Maybe I missed something over all the "pip pip cheerio"s and "wot's all this then"s...

Maybe I missed something over all the "pip pip cheerio"s and "wot's all this then"s, but the Doctor always seemed to act in humanity's best interests, so why did the Silence ( the group, not the monsters) suddenly decide he had to die at all costs?

Because in the future, when he travels to Trenzalore, he;d be forced to speak his name. Speaking his name would bring back the Time Lords.

Above the planet was every enemy of the Time Lords, which would have started another war. So why not take safety precautions and take out the man capable of releasing them.

good lord, don't you know what happens when you whopost outside the /who/ generals? the regulars in there start shitting their pants and their carers have to clean it up. it's not a pretty sight.

The Doctor represents everything wrong with the hopelessly middlebrow Brahmin class that's planted it's feet in the culture industry and which refuses to nudge an inch.

He's an inconsistent, selfish maniac who holds all the hapless mortal inhabitants of the universe to his whims - and what whims they are, since he has all the emotional maturity of an involuntarily celibate BBC writer, and one who never really left adolescence. He is guilty of almost every crime he judges others for, and he judges those struggling to get by in the universe with a peculiar mix of moralising cruelty and snobbishness. You'd think he might have developed a supreme compassion and empathy for all the faults of mortals which he has lived through himself, or on the inverse become a nihilistic, amoral egoist. Perhaps it's more realistic that he flings between the two, but this inconsistency is what makes him so dangerous and unlikeable. Being kind is not so admirable when it's not the result of will and understanding, but of pubescent mood swings.

Convenient for us Anglo-Saxon humans then, that his moral prejudices entirely adhere to those of our 20th to 21st century Anglophone democratic liberalism, and that his incarnations seem to visit only those periods. Except, of course, for a few poor Victorians (or Victorian aliens), including Queen Victoria herself, who receive his contempt for believing in God or being against gay marriage.

People are bitching about me in the next room, I don't know if they know I can hear them.

Is his name Doctor Who?
How come the Silence have never been mentioned again or the impossible girl.
Why doesn't the Doctor met any of his older companions from the 70's and 80's.
How can the Doctor met a pre-Time war previous version of himself?

wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey lmao

Greetings, greetings, greetings! Well I seem to be stuck in the sodding time vortex, AGAIN. So I can't assist you to go back to /WHO/. Just one of the many regrets of my life. Goodbye, my dears!

>Is his name Doctor Who?
No, almost every instance of "Who" being acknowledged or referenced as a name can be explained away as the Doctor memeing his own namelessness into an identity, except for that one really old Hartnell episode where he gets called "Doctor Who" by a computer but it's Doctor Who, discontinuity is the name of the game.
>How come the Silence have never been mentioned again or the impossible girl.
Because Moffat is a fucking hack. In fairness there probably isn't a reason for the Silence to still be around after the resolution of the whole name of the Doctor plotline. Silence will fall and all that.
>Why doesn't the Doctor met any of his older companions from the 70's and 80's.
He met Sarah Jane and she later met Jo during the Sarah Jane Adventures. The in-universe reason that the Tenth Doctor gives to Sarah Jane in School Reunion is that as an ageless Time Lord, the Doctor can't bear to see his human companions grow old.
>How can the Doctor met a pre-Time war previous version of himself?
Why wouldn't he be able to?

Resurrecting the Time War because of his guilt was not in humanities best interest

Is his name Doctor Who?
No it's the Doctor
How come the Silence have never been mentioned again or the impossible girl.
Idk I don't watch it
Why doesn't the Doctor met any of his older companions from the 70's and 80's.
Cause they're old now. If they could they would, but those people are old af now
How can the Doctor met a pre-Time war previous version of himself
Idk lol

Why are you not posting in the fucking general? Get back to your containment threads.

>Is his name Doctor Who?
Yes. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.

His canon name is Melody Pond

So.. Did the first Doctor build the tardis, of did he steal it? In the Chase I remember him saying 'it's been there ever since I built the ship', or something along the lines. So what is your head-canon? Mine is that he built it, the Timelords wanted the technology,
stole it from the Doctor. Then they replicated his Tardis, which led to the Doctor stealing one of the Timelord's Tardises so he'd have a Tardis again

Stole it but also the Tardis allowed itself to be stolen though

Doctor Who is one of the most horribly written shows currently on television.

t. Nilso

How will saying his name summon gallifrey out of a "time lock"? Its not a very good lock if you can be summoned out of it by having someone say their name

Why doesnt he bring them back? Why didnt the master say his name? Did the master try and bring them back himself? Why didnt he say his name or why didnt the people supposedly locked in time but not really tell him to?

oh hi nilso

wats nilso

His name was used basically as a password. So the Time Lords would know it was safe to emerge from the crack in the universe.

He doesn't bring them back because it would start the second Time War

Master wasn't around and he himself, saw the horrors of the time war and wouldn't have done it either.

The Master brought the time lords out of the Time War during End of Time. His plan backfired and he vanished with the rest of the time lords back into the war.