Was Sup Forums actually liberal back then?

was Sup Forums actually liberal back then?

this place was 60% in favor of obama in 2012 believe it or not. 30% for ron paul and 10% for romney

Never been liberal. Libertarian is a better description.

this is accurate

anarchic, more like

Sup Forums is the opposite of whatever the prevailing societal norm culture is.

That is our place as the hole of the interbutts.

This is why Kek speaks to us.


Whatever gives the best bants and gets the best reactions is the general zeitgeist here, which is why there is such a penchant for extremism from both Sup Forums and /leftypol/

there were way more fedoras.

there were way more vocal pro choicers


ITT, I was never actually on pre 2007 Sup Forums

"Reactionary" is a better word, IMO.