What are some movies about cuckolds?
What are some movies about cuckolds?
i'd lick her butthole desu
would you?
Wouldn't touch her with your hand.
neither my dick or tongue is long enough to reach it
Before surgery looks not bad at all. I wonder who is behind pushing thicc meme.
She looks like a fucking goblin. So disgusting.
Can you be more of a fucking sucker?
Every nigga in the world is laughing at this idiot.
Why use social media whores for nothing other than a screw? Future knew what was up, dodged the fuck out of that scheming hoe.
I'm honestly perplexed that people find this person hot. She looks like a different species. Why do people have such low standards when it comes to black women? Like I'm supposed to just pretend she doesn't have eight coats of makeup on and ignore that she's completely bald under that tacky wig? But it's ok because her giant ass that looks like a diaper under her clothes somehow is hot as well?
>But it's ok because her giant ass that looks like a diaper
that's my fetish
>She looks like a different species
They're called niggers.
Always heard her name so, given the recent news, I caved and image searched her.
....Seriously? This artificial whore is the bitch that I keep hearing about? How does find her attractive, she makes the Kardashians look organically grown. Her proportions are all out of wack and her face is so modified that it even has an uncanny valley element to it now. I mean, it's clear that she's a greedy manipulative whore just like every other relevant IG model, but she's not even good looking.
Don't talk shit about Holly.
what do you think about her body of work?
She is a next level whore because she is a black girl. Rob said she banged 9 dudes in a month in a house with their children then fucked him. This isn't that uncommon for black women.
This game essentially boils down to whoever gets the best job done and who is able to manipulate fuck boys the best.
>ignoring the cube shaped ass
>Rob Kardashian could face jail time for Blac Chyna revenge porn pics under California law
He not only got cucked, but he's going to prison too
>people on this board are dumb enough to think someone from a billionaire family will go to jail for a misdemeanour.
Revenge porn is a new legal phenomenon. They're going to make an example out of him and set a legal presedence with his case.
I'm not
He'll get a fine and some bullshit community service at worst.
Man I wish I could put a baby in her.
What the fuck is "revenge porn"?
>tfw she had a nipslip on a live kids show that she use to host over a decade ago
thicc as hell
>They're going to make an example out of him
sweet user
fucking lel
It was just panned on pornbay , anything to do with celebrity fappenings pics and such
When people release pics or vids of their ex doing sexual shit or naked after they break up.
rich people don't go to jail
who are these people?
t. euro
rob kardashian
blac chyna
Kim Kardashian's lesser known beta brother. Got cucked hard yesterday
did she get pregnant on purpose to have him trapped in her web and to guarantee her pay check?
did she ever truly love him?
whats wrong with this guy, he said she fucked 9 guys in one month in their house?
she ugly and weird looking too. being a millionaire wasn't there any body else he could go for? everyday normal girls look better than that black chyna thot
I saw a chick with a big fake ass in person the other day. It was fucking ridiculous - skinny little stick legs with a basketball taped around her waist. I don't know how anyone thinks it looks good.
keep dreaming nerd
cucked how
I wont bother reading all this garbage, can I pls get a quick rundown
Only americunts do
>these people have 250k to spend on jewelry
Where did we go so wrong
>all that moving of the needle inside the flesh
cute gunt :3
>Rob K gets a black ayy lmao gf
>she gets pregnant and they almost get married
>barely 2 months after birth she starts cucking him with rappers
>Rob K breaks down on social media and starts posting her nudes
>could possibly face jail time for revenge porn
giv thicc gf plz
should have the kid dna tested to see if it's his
You forgot the part where she took the baby and ran for a few weeks
>there are women in the world who idolise and try to emulate this woman
>dumb fat mummies boy whos never worked a hard day in his life gets taken for a $100,000+ ride by a hedonistic black goblin
>doesnt even matter because it's mummy's and other mummy's money
lmao where is his Instagram post where he claims this
>trusting whores
he deserves it
It was 100k just for her surgery user, and he said he'd spent over a million on just one of the chimps she's fucking.