Why don't girls like war movies?
Why don't girls like war movies?
Can't sympathise with it. Men watch a war film and realise that it would have been them getting shot at if they were born 50 years earlier. You don't have women drafted in and put on the front lines.
My ex loved watching Lawrence of Arabia and The Bridge on the River Kwai with me.
Genetically, women do not understand war from the point of view of the warrior. Even if I'm fat and not very good at fighting, the urge and in the inklings are inside me, genetically. A woman watches a war movie as detached as a scientist observing rats in mazes. They take notes and ask questions and want the answers, but have no way of internalizing the very nature of war. Even if women will fight each other over a man or a snowcones, that's not the same time, it's just violence.
War is the prerogative of the masculine. We wouldn't even be here if it weren't.
how can she be so adorable??
Women have no allegiance or need to die for their country so war is impossible for them to fully comprehend. They have evolved to survive war by opening their wombs to the prevailing force. Only men are required to face war in all of its consequences.
>Without men there would be no war
Woah looks like the Feminists were right all along.
It's called testosterone. Men have it. Women don't. They even give it to women when they want to "transition" into men.
no war no science no society
monkey tiers
>no war no science no society
You need to go back
>Women don't have this hormone
>Therefore they literally can't understand war
>Because war and war films are only for macho warrior spirit carrying men
It must be easy living in a world where things are so simple.
ha ha butthurt roastie detected
hope you get raped CUNT :)
What's the ratio of men to women in the military
t. nu-male
I know this gif is supposed to induce anger but all it does is make me want to hug her
>you will never comfort a sad qt soldier
Being a white knight on Sup Forums won't get you laid nigger.
Being cannon fodder has been almost exclusively a man's thing since forever. If I was a girl maybe I couldn't identify and wouldn't be interested in war movies either
>if you're capable of grasping nuance you're a numale
this website is so embarrassing sometimes
Just like your existence you fucking numale cuck
>The tree of liberty and freedom gotta be litterd with the blood of patriots
You stupid, pretentious mongoloids.
Look at what you're doing. You're spending your time posting on an anonymous internet image board, pretending that you understand the nature of war.
A parrot has more self-awareness then you stupid cunts. You don't understand shit, and you haven't experienced shit. Don't even pretend otherwise.
>all those butthurt posts
>Even if I'm fat and not very good at fighting,
>err I'm fat and probably couldn't throw a punch that would hurt anyone but trust me, I know more about this war thing than females that served in any war ;)
While on the whole I agree with you, I don't think guys that are obese and have never been anywhere near a battlefield get to pretend that they "know" even the slightest thing about war.
Sorry, I'll start communicating at your level from now.
Faggot cuck cuck jew! *posts stale meme, flings excrement*
bet she takes in the ass, just like you, faggot.
>It's called testosterone. Men have it. Women don't.
Learn biology
There's plenty of people posting on Sup Forums that were in the military.
Same reason why guys can't understand pregnancy films; because they're biologically unable to empathize with them. That's not to say that every man wants to due or is suicidal, just that men are more willing to put themselves in harm's way for more abstract reasons other than self protection. Women can understand a film about someone defending themselves from attack but not someone willing entering into a place of danger to defend the abstract ideals of country, nation or tribe.
I remember there being a bunch post-American shenanigans of Afghanistan and Iraq around 2007-2011 but surely they'd have moved on, right?
No. They're in the minority, and they're not the stupid Sup Forums cretins discoursing on the 'glory' of war.
And those who both browse this shitty board and WERE in the military, almost certainly did not experience direct combat.
>those rabid whiteknights
why are the immediately on him, dragging him away? Was he supposed to go easy on her?
I hope they beat the shit out of him that was unacceptable.
He was probably a problem child. Had the temperament and self control of a nigger so they knew to get on him right away if he showed signs of bloodlust.
>that one making they sourpuss at the camera
lmao it's like she had every possible excuse for failure ripped away from her in an instant and didn't have the presence of mind to refrain from showing it
>been them getting shot at if they were born 50 years earlier
What a completely illogical statement. Are you sure you aren't a woman?
he went overboard
you're not supposed to chimp out
Yeah probably, or maybe they were faggot betas rushing to defend their princess?
how many guys here can do a one arm pull up?
if you can't then you're in the same boat as those women
Doesn't matter since the guy identify as a female anyway.
My girlfriend likes war movies. She generally has pretty good taste
Went straight for the head then even when she knocked out he decided to keep beating.
Even against another guy that's a big no no.
he's right though
Moron logic.
