RALLIES >Trump in Detroit, MI, 8/8/16 youtu.be/U4BoMbNxwfA >Trump in Windham, NH, 8/6/16 youtu.be/aApLHeAi3Fo >Trump and Pence in Green Bay, WI 8/5/16 youtu.be/HolIHHr0_xg >Trump and Pence in Des Moines, IA 8/5/16 youtu.be/Y-NPJJs68bk >Pence in Norfolk, VA 8/4/16 youtu.be/fax6kqNgl58 >Trump in Maine 8/4/16 youtu.be/10USLAzk2vA >Trump in Daytona Beach, FL 8/3/16 youtu.be/qait77O0DJs
INTERVIEWS >Paul Manafort on FOX 8/7/16 youtu.be/S9Bywyd1qTI >Ben Carson on Hannity 8/4/16 youtu.be/L87c95h_BGo >Oliver North on Hannity 8/4/16 youtu.be/jWOyotpl1nk >Trump on O'Reilly 8/2/16 youtu.be/pJExikwK8tg
ENTERTAINMENT >Wall Street is #WithHer youtu.be/iunhY8_-gtU >Did you wipe the server? youtu.be/7gWRoa52sVc >Compilation of Liberals Predicting that Trump Will Win the Presidency - Michael Moore, MSNBC, TYT youtu.be/lgpt3xsvv9Y >Hillary Clinton: A TOP TEN Breakdown youtu.be/qfj5s5r7_14 >What Trump Must Do to Win youtu.be/hiGDvph6D4Y >How Trump Trolling Hillary Clinton Emails is Genius youtu.be/4muXm4GwrXM >Hillary calm and collected around protesters twitter.com/ericdemamp/status/761299259513720833 >Hillary has something wrong with her youtu.be/OqbDBRWb63s >MAGAbooru maga.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list >Hillary Clinton is Evil! (Remix) youtu.be/vqYJRc0TJkQ >Hillary's Health youtu.be/AHe_tDzebCE
Holy shit, could you imagine if Dylan Roof's father showed up to a Trump rally?
Justin Carter
Noah Wilson
Lol jokes on him.
If he fractures the votes for the other independents, none of them goes on the debate stage kek.
Chase Lewis
>mfw turn on Hannity >he's talking about hillary's health
what have you done
Grayson Turner
Dubs bless Texas Remember the Alamo
Dylan Nguyen
Luis Murphy
Do you think the Clinton campaign will respond to the FOX News Medical A Team's analysis or concern about Hillary's health?
Adam Nguyen
>who runs, who do we vote for.
Cameron Howard
>47 second webm >5 different images >Camera movement effects to simulate animation
Charles Gonzalez
Is our guy, Paul Ryan, a true conservative, the future of the republican party winning his primary?
Brayden Sullivan
I suppose we vote for Pence
Nathan Rogers
pastebin.com/xtVBKxmk Now you too, can marry best boat from best state. Have fun with your new autism, user!
Michael Walker
Fed and State Raid on Union IBEW & Hillary Campaign Office
...candidate that msm says is 'winning by a landslide' gets her campaign headquarters raided by armed agents.... not a peep about it from msm, or on soc media...
Considering Trump still keeps rising, on the average, while Killary keeps slipping, on the average, no, Trump is not blowing up. The only thing being blown is the amount of little shit the media blows out of the water to try and keep Killary's candidacy viable.
Brayden Barnes
Find out tomorrow when Wisconsin's District 1 votes.
Justin Campbell
f.. fuck you Texas
>tfw shitty flag with stamp
Benjamin Anderson
>giving attention to a negative news story about you
Elijah Gomez
the world ending on august 16 though how can that be
thats about what 7 days from now
Aiden Gutierrez
Luis Reyes
Why did Trump gave his speech in Detroit ?
Xavier King
>Listening to the shills
Kayden Cruz
The very fact that he would show up in public at her rally after everything.
Zachary Sanders
That is an impressive effort to conceal the fact than an entire minute is nothing but 5 frames. How much lower can animation budgets shrink in Japan?
Hunter Jones
> Not posting the actual flag > Which is actually a real bear
Also shit vector version, the real flag has crosshatching for the bear's dark areas
Hunter Price
>Gonna be in uni by then Watching this shit with roomates is gonna be something.
Jackson Ortiz
>almost 2 fucking months before debates
When the polls can seesaw 10 fucking points in under a week.
This shit is gonna be a roller coaster ride and i dunno if i can stomach it.
Tyler Russell
Either crossed into Mexico and is chilling in some Afghanistan compound now or is in a black site.
