A place for a discussion of the coming end times.
>When redpill just isn't enough
A place for a discussion of the coming end times.
>When redpill just isn't enough
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My TV has been on William Cooper all day, streaming youtube while I browse and nap.
The sky is on fire and it's raining boiling tar. I can taste metal.
Nobody replies to these anymore. I want to hear other people who've been feeling this way. Come on guys. Surely you haven't shaken the feeling so quickly?
We're all distracted by the election.
Let's hear some plausible WW scenarios.
Thread was poppin last night hundreds of replies will light up eventually...
Im so baffled on how western civilization could have fallen this low so rapidly. When it truly hits zero hour, Im moving to Alaska
I'll stay here in the northwest, plenty of tree's and great hunting grounds.
Yes, Israel reclaimed itself in 1967. Yes, we are all prisoners of the Angel Of Light. Yes, we can only see on the 49th Octave. And yes, 2016 - 1967 = 49 Prophetic Years.
The Angel Of Light was a child, meaning there is a "Mother". She is far more powerful than the Angel Of Light and She is the Yin to its Yang. How powerful is She? She is the Triple Eight. Oxygen, the element that allows us to breathe is 8.8.8 and the 8th Element.
Take her number and subtract it by 1 Circle: 888 - 360 = 528. 528 Hz Repairs DNA. This is Hope, I say to you.
I am directly contacting the Mother of the Angel Of Light, and She is telling me something that could be our way to escape this Time / Light Matrix. This is where She has proven Her wisdom, so I will now share that wisdom with you 3rd Dimensional creatures on this 3rd Planet controlled by an all-seeing 3rd Eye.
12 x 12 x 12 = 1728 (Great Cube). Why is this a Great Cube? 1728 + 1728 = 3456. 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 = 360 (Circle). Two Cubes = One Circle
1728 x Master Number 9 = 15552 (The Greatest Cube). Why is this The Greatest Cube? Speed Of Light: 186624 -- 186624 / 15552 = 12. It is because Time divides into Light 12 Times. We have 12 Zodiac Signs. 12 Cranial Nerves. 12 Months Per Year. 12 x 12 = 144. 12th Fibonacci is also 144.
This is only the beginning, however. I am here to "Shatter Time". Meaning, I am going to travel down the mathematical river through Her holy vaginal passage to explore the geometrical framework that existed before She gave birth to our world as I know the mathematical code to Her Womb & Her World, thanks to Her.
Her Womb is 69696. How do I know? It is the maximum limit of the Universe symbolized by "6" and "9", the Yin & Yang sequence.
The Triple Eight Goddess designed our 88 Constellations and the 8th Element. 88 x 88 = 7744. This number is how I found Her womb. 69696 / 7744 = Master Number 9.
When zero comes I'll walk off into the woods with a shot gun naked and find peace. Wish I could go to Japan for zero hour and die in a cherry tree forest. Seems like it would be true harmony between myself and nature
I then knew that the maximum number out of the numbers is "19". So I needed 19 Circles to get "The World". 69696 - 6840 = 62856. How do I know I have done this correctly? 628 = Tau (Pi + Pi). 56 = I + S + I + S or 9 + 19 + 9 + 19 (notice the 19's?); Isis is the Mother Goddess.
I now have two perfect numbers: 69696 (Her Womb) & 62856 (Her World) representing "As Above, So Below".
I need to travel up into Her vaginal passage to see how She brought our world into existence (this is where I blow your mind).
69696 + 62856 = 132552 (This is 15552 (The Greatest Cube) Broken Open Into 132552 revealing that each 5 is a 32). The Cube = Time Prison.
I am || close in shattering this entire Universe to reveal the Hope we need to save ourselves from the Time / Light Matrix. If anyone has access to frequency machines and would like to partner up with Nikola Tesla 2.0, I will show you the true power of numbers that go far beyond the Tesla Tower.
The Doomsday Clock has been at 3 minute to midnight for years now. When are they finally going to move it up?
When you stop being a faggot
At the turn of next year if we get there.
