Which of these outfits is more modest in your opinion?
Which of these outfits is more modest in your opinion?
It's not about the amount of skin covered, but the things covered. Sexual characteristics, like sex, should be a private aspect of your life.
Is her boipucci also uncovered?
Nice superhero costume btw.
Left is more modest, but they're both degenerate.
Left. The reason those bits are covered in the first place is because they relate to sex. Some guy could go up and penetrate the chick on the right, and hell, probably get away with it too, because the dumb fucking bimbo can't see shit.
Body parts have an immodesty points score. You accumulate immodesty points for every part uncovered.
The face has a low score.
The nipples a high score.
Vagina is higher still.
You need to come up with your own scale, add up the points and make up your own mind.
Is this a joke?
Holy shit you people are degenerate.
don't you guys understand that in a liberal utopia we wouldn't sexualize other people at all therefore it would be okay to walk around naked while at the same time having 24/7 mass bisexual orgies?
I realize you're mocking liberal ideology, but I can't help but ree at
>24/7 mass bisexual orgies
like they're a good thing.
That term needs to be outlawed
Left. Right is literal fetish gear
>socially frowned upon
We wouldn't want to be authoritarian now would we?
Why does somebody not know how to not ask a question that's shit?
Should have looked at the fla-
> wtf I'm a liberal now.
I already killed myself when I voted for Trudeau
Is that Yui?
wtf i hate leafs now
>girl in the full body suit can't see me while I rape her
for casual rapes, I don't give a shit about modesty
Left the USA, right is Islam
Left because if you chose right you'd suffocate yourself due to lack of breathing holes.
Left. A lot of skin is revealed, but that actual private parts are covered. When they are revealed, the amount of coverage is a moot point. It's comparing 5% coverage to essentially no coverage; even though the right literally covers more it is effectively nudity.