I'm being bullied in school

>I'm being bullied in school
>I wish school bullies would just die

Death Note: USA

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who cares what happened to your chinese cartoon faggot, get over it

it's a shame because the anime is god tier

>You think you so smart Light?
>I bet you think there is only two genders

Death Note: USA: Netflix

is this a meme? i don't like tokio hotel

He's crouching on the chair but holding onto the arms for support

They couldn't do anything right with this crap.

I lol'd

Question: how could you get rich with absolutely no way of it being traced to you? Somebody mentioned in another thread having Bill Gates making you and 99 other random people heirs, and having him kill himself, which not only seems unfeasible, (I think there might have been a time limit associated with controlling actions, which might not allow enough time for Gates to change his will), and also might make you a perpetual person of interest a pattern is established by the use of the Death Note.

Reminder that the live-action Japanese has a 100% of being better than this shit.

you love them admit it and there girl lead singer

When you control the method of death can you do something like
>joe schmoe
>walk through this park empties his wallet and returns home and dies of a heart attack at 7 pm

You could collect small amounts of cash like that or if you somehow got info on people at a casino collecting their chips where they discretely drop them before they go to their room and kill themselves

That shot looks like something straight out of a parody.

You can do that yes, but it could fail if the victim is for some reason not able to reach the park. If the victim is not able to perform the task in the DN, he will die of a simple heart attack instead. Light tested that out with prison inmates.

No. Way, way too risky, and if you wanted to make literally billions dollars, you would be getting no where fast. Basically, killing someone by just writing their name is hardly a crime in some sense, while being caught doing that could easily be chargeable.
The first method that occurred to me was the one used by the business group in season 2, but this didn't last long.

The problem with all of this is that in the manga, there is hyperintelligent L on their asses. If you could do it rigt now in real life, there wouldn't be some literal Sherlock around to haunt you down.

If you ar a little careful, you could totally pull off anything with the DN

BTW guys, if you like DN, check out this movie pic related. The antagonist can control people by looking at them, it is a very good thriller

it's very entertaining in how profoundly ridiculous and elaborate the story is. anyone who takes it seriously is out of their mind, but i laughed endlessly while watching it. it's like a parody of every anime you've ever seen. both Light and L are more cunning, intelligent and sophisticated than any other characters in fiction. that's what makes the show so goofy and unbelievable

people who adapt anime need to pick a fucking lane. they try to make it a hollywood film and they try to throw some weeb shit in. they also try to stay true to the story, which is pointless. they should just take very basic, general plots from anime the way they do everything else. absolutely no need to satisfy weebs, or make to make in mainstream. the basic moral question of "what would you do if you had a magical item that could kill anyone" is actually quite interesting and raises all kinds of serious ethical questions. hollywood should just steal ideas like that one and not give a fuck about genuinely making "death note: the live action film" because it's something that nobody wants and nobody needs. there are so many series like that in anime. good basic idea, fucking ludicrous plot and execution. trigun and cowboy bebop fall into the same category, although they're obviously much better. they are better concepts than the vast majority of comic books

>futuristic space bounty hunters
>buddies, one old and one young

>earth is destroyed
>humans need to find a new planet
>moral dilemma
>aryan supermen disagree

i'd watch those films if they were actually serious and not like the DBZ live-action film

> there is hyperintelligent L on their asses
Okay, let's assume there was. Even if there weren't, I think using today's deep analytic technology, finding companies whose share values would decrease if you killed key individuals, shorting those shares, (or buying puts), it should not be that difficult to figure out that one person is controlling accounts that consistently bet on companies where key people die again and again right before they die.



>it's very entertaining in how profoundly ridiculous and elaborate the story is
I disagree. There are times, mostly in season three, where the story becomes needlessly convoluted, but this doesn't characterize well the entire series and aside from unfortunate, but necessary contrivances, it's a plausible depiction of how such a situation would unfold assuming the premises of the story.

did you notice anything illogical about the ending? i don't want to get into spoilers, but you're out of your fucking mind if you don't see the glaring issues with the ending. think "announcing yourself, announcing the situation when everyone has guns"


pick any rich pedophile globalist

have him donate his wealth anonymously to your charity.

no, even if this is pretty bad it still won't be worse than the jap movies

>based user with several great points that I agree with
>Ted Cruz, he's fast gif
Best post I've read in a while.

You guys don't understand, not only is this Hollywood propaganda, but this is a litmus test as well. The liberal left has been decrying the use of whitewashing for a while now, especially blacks whenever Egypt is employed. Will they have the same standards and cry blackwashing? Is it an actual ideological desire to remain true to the source material, or is it merely frustration over white representation and success? It'll be interesting seeing how Hollywood critiics and those just critical receive this.

I wouldn't be against a movie where he kills bullies. High school me would have done it. without question. I'd have set up 4 or 5 people uo to die my senior year if I had that notebook. Hell, if I got it now I'd look up some of the undesirables I went to high school with on facebook and set them up for it. Bonus points for the ones who look like they've become better people since then and have families now.