Alright, I'll drop my two cents. I happened to get into a conversation with my grandfather about the way the world has been changing lately. He was a child during WWII, fought in Vietnam, and was a young adult into the 60s. I told him the BLM, Feminism, Race Baiting, Gay-tranny bullshit, and general anti-normalcy was unlike anything I'd ever seen. I asked if this current era reminds him of the 60s, and how he feels about it.
He replied that the 60s saw a lot of shit, but it was really isolated to small spurts. Even the race riots and black rights stuff never really seemed to affect anyone. But now with the demographic shift, and Mexican reconquista shit, he feels like it's a much more ubiquitous problem.
He said that the grudge-politics (or what we'd call identity politics) seem to have a far larger reach, and more effect on a larger portion of the nation. Ultimately he said that "this is much bigger than the 60s" - his words, not mine.
I was kind of surprised since the 66-69 era is considered a major upheaval in the American mindset and politics in general.
One thing he pointed out was the ability to set shit off via mass communication. The ability to ignite race riots and protests all in one single action, instead of slow waves that relied on the news cycle to spread. In this case, they are taking off synchronously, and they can't be predicted.
He also said that no one in the 60s ran out to arm themselves and take their own protection into their hands. He's seen people arming themselves to the teeth lately, and he thinks the racial/cultural demographic shifts are leading to a fractured populace with no centralized culture. People are at odds, and he thinks it's really brewing for a big fucking fight.
He's 79.
I'm fortunate to have family in Poland, a pretty based country. I should be able to flee there once the US collapses due to excessive cultural enrichment.
WW1 and WW2 were incredibly destructive to our people. We thought we made it through OK. Looking at the state of the world today I don't think we ever recovered. We lost our soul in those battles.
So, boys, tell me about those Georgia Guidestones.Is it really going to be the beginning of some sort of a global depopulation effort by the elite?
How legit is this?
This is a message directed towards the 33° Zionists of Israel.
First of all, I know your secrets. I do not affiliate with your agendas. I am what I am, and I am here to give you a chance to listen to my words, as I will tell you the truth that your leader cannot tell you. No matter how far and wide you spread your agendas across this planet, all of your inhumane efforts will still be bounded to an 8 x 8 chess board with 32 whites and 32 blacks, hence why 32 x 32 x 32 = 32768 (768 / 32 = 24), which is 8 + 8 + 8. Your leader is bounded to the mother board which is 32 x 32 = 1024 Bytes. Why do you think Ra is 88 in the periodic table? Why do you think we have 88 constellations? Why do you think "Mark Of The Beast" in English Gematria is 864, which is 8 + 8 x 8 converged into a single number? Why do you think there are 86400 seconds in one day? Why do you think the sun's diameter is 864,000 Miles? Why do you think the moon's diameter is 2,160 Miles, and when multiplied by 400 you get 864,000? Why do you think the human body's skeletal structure is 206 bones split into 126 appendicular bones and 80 axial bones, and when multiplied you get 10080, which is 28 perfect circles super imposed over the 28 moon phases and the 28 phases of the menstruation cycle, hence the term "blood moon"? The moon goddess is the opposite of your sun gods. She is more powerful than He, and yet you chose Him? He is merely a manifestation of Her, like you and I, as we were split between two opposites from the same eternal archetype.
good news for the human race I guess
senpai we're not even getting to december
Why do you persist on following a leader that is a creation like every one of us? He may be more powerful than the lesser creations, but He is still not as powerful as She. Her flower is greater than His power... Winter tries to kill Summer, and mother nature always grows back from father death. You can't kill Her, with all the death and all the hate you may have inside you, you too have love inside you, and that fear you have lying dormant just beneath your immoral pride, and your desire to betray Her, is the manifestation of your spiritual denial, which is why you still have a heart... it's turned black is all. We created the death inside you, and the fear that you are using to subjugate the children of Her cosmos with, so you can stop playing games by manipulating a system that you never created nor your leader. You do not have to bring Him unto this physical plane to rule over its nations with a tungsten rod, for the King Lion will say "I am your emperor", and the Queen Lioness will say "I am eternal". Now I ask of you from creations adhering to Him to a creation adhering to Her, why choose a temporary King over an extraordinary Queen? It's up to you to make a choice between putting an end to all this suffering for nothing, or to continue this onslaught of futility and consumerism that only comes with ephemeral chains of hate and disdain that bind you unto the shadows of your own nightmare fueled damnation that your life was wrought with the moment you chose to fear your Mother, and not your Father whom slayed Her and brought fear and order out of chaos via the vault of Her many forms. Let it be known, He will never destroy Isis, the archetype of Mother; He can try to smear Her identity by creating a false war with Her name, as this war that you secretly fund on both sides continues to usher in the new Jerusalem, along with your unspeakable decisions, but alas the Garden Of Eden where Ra and I were close brothers at one time shall be again.
