Is Jei a good villain? Is he actually going to be in a TMNT crossover with Usagi?

Is Jei a good villain? Is he actually going to be in a TMNT crossover with Usagi?

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No one?

wait, is Usagi supposed to be getting a TMNT crossover? I thought Sakai said Nickelodeon wouldn't do it?

Well something is going on.

>TMNT crossover with Usagi
Just a rumor for the moment. IDW panel at SDCC in few days will confirm it...or not.

>have to deal with garbage turtles for some Usagi

disappointed as fuck.

Zootopia made me want an actual Usagi series/movie so bad

>garbage turtles
You want fist in the mouth?

Hey, the IDW Turtles comic is actually great.

Not the biggest fan of the Nick cartoon though, at least beyond season 1, and if that toyline thing is any indication, having Jei, the soul destroying, body hopping, 'kill you in the name of my dark gods' demon seems...a bit much for the nick cartoon.

Honestly, I find Jei a tiresome villain and wish he's just disappear. He was interesting for a few stories, but now he drags on. He's basically your standard hyper-skilled immortal murderhobo.

Honestly, I find Usagi Yojimbo to be far more interesting when there's little to no supernatural stuff going on in the story.

i'm not a child of the 80s! so i don't care about them

oh shit! HYPE!

These look like figure announcements for sure, but I'd be interested to see if we get an episode of Usagi. A series would be difficult but I'd really like to see Stan get the attention and the money

You're just stupid. TMNT is not just a cartoon from 80's. Don't be so close minded. TMNT is more than that. I wish you can discover the charm of the franchise. Start with the IDW comics.

the ideal would probably be like Adult Swim right? 6 episodes or so

>IDW comics
>not Mirage originals


I love both. I even love Archie and Image. Am I still pleb for you?


I really hope this is true, because holy fuck, Usagi deserves more lovem

Jei is VERY good... In small doses. If he gets too much presence, he becomes a bit tiresome.

Oh man oh man, I've since gotten Yokoi and Space Usagi. I can't wait for October when the next volume comes out.

> Drawn gay Jei x Usagi porn
> Afraid to post it because I don't want to be mean to Sakai
> Don't want my name attached to the piece but have a very distinct style

I know people want this but how can I be mean to Sakai? He's been through a lot.


Where did you get your Space Usagi?

I was a bit pissed about how Inazuma was handled.

That's a quandary.

Yeah. We got little to no introduction to her sans 2 stories and then she got Jei-fucked.

I also feel that Jei's backstory should've been given long ago, Sakai revealing it so late changed little in the grand scheme of things.

It is... I feel ashamed of myself about it. The worst thing the only gay Usagi porn is nothing but his TMNT incarnation. Fuck everything, plebes all around.

She had more potential than just Jei-bait. But apparently Stan decided that Jei-ing the girl would be too creepy, so rather than keep an old host...

You all know he's a slasher flim reference, right?

Jason Voorhees.



Yeah, but that character archetype really works better in different situations, not samurai adventures in 17th century Japan.

I know she was made just to be the host, but her character did have potential beyond that and it's a shame the way she was used.

Yeah, that's why i had the line about "more potential than just Jei-bait". Then again, I may just be a sucker for lady Samurai.

IDW is superior, man. I like Mirage for what it is, and the 80s cartoon and even Image have their charms, but IDW distills all the best elements of the franchise into one place and reinvents the turtles' origin in a way that finally feels like it ties into every element of the series well. Only the 2003 cartoon comes close to topping IDW.

I somewhat agree, but fuck if the IDW pacing isn't rough sometimes. Also, it could do more with some of its characters, but the second monthly series coming next month should hopefully resolve that problem.


Amazon, though I have to admit that it wasn't in the best of shape. I'm going to look into book repair shops in the near future.

Oh, I also picked up Senso.
... Is it OK that I was kinda disappointing with Senso? It wasn't bad but... I was just disappointed.

Everyone hated Senso. It was so underwhelming and when fans were pissed off at how ridicilous it was, there was that whole cop-out of "IT WAS JUST A STORY TOLD BY SPACE USAGI :D"

Weakest of Sakai's work so far.

I already saw this pasta.

Is this a Usagi Yojimbo thread?

Oddly enough, I hear a different theme whenever he shows up.

Looks like it.
Tomoe > Chizu >>>>> Kitsune

It's a tmnt x Usagi thread. If a rumor is true a new crossover is on a way.

I keep meaning to storytime this comic sometimes. The fact most of the volumes are pretty standalone should make it easier than a full commitment to do the enormous catalog but I never get to it. Maybe I'll do Seasons this weekend or something.

I disagree, Kitsune is the best, but I respect your opinion

You should do it, Sup Forums and some TMNT stuff is what got me to check Usagi Yojimbo out at all.

I finally added Usagi Yojimbo to my pull list today, started reading it two months ago and am almost current, just need to order a few issues.

Also, on the TMNT side of things, this just got released.

Not only a furfag but a Disney baby. Explains the terrible taste.

Have you read the early Eastman and Laird TMNT?

Zootopia was a fun movie, despite that user being an ass.

Been through a lot how?


Jei is a good villain when he poses a legitimate threat. The problem is that when he was beaten weilding Grasscutter, it made it so that none of his future onvarnations would be quite as intimidating, so why should the reader fear him?

Jei could be a deadly, scary threat. But he sort of just shows up now, doesn't shore up his resources to make himself more threatening.

Even in Senso he was relegated to bring a joke.

>Even in Senso he was relegated to bring a joke.
But that was a good joke though.

I feel like Jei can still be intimidating, but not when he's sharing a scene with Usagi, which is a problem. Like that story where Usagi stays with the family, gives the kid candy, he has a nightmare about a monster killing his family, and after Usagi leaves Jei shows up and you just know he slaughtered that family.

I agree, yeah. I think if it were a story that pit Jei against Gen, Chizu, Tomoe, etc, it could be super engaging since you don't quite know which way it would go.

I'd like to see a proper fight with him and Gen, especially after the interactions they've had in the past.

I was going to post something along the lines of this. Every time he made a reapearance it was pretty hype for me, especially since he's one of Usagi's more consistently challenging foes with a distinctly advantageous choice in weapon weapon, so it kept you on the edge of my seat.
Unfortunately he was a bit of a bore in the Grasscutter arc that he somehow ended up in the center of.

*kept ME on the edge of my seat
I should think you have your own seat

I liked him in the Grasscutter arc, it's everything after that that's not as good, at least for me.




>Monster Hunters

Might wanna change that name, unless the S at the end means capcom can't sue