>They think Japanese movies are better


important reminder that this post doesn't exist

It would probably be dumb to go into big finance right away. But nobody says you have to. Chances are that you are a normale guy who is not used to billions of cash, so you'll be alright with 5000$ or something small. If you keep that up, save a little, and move around a lot there's a good chance to get away with it

fite me

>so you'll be alright with 5000$ or something small.
So you would steal it by having it them drop it off? That's even worse. Only one person has to see you, or you get caught on a camera, and basically the police are up your ass. I guess they really could never pin the murder on you, but perhaps they could if you do it often enough and the get enough circumstantial evidence.

>be American
>get bullied
>not just bringing your dad's gun to school
2/10 broke my immersion.

This is the series and it probably will be better, but that's not a certainty.

Explain how making the character black is bad

maybe you could do it with a chain of manipulated people delivering cash to you or some place.

Again, it would not be worth the risk, for the reasons I mentioned. Even having some billionaire die and make you his heir would be less risky. Heck, even finance would be less risky.



That gif brings up memories.

Suspension of disbelief.
He's supposed to be intelligent

but finances can always being tracked down, while you need to have very bad luck if you do it with a chain of people. Im not saying its perfect, but I'm also no criminal genius

I mean to be 100% fair, that was basically the plot of the anime. Light himself wasn't being bullied, but he despised bullies, criminals, and people who would abuse their status for personal gain, and um... that's actually a pretty accurate representation of L's part in the story.

Have a bank owner intentionally cause transaction errors that give random in the bank (and you) tons of money.

Maybe get one of those atm hackers to do it a job you collect on (harder).

Maybe use it to insider trade for a big score.


that's actually pretty good and the characters look like how they are supposed to look

Is Stanislav about to take a steamy shit on that chair?

I doubt it, how can it be with so many effeminate crumby fans

Hey don't shit on Cowboy Bebop, friend

they all act autistic as fuck
>that's actually pretty good and the characters look like how they are supposed to look

L is white , not a chink

wtf. I'm glad that you're participating, but these methods are just terrible. The ability to kill people just by seeing their face and know their name, barring somebody determining your location based on your targets, or actually seeing you write down names and they actually die, or you reveal information only you would know as the killer, means you can kill people basically in perfect crimes. The problem is how to get access to money which always has some paper trail.
>Maybe use it to insider trade for a big score.
This is actually clever, but it's not an airtight paper trail, because he still has to transmit the information, and it's contingent on knowing which people in which companies would have valuable information, and it would still involve a trail of companies where you profited where people mysteriously died.

He wasn't it.

Why is his sweater over the chair? He's supposed to be a genius with some quirky habits, not a fucking autist.

I think it would be more difficult to prove that even if there's a string of companies whose stocks you shorted just before key persons died that you were involved in the murder, while less so if you are physically at the location, or money is being physically transacted. Somebody could see you taking the money, the police determine where people are disappearing by analyzing different missing person reports, and without any other leads, they might arrest you, find clear evidence you were taking their money, and might get enough circumstantial evidence against you to get the book.

Lets just be honest here..
This character is spot on, this is how black dudes who watch anime and that sort of stuff act
That is how they dress

In general white anime fans run around wearing cat ears, being obnoxious manchildren, making autistic noises, they're everything you imagine a weaboo to be

>inb4 nigger

I'm a nuetral party, I'm neither black nor white. I'm from a different group entirely.

Every one of those things would be ridiculously easy to track.


kys stupid weeb

Dumb fuck.

>is named Light
>arch nemesis is a nigger


There probably is a black kid name L somewhere in the US.

Does he? I'm pretty sure in the anime Light uses the death note purely to make himself 'God of the world'.
He isn't doing it for anyone elses good, which is why the series follows Light doing more questionable acts and going insane. If he was doing it for anyone else's interest, he'd have taken the eye deal from the start.

You didn't know

>white men are evil the movie

This is what I'm worried about.

It seems like it going to be a "boo hoo I'm bullied I know I'll kill people with the DN" and won't go any deeper than that.

With the original material he slowly gets wrapped up in the idea that he is a god and that he needs to rule the world. His original " noble" goal and the clever tricks made him a sympathetic character right until towards the end, and even then you are asking yourself was he right all along?

I have a feeling this is just going to turn into a thinly veiled "evil bullied whitey, smart good black guy" slog that goes nowhere. I can understand taking it in another direction but I just have this awful feeling it's going to be shit.

>Light : some of you are alright, disable your facebook account tomorrow and hide behing a smug anime girl on twitter.

probably the most american movie ever made.


>Yo let's add a beta loser and a nigger while turning this into an action movie
This film deserves to fail but it's got Netflix bucks behind it so the worse that could happen to it is a below average rating

>I'm a nuetral party, I'm neither black nor white. I'm from a different group entirely.

What did he mean by this?


>Ayyyy Kira ma nigga
>Troll'd you well hard
>Yous thot hims was me
>Dumb cracka, bet you a loner white boi
>I'm holla at you later, put your bitch ass in jail

rubeti rub :DDDD

I would had people dying right after graduation because I was a spiteful little fuck