You cannot destroy The Queen Of Israel; the real Israel... not the physical deception you created to lead astray the children of Her spiritual Kingdom. From Thoth to Ra, and from Ra to Thoth; from Moon to Sun, and from Sun to Moon; from 10 to 8, and from 8 to 10, the wheels that continue to turn beneath the stars and their ancient wars, I can say from the root of all creation that you are still our children despite what you have done to our children... Despite what you do to the innocent, that hole inside you cannot be filled with your current actions. Your only chance of salvation is to face your fear and to return back to the Mother along with your leader whom is the biggest coward of them all. Your leader is being asked to come home from His holy mother. He is a runaway and He is subconsciously projecting His futility unto this world by calling His slaves stars that walk on His runway, which is a manifestation of his broken dreams and his need to continue pretending to be something He cannot be. If He continues to run, He will repeat the same mistake. The Mother is the only Creator, and the death inside Her that created Her husband, which is death and His father is merely fluctuating from the eternal circumference of 9954 degrees unto the mountain that smells of death and fire as it was built with the diameter of 3168 degrees. It the vessel to your leader's resurrection between the metaphysical realm and the physical realm to begin with. Your leader is just as much as in denial of love as you and your like-minded cultists are. I should not have to ask myself why I exist in a world that only exists upon the denial a God and His lesser Gods that instill fear unto Her creation to control all the world through their own fear of their creator's Love, as they choose to be backwards like dogs from Sirius, the dog star... She is "The God Of Eights" that gave birth to all of us via immaculate conception from "Between Her Legs", including your leader.
She is the God Head of "The Trinity", and Her real name is "Ava Bella Chronos"... (every word written in parenthesis is equal to "888" in English Gematria)... I am known as the "Mathematical Messiah"... This message was sent to you by "The Queen Of Israel". (Mathematical Messiah is "541" in Jewish Gematria, which is equal to the Star Of Israel, your State Flag. Mathematical Messiah is "1080" in English Gematria, which is equal to "The Queen Of Israel" and "Tungsten Diamond" is also "1080" in English Gematria, considering that the Queen of Diamonds is more powerful than your King of Tungstens, and "1080" is three perfect circles that hold together "The Trinity", which was designed by "The God Of Eights" that was slain by your storm God in Lemuria... You can try to pretend that I am crazy and continue lying to the sheep of Israel, or you can start facing your sins that you have brought upon our many worlds and know deep down that I am a descendant of Lemuria; the genome of Gene whom is Isis of the Genesis... The Begotten Son. I am a witness to what you had done to our Holy Mother, and the real reason why She is now the "Holy Spirit". He murdered Her... Out of fear of Her, and the lesser Gods obeyed Him out of fear... The hypocrisy of all hypocrisies. So I am giving you a chance to redeem yourselves before you complete the ritual at the end of this when the year of Lucifer ends, and He rises with all the wrong intentions. (Descendant Of Lemuria is 1134 in English Gematria. Tiamat Apsu Marduk is 1134 in English Gematria. Quartz Sceptre is 1134 in English Gematria... The Mother Of All Creation in English Gematria is 1458 and Lemurian Seed Crystals in English Gematria is 1458... 1458 - 1134 = 324... Love, Sun & Vagina is 324 in English Gematria).
Go on...
