*sips tea*
*sips tea*
Do people say the KKK and Westboro aren't Christian?
Fuck off Forrest you autistic twat.
not an argument
You can separate quite a lot of things with just heat and pressure distillation with >99.98% purity
>*sips tea*
Hi autism.
Nobody does that though.
KKK/Westboro innocents killed in past decade-0
Islam kills in name of religion past decade-Prob a couple mil desu
KKK is just a right wing organization that are Christian. The west boro Baptist Church is a self proclaimed sect of Christianity run by a family. Isis is a mudslime terrorist organization. There is a difference
This thread is now known as
~Vampire & Werewolf Bar Chat~
No humans or mortals allowed
The KKK was inspired by Walter Scott novels like Ivanhoe
*raises paw*
what about were-humans?
But...they are Christian.
we rollan now?
*eyes glow red*
*clears throat*
Were-humans are not allowed!
*stabs you in the stomach with my katana because I'm a weirdo spastic*
Thing is they don't go around killing people and calling for a religious crusade. Isis does. Let that sink for a minute. *Sips your mum's cum*
*teleports behind you*
heh nothing personal
*slices you in half with 1,000 times folded Japanese steel katana*
So you be sayin us were-niggers gonna be opressed by da whitey again? SHIEEEEET
Yea we know, but Christianity has more love
>calls themselves the Islamic State
>states they fight for Islam
>use the Quran as their holy book
Is this a bot the keeps posting this exact image and exact comment at various times through the day, every day for like 2 weeks now?
*heals instantly*
*throws blade-edged fedora at your throat and cuts you*
Huh, I guess you're not such a tough guy after all.
For the trillionth fucking time, ISIS is a proxy merc army controlled by US and Israel and always has been. Stop. They're not muslim because they're a foreign false flag army.
that chick is going to eat him alive
Why do people pretend that the KKK is a terrorist organization on par or worse than ISIS even though absolutely nobody ever gets killed in their name and they haven't been politically relevant in half a century?
Islamist would kill gay people if they got a hold of them.
I hope I get a wrecked pussy
ill play Give me L plox
Let's do this, little bro
Sorry dad I'm not going to play with you any more. Its starting to get embarrassing.
but i dont seperate the KKK and wbc from christianity.
what now bitch?
juliana best girl
Jesus was a peace loving hippie. Muhamed was a child raping mass murderer.
KKK and Westborn clearly pervert Christianity. ISIS is obviously true islam.
>KKK kills 2000 nigs throughout its entire existence
>Westboro says mean things
>Some how equivalent to daily terrorist attacks and thousands of deaths a year
That's a nice eagle.
Here's our eagle.
The WBC has never done anything other than say mean words to people.
Jesus killed a bunch of kids in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Roll tide roll
Roll it boys
Stop this cancer, you fucking scumbags.
Heh. Roll.
They were also dead on in their hatred of the Swedes
Roll on this too
don't forget to sage as you post.
Get the fuck out of here you weirdo.
Sure, why not.
gib gud wifu pls
And with my roll, I sacrifice...
jesus all of those suck 99-00 get tyrone take care of these bitches
>mods leave shit post thread up but delete roll thread
Roll cunt
Westboro says mean things
ISIS slaughters people.
Because the KKK and WBC are going around blowing shit up and murdering people in the streets.
if hit on your left cheek, let them strike you on your right
Murder all non-believers
That's a shit tier eagle. Let me show you a real eagle
fucking rolling
Degenerate, but still rolling.
and why not this while I'm here
Except liberals don't bother, so I won't either.
Fuck it.
I don't even know what this thread is any more.
egss dee
>70-72 "Removed Tattoo on abdomen
What? Why is this a bad thing?
rollin rollin rollin
>implying I want to separate the KKK and Westboro Baptist Church from Christianity.
Fuck off cunt, I love those guys.
oh hell ye
>one church with maybe 100 members who put up rude signs
>a religious state in iraq and syria responsible for the kind of death and suffering liberals usually only attribute to hitler, with a stated, partially satisfied goal of world conquest and terror
Because the majority of Christians are alright. The majority of Muslims are far from okay.
rollin plz be a hot grill
shit thread is shit, roll
>1 Post by this ID
>who put up rude signs
Not only that, but by constantly being offensive and keeping the envelope pushed (then legally defending their right to do so with tooth and nail), the WBC are protecting the right of freedom of speech for the rest of Americans. They're doing an unexpectedly useful service for the rest of you, especially those of you who aren't 'progressives'.
Goddammit, I really gotta fuck black tsimfuckis?
before going to bed I guess
>1 post by this id
How easily are you idiots tricked by this drive by troll
can i separate the ways of Saudi Arabia and iran from islam?
nope looks like I can't
Might as well
When was the last time the KKK or Westboro lot invaded somewhere?
I'll roll on thisin too
lets see what i get
sweet, I got a murdering cutie
C'mon lil alien
>When was the last time the KKK or Westboro lot invaded somewhere?
My heart.
oh shit