Did you catch this film Sup Forums? I was pretty fucking amazed it got made in Germany of all places, especially with how confident and charismatic Hitler comes off in it. Not even a storm front faggot and it made me like Hitler a little desu. Ignore the Dog scene which was included for laughs and it was almost 100% straight
Look Whose Back
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I think its some high concept european thing that americans are too stupid to get.
Near the credits of that movie it ended with #nevertrump
Trump=litorlly hitler
Let's not elect people who want to protect the nation state guise pls bring ref00ges
Otherwise pretty good film
>High concept
No, I get that it was intended to portray how attractive Hitler could be even today and how very very bad and very scary that is and how we should all hate Donald Trump and remember history
Problem is, they made him make too much sense, like Marvel did with Red Skull
source on comic?
>this is the bad guy
Holy shit, liberals are so far gone.
loved it.
Steve Rogers: Captain America #1
Came out June iirc
It's the one that got everyone mad when it was revealed captain America as a nazi
thanks have a good day/night
Well, again, I get what the authors were TRYING to do. Its a confrontation of a political quandary - how do you biology a viewpoint without villifying those who follow it (who are still your fellow citizens , relatives, coworkers)? After all, if the enemy viewpoint is everything you've hyped it up to be - self evidently evil, antithetical to rational thought, crazy - why would any sane or intelligent person follow them?
You get around this with the Sympathetic Strawman. Begin with a character that is known to be wholly and irrevocably evil, like Hitler, or Red Skull who is literally worse than Hitler. Then, you have them say and do things that sound 100% reasonable and sympathetic. BUT HOW CAN I, A RATIONAL, EMPATHETIC INDIVIDUAL AGREE WITH *THEM*? Its not your fault, says the strawman. Thats just how evil they are. You can't trust anything they say, they even fooled you, a totally smart and hip individual. Imagine what theyve done to your poor friends and neighbors.
It's the same psychological lever Sup Forumssters call redpilling. Suddenly your eyes are open, your brain is full of fuck, you can see the lies you've been told. You were right of course, to deride that bad fellow all along. After all, they're literally Hitler.
And the comic at least goes on to hammer home how Red Skull is secretly bad, Hydra winds up training the men at those.meetings to murder homeless immigrants and put suicide vests on its members. Thats right. Hydra isn't just anti Isis, it is the isis.
The problem though is it only works if you aren't a cynical jaded fucking whose tired of being lied to by everyone everywhere. I can look at these caricature messages of these statements, carefully crafted to seem reasonable BUT! - and shrug my shoulders, and say honestly, I don't agree but I can respect that opinion.
Which is exactly the opposite any media pusher wants out of you.
So Red Skull, nazi or not, sounds kinda alright to me. The rest is just dross made to make me hate him. Same with Movie Hitler. I can understand why people are angry, why they would agree. And i don't blame them for it, or sneer at their viewpoint. Because they're just as worried about their country as I am as a liberal.
Wtf I love Hydra now
>not loving the villain to begin with
What kind of normie are you?
Moonman/Red Skull 2020
I fucking loved it. Laughed my ass off. Though the leftie undertone was slightly annoying, but I can shut off a small part of my beliefs for entertainment.
>The problem though is it only works if you aren't a cynical jaded fucking whose tired of being lied to by everyone everywhere
Arguable. At the end of the day, to see the analogy between Trump and Red Skull (secretly ISIS,) you've got to be a cynical piss of shit who learned to dismiss any high-spirited messages that you KNOW are right-like those of Red Skull.
Example: my liberal friend hears how Trump is perhaps the first Republican to not bash gays, and in fact to create a divide between gays and pro-Islamic kooks, and immediately assumes the most jaded position towards it, claiming that Trump will give the spoils of his victory to homophobes.
This. Was pleasantly surprised - could have been much worse.
Was great until the super shocking reveal of Trump is Literally Hitler.
>make hitler look awesome
>put a #nevertrump at the end where most people wont even notice to deflect critisism
I don't remeber any #nevertrump when I watched it.
The book is better
No m8, the dog scene was literally added because they didn't want the audience to connect too deeply with Hitler
The only problem with the film was the stupid road trip with the cuck journalist (dog scene included) nothing of that was in the book. The final of the book was too cold and fast too.
I was thinking the same, watched it again, cant find it
maybe its only on burger versions?
Maybe, I watched it on netflix.
I torrented the german voice version and cant find any mention of trump
Is the burger versions in English? I watched it in german with Swedish subtitles.
There wasnt any mention about trump un the original. If Jewflix added it in their dub that would be fucking embarrassing
Don't think they did, but then again I watched it in the middle of the night when I was tired as fuck.
Don't be surprised that it was made. It was a shameful attempt to associate right wing German political parties with Hitler. I barely made it though the entire thing, I fucking hated it.
Hail Hydra!
> compare the political satire with comics
Americans , you absolutely stupefied.
There is an annoying trend in Euro films where social media is heavily incorporated using speech bubbles.
It's kind of meh
>entire movie tries to tell me not to fall for mass media tricks
>ending tries to tell me that oppossing illegal mass immigration makes me a nazi
Shit piece of propaganda.