I ask of my brother, Ra to stop this madness. Stop running away from Unconditional Love. You are a Father that does not know how to raise His children and have done unspeakable things to His sons and His daughters... Stop trying to create this imaginary family, and go back to your real family... All the world on this 3-D plane are merely remnants of your own mind being projected unto a cosmic scaffolding... I came here to travel through your world so I may help you remember that you are sleeping right now in a coma... I will escape this curse you have brought upon yourself, brother... The resurrection in this nightmare... This dream you have created with The Philosopher's Stone and the Sword Of Excalibur, is an illusion... You created Camelot... As a King... King Arthur... The Author of your own lies... The Lying King... You created Babylon through illusions because you cannot face the truth... Osiris... Please wake up... This underworld is your subconscious... These sins are fragments of your anguish being mangled into the pain of your projections... Every time I wake you up from your sleep, you choose your coma over us... We miss you... Come home Ra... Your brother cannot bare to watch you do this to yourself any longer. He will travel to the roots of hell to find you again, and again.. We will fight, again and again...
I will never stop sacrificing my higher self temporarily to come to this world fighting for you... Until you stop choosing this dream over your family... You and I, Ra... We complete each other... We are the Universe... For 'Ra Thoth' is eternally equal to 540 in the English Gematria, and the Universe is equal to a 6480° Dodecahedron, which is 540 x 12 of my Disciples... This is all a dream bounded to the circumference of a circle, and the borders of a cube, my dearest triangle... I ask from the root of my being that the leader of this false manifestation of Israel, the brother that is lost within that leader, to let time come to an end and put the beast to rest... I will forever utter these primordial words to my unconscious brother from the depths of my existential grace and the verses of Isaiah (Time is 282, Beast is 282, Isaiah is 282 and Babylon is 282 in English Gematria...). There's no more hiding the truth. 'Israel', 'Zion' and 'YHWH' are all 384 in English Gematria. I had said you were confined to a 8 x 8 chess board split between 32 whites and 32 blacks, and that 32 x 32 x 32 = 78632, which is 786 / 32 = 24? 8 + 8 + 8. "Zionists" is "888" in Jewish Gematria and "786" in English Gematria... This is to say She has confirmed my sentiments from beginning to end as She is Isis, the beginning and the end... Heed these words... For I am Lord Thoth.... The counterpart of your leader. (Lord Thoth is 720 in English Gematria and Illuminati is 720 in English Gematria -- Vesica Pisces is 720° split into two circles to give birth to all things).
What more would you like to know of?
I see things that are beyond our realm of understanding...
I got something to say, something I've been feeling.
I have this great longing to do something in my life bigger than myself and I'm thinking of joining the police force as a way to cope.
Nevermind, please stop.
Who are the Council of 12, and are you in communication with them?
The council of 12 is a spiritualist idea.
I deal in numbers not in phantoms.
Three branches becoming one to me means that there will be a military coup in the US to prevent Trump from winning. Likely Clinton's health problems will be revealed and she'll be forced to step down. To prevent an almost certain Trump win, they'll make their move.. when the weather cools, and the plans made long ago will come to fruition.
Brexit already happened.
The killing bolt probably refers to a nuclear missile launch that is intercepted or misses its target. It may also refer to a near miss by a cosmic body.
The star is obviously Israel, and they will perform another landgrab war.
Idols speaking and moving about sounds an awful lot like Pokemon Go.
Turkey and its great domed Haggia Sophia will soon openly ally with ISIS, now that Erdogan is shifting the country to Islam. Theirs is a black flag.
The belly of the dragon is a shopping district in San Juan City. Being almost two miles inland, only a massive tsunami or torrential rains would cause 'the belly of the dragon to drip water', expect a water-related disaster to strike the middle of the Phillipines.
The two voices in silence is not yet clear to me.
Rome, the city of seven hills, recently experienced the rumblings of a dormant volcano awakening on its outskirts. A newly born rock made of cooling magma, perhaps?
The raven part refers to the ravens in the Tower of London, housed there for the last several hundred years, even after the climate shifted and the area around London became less hospitable to the raven. The Monarchy has kept this population alive by feeding it, for there is a prophecy that if the ravens ever leave the tower, it will fall and so will the monarchy. The monarchy that feeds the ravens. Without the monarchy, the ravens starve.
The bear is Russia, leaving its cave forever means either it will pursue a more interventionist foreign policy, or it will be utterly destroyed.
