette

would fuck the blonde in a heartbeat

>hey user you made it to the gathering! Awesome! here have a drink with me!! =)


She's obviously trash, but those tits are pretty fantastic.

>With Gathering of the Juggalos over, what does Sup Forums think of juggalos in general ?

I think it's utter degeneracy.

>Would you fuck a juggalette?

If she was at least an 8/10, but most juggalettes are basically disgusting.

a gathering of white trash and methheads

clown vomit has a distinct taste of rats and cotton candy


I'd hit it.

just when I thought white people couldn't get anymore degenrate, they went outside in naked and painted themselves with clown makeups.
Your race deserve to be genocide by the Jew.

What is a juggalo?

I have no fucking idea what the shit a jugallo is or what this whole thread is talking about but those are some really great boobs

the very worst of our people

the jews are very pleased

Just leave them alone imo. I did a paper for when Jimmy Norton did a show at one of those fucking gatherings and everyone there is real fucking cool there. They look weird and fucking retarded but Juggalos are actually decent and civil as far as white trash goes. Like i remember seeing 2 awkard fucks kinda standing around and some group took them in and they made them feel welcomed. Also remembered some fucker tried touching a girl and everyone rushed his ass. Its hard to explain, they aren't really degenerates, they're more corny rejects that just want a community to belong to.

Trust me, Juggalos is a way better alternative to anything else these fucking freaks could be getting into. Its all white and niggers think they're wack and wont taint it with drugs and being aggressive faggots that'll start shooting someone for stepping on their shoes.

>love short haired blonde girls
>hate smokers and juggalos


>mfw the place they used to have this banned them in favor of an underground metal festival
Literally the most hated people in America

Let me me think for a second
Oh, he gets butt naked

Juggalos are devout followers of the trash horrorcore rap group called Insane Clown Posse

A memorable quote from one of their songs : FUCKIN MAGNETS, HOW DO THEY WORK?


More ugly half retarded Juggalo girls please.
Preferably with little to no clothing, you faggots.

is juggulo the new cuck? are we gonna have a cuck like movement but with juggulos

Juggalos are drug addled, degenerate retards that paint their faces with clown cum.

then he walks through the streets winkin' at freaks
with a 2 litre stuck in his buttcheeks

>id: Wew


>virtually non-existent tits

you sure m8?

Yeah, pretty much this

They are the old cuck. Channers and the rest of the internet used to shit on juggalos and furries. They were both equally reviled.

The bikini girl has really nice tits but the other one is kinda cute in a trashy way.
Either way I'd stuff my face in their stinky boxes anyday.