Things you won't hear Muslims say
Things you won't hear Muslims say
I won't bomb you
I would never have sex with a child.
this goat isn't sexy enough
>oh look it's this thread again
Kill yourself slide nigger
I take baths daily
Maybe I should question my beliefs
"Stop making these slide threads I'm trying to amass good content and add to the board"
Sage it
No I won't be jihading today Abdullah.
We won
>Non-Muslims have rights too.
>Freedom of expression is sacred and must be protected.
>Jews are people too.
>Women are people too.
>Gays are people too.
>Although I disagree with your opinion, I do not think you ought to be beheaded for holding said opinion.
I was wrong
"I guess I'll be voting for Trump."
>Be Canadian
>Write novel about wishes for muslim community
those kids defending us in america are right by me
could I get bacon on that mashed potato?
"Don't feed that homeless person."
I believe sex with animals and children is degenerate and should be illegal.
hey im making some blt's you want one too? care for a bud light?
"I'll have a double bacon cheeseburger with a pint of lager."
>I respect other religions
>I will not rape children
>I will not brutally murder innocent people
>I respect a woman's human rights
>I respect common law and common sense
The list is literally too long...
"I denounce Hamas and Hezbollah"
I don't actually believe any of that shit in the koran and think Muhammad was batshit insane but, being a muslim lets me move to Europe and rape women, children and young boys and get away with it. Stupid Europeans!
Allahu akbar
>thanks to trump
I'm going to the gay pride parade to show support for them even if I'm not a degenerate. They are oppressed and that isn't right.
>Allah =/= akbar
allah may or may not akbar
You make a good point
I never saw it that way
You're right!
Islam does need a reformation
Honor killings are barbaric
European girls aren't whores
"It is morally wrong to murder gays"
"It is morally wrong to put my cock in pre-adolescents"
"It is morally acceptable to leave Islam
Can I get a Mcrib?
The Jews aren't behind that. No way.
You'll never hear them singing that song " Go away little girl".
Hala Hala Kaboom!
"I respect women"