Daniel Bennett
Oi read last thread and get inspired by what i said about America. I worked hard to not cry while writing it.
Michael Campbell
I would like to procreate with her.
Xavier Kelly
It's from a ~4 minute BD special
Ryder Adams
>Cuck host and the worst RINO out there
Brody Scott
Of course not. Hillary could drop from a stroke one day, and they'd still wheel her around and prop her up, and ignore any criticism about her health, if not outright hide it.
Christian Sanders
Your Waifu is shit user
Samuel Carter
why vote for a regular republican?
i'd only vote for trump because he might actually impose border controls and tax reform, as opposed to a republican who won't do shit except add 10 years to non-violent drug offence sentencings and add in even more "targeted tax cut deductions".
Brody Hall
i thought they did. i thought hannity said the statement
Hudson Ramirez
He looks so confident and full of hope there.
Jordan Adams
don't we all
Zachary Carter
you need to be a girl for that
Logan Powell
Its one of a few nigger Lion Den's. He could have just as easily did it in Chimpcago, Baltimore or Spookland.
Nicholas Flores
do it fggt
Hunter Jones
we don't vote
the cuck VP takes over and we are officially ruled by the corporations that we are trying to free ourselves from
Carson Gonzalez
Which part should I read?
Christian Reyes
Most likely, I really hope not but the demographics of Wisconsin has to be the worst cuck bullshit I've yet seen and given Trump's endorsement internal polling probably showed the same thing.
Michael Jackson
Chingada dapadooda shy shy shy!
Caleb Baker
I wonder if they'll even let her debate and just how quickly her health is deteriorating. It seems like it would be almost exponential after a certain point
seizures cause damage -> damage causes more seizures
Lucas Bell
Lol, exactly. This guy is going to capture Johnson voters.
Hunter Murphy
Seeing as the (((MSM))) went dark on it I would imagine she was given an all expenses paid trip to Romania or Poland or one of our other 5 star resorts.
Kayden Baker
>YEB! wins >He and his VP get assassinated so Cuck Ryan can become president
Josiah Reyes
I would hope it's due to MI starting to swing red, and by doing it in chimp central, he's showing he'll speak where it is most dangerous and showcase to the common layperson how deranged and rabid the democrats have become.
Daniel Wilson
Someone needs to shop Clinton into this
> His will insisted his body by stuffed and wheeled into board meetings after he'd died so everyone there would remember he was still technically running the company
Jason Turner
Men can't get pregnant.
John Sanders
You are idiots. Joe Biden is going to step in and all of the cucks, minoritys, and white women will vote for him.
Trump is fucked.
Robert Evans
>Hillary ends up having a stroke at the debates >knowing that Hillary is dead in the water the Democrats replace her with Biden or someone else
How likely is this? I feel like this would be bad for Trump since Hillary is so vulnerable basically anyone else would be harder to run against
Dylan Martinez
The ministry of truth has been hard at work in pol recently.
Noah Baker
I don't know, I'm just trying to pick a side in the unlikely Kaine vs Pence race.
Ian Nelson
always glad to hear you're alive
this is unreal. why would you ever go outside again if you're this guy
Oliver Murphy
Forgot pic
It's too late for Biden to get on the ballot in enough states to get 270
Michael Miller
T o be fair, the webm is from a ~4 minute BD special of some other anime. It's not like that actually aired on TV.
James Reed
>seizures cause damage -> damage causes more seizures
Jose Kelly
is it because im fat
Noah Baker
she is a girl ;_; with nice birthing hips
Christian Roberts
Not enough time right now. It takes months to build a presidential brand and three months won't cut it.
Gavin Hall
All of these i guess
Joseph Kelly
No way Hillary will step aside unless she actually dies
Thomas Ramirez
Not sure. I'm worried because Hillary is a such a weak candidate and I would like her to stay through the whole thing.
The thing is if the Democrats put in Biden the Bernouts will be so pissed they chose him over Biden
Mason Miller
Or we shop Killary, Bill, and the black man onto this
Dominic Turner
maybe that was the plan all along
if hillary really is sick, then the VP is the actual candidate
we need to pay more attention to that shady fuck. he might be more dangerous than we realize.
>run hillary knowing she is going to die >win with 'first woman president' vote >install VP who will take over after she dies >rule from the shadows
Anthony Reyes
Feels good to get a break from all those CTR shills that mostly work from 9-5. Now I can be among my brethren Trump voters.
What do you plan to do when you make america great again?
Joseph Clark
>>trump drops out before august ends. You lost me there.