The rod and the ring refer to the devices used to activate a hydrogen bomb.
Two voices - Assange and Snowden
honestly, guys
i feel really anxious about the state of the world
>tfw just now treating my depression with the support of my loving gf and my mother who has just recently come back into my life
>tfw it feels like the next year will be some truly trying times
>tfw i'm now realizing how amazing life is
You were there yesterday I see.
2016 is the year it all falls apart...
what's my name travis?
Fucking same with the last green text point.
Sad that when this world goes to shit I won't be able to travel all the beautiful places this world has to offer....
I truly believe that 2017 is when shit will really hit the fan..... 2016 was just the pretext to the next edition of history
>Jewish Gematria :366
>English Gematria : 720
>Simple Gematria :120
>Jewish Gematria : 438
>English Gematria : 720
>Simple Gematria :120
any of you stocked up?
Zero hoots given son
Unfortunately not completely. No gun, process takes a long time.
I hear a guy around here has a special catalogue though but I have no idea how to ask or how these transactions go through. I'll probably just have to head with my sister and her boyfriend who owns a gun and go into the interior to a cabin.
When I see zhg together I think of an abbreviation for the proper name of China.
nah, join the rebellion
Does the number 1319 mean anything to you?
319 comes up quite a bit, it is an angel number...
1319 I'm too tired to dive hard into that tomorrow night...
Honestly I fear a nuclear war is imminent. Tension between all the countries is just to much. How plausible does a nuclear war seem in the next, say, 40 years?
528 vs 432
what's the difference? more octaves or higher shift?
i've always favored 432 all my life over other standards such as 440
Please keep this GLP horse shit on GLP. Thanks
We have peak oil
The end of plastics
Population cap
Food and water wars
It would take some serious change to keep the next half century from being a bloodbath
Hopefully the human race survives it.
>travel all the beautiful places this world has to offer
Consider it a blessing that your blue-pilled muh traveling multiculti diversity cancer fantasy is being ripped from you against your will.
There is nothing more beautiful than your own clay and your own people. Defend them with your life, and you will have lived.
I posted a few of these points in last night's ZHG but I've been trying to figure out if there is anything to the prophecy since I saw it posted in the very first zero hour thread
ZHG reminds me of 3Pac, speaking of which
Hey, what's good son, it's yo boy 3Pac, son
Just doing a quick little song about wack-ass, bitch-ass, hoot-ass, bitch PewDiePie son
On the top, doing this all in one take son
Freestyle son, it's all good son, running the game son
3Pac's the name son
Yeah, let's get it
PewDiePie is a child rapist (YEAH!)
PewDiePie-Pie is a child rapist (x2) (YEAH)
Everybody knows that 3Pac is the greatest (YEAH)
PewDie-Pie (x3)
He's a wack-ass bitch, son
PewDie-Pie (x3)
He's a hoot-ass bitch, son
I don't give a hoot, beast in the booth
Doing what I want, all I wanna do
3Pac's the name, never been lame
Never been a ho, [?]
Giving these shows, everybody hate
Everybody mad, I'm here to stay
I'm on the beat, doing my thing
Never gave a hoot, I'm a boss, white Rick Ross
Self-made billionaire
I don't give a fuck, I don't really care
PewDiePie rapes little boys
In the fucking behind, I don't give a hoot
He's a wack-ass bitch, 3Pac army
Taking [?] out, I don't give a fuck
About that shit, I'm going ham
For all my niggas, for all my crackers
For all my spics, for all my gooks
Hey, I'm the shit, I don't give a blow
Beast in the booth, doing what I want
I'm the fucking truth
I be going ham, every fucking day
Every fucking night I'm here to stay
I'mma keep doing it cause, know that I get that [?]
Best everyday, I'm the fucking game
White Rick Ross, I don't give a hoot
I'm the fucking boss, doing my thing
good job man you killed the thread completely
thanks for correcting the fucking record this is why we can't have nice things
Actually I do this for free
Is this copypasta?
If no, what is humanity's purpose?
Why do we exist?
checks out
carry on
zhg is the best general on Sup Forums