No definitely the other thing. At this point I'm thinking he wasn't supposed to charge at her. Dude must be hanging around too many niggers. He has already adopted their temperament.
What if she was a cunt who deserved it?
It's my gfs favorite genre of kino.
Literally no one who posts here can do a one armed pull up because anyone who has that ability is doing things with their life.
No excuse for nigger behavior.
What if she wasn't? What if the world was made of pudding?
You think any of the soft faggots of Sup Forums actually understand it? Give me a fucking break.
people in the military are the most stupid, unsympathetic people in the world and are less likely to understand a war movie that a 4 year old average citizen who didn't need to become a welfare leech.
Stop posting poltard
So you have an unparalleled understanding of war? Please feel free to enlighten us simpletons
n*gger? What's that?
Hey redditor nigger
yeah difference is I wouldn't try to cheat like the first woman does and I also wouldn't make a face at the camera looking like I'm bitching a stumpy guy can do it
Oestrogen you dumb underage motherfucker
Women have no sense of masculine pride. When they are frustrated they show it immediately and clearly.
I can but only because I'm lightweight as fuck.
>the people who consistently fight over petty shit can't understand fighting over real shit like assassination and genocide
Gee, you just might be right.
That's not to say men haven't gone to war over petty shit before, but a simple bout of hair pulling and scratching, maybe arguing kind of pales in comparison to hundreds of thousands being killed in the span of a year
That's not how human bodies or physics work.
> Hope you get raped CUNT
> Smiley face
You realize that the posters that claim to know all about women here are the same ones that whine about being kissless virgins on /adv/.
You know damn well what he means you pedant.
>he actually believes this
/fit/ is full of spergs who can do one armed pull ups but still have their pockets full of spaghetti and do nothing but shitpost in their free time.
Show of hands, how many people ITT have ever served in any form of military?
I have, but not by choice. My country has conscription for all males
War is ugly, but a life without nothing to fight and die for is uglier-some guy i forgot the name of
>tfw brought back memories of watching Letters from Iwo Jima with my ex on a rainy evening
They do, at least in burgerville. I know a lot of more conservative women who like American war movies. I remember watching different war films in a WW2 class in high school and the girls liked it fine.
>because they're biologically unable to empathize with them
>women are biologically unable to participate in warfare
I have. Killed me some hajis. Had a great time
>any form
I play SQUAD
For the most part it's men who have participated in the fighting part of warfare. Where women participated it was either as victims of raiding, rape etc or in being forced to fight when there was literally no other alternative. The male experience of warfare has historically been much more combat oriented
ez literal press x to win IRL contemporary military is not indicative of war experience. Some children in Chicago know more about war than today's "soldiers"
Thank you for your service
>the absolute state of women
context? what the fuck is her problem?
We have mandatory military service here, but even if it wasn't I still would've gone. Military gives you backbone and teaches self-discipline, something I've seen lacking in people nowadays.
Retard shot that AKM without any hearing protection, probably blew her hearing a new one. Hopefully she does not have permanent EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
well, tbf, I could pull myself over the wall on my own without having to use the support as a step. This webm is just a male extreme and a female average.
Rather ak-107 or whatever the fuck it is called, saying this before a wave of asshurt hits my post.
To be fair this guy has a lot less body weight, because he is missing his arm and a leg. Probably something substantial like 40 odd pounds or something.
No, it teaches you how to lick the shit off of other people's boots.
it's a misconception that fit people automatically have fulfilling and happy lives.
ooph, rip hearing. I accidentally shot off a 223 without my plugs and I was fucked for the rest of the day. Can't imagine repeatedly doing that to myself.
chimpanzees have wars all the time
bonobos just fuck each other though
Same reason why mainly boys play war as a kid I guess.
>they actually let these physically handicapped humans into combat units now
gonna be funny when a dozen of them get mangled up in a firefight and Al Jazeera broadcasts the footage of them all squealing for daddy as their guts hang out.
mad virgin detected
Even if some insecure higher-up is an asshole, learning to take orders is something everyone needs to understand. Shitty as it may be, know what's more shitty?
Getting your ass shot when you freeze in the battlefield. Orders are something you need to react instictively for this very reason.
>women are worthless, which means you're a virgin!
You're mad as in mentally ill
Is there war movies with all female cast? I would love to see ww2 movie where men are replaced with women.
>those golves
Why is that the only insult roasties can muster up? Is it because they subconsciously know that's all they're worth?
>Military gives you backbone and teaches self-discipline, something I've seen lacking in people nowadays.
>that hair
It's like they're not even trying