Why is everyone so pissed about the Census? Is a Centerlink "muh benefits" thing?
Also inb4 >Religion: Kek
Aus/pol/: Census Edition
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It's required by law to supply your name and address, which can be held by the ABS for 4 years
There was also slavery and genocide in between those two panels, but that was censored because the British dindu nuffin.
cause theyre edgy
>fined for not filling it out and giving basic fucking info they already have
Only the winners write history
Im on newstart and put religion as islam
Fuck off chink
It's an Anglo thing.
Censi, national identity cards, eligibility to vote -- all these things trigger the Anglo. Could it be that they've got something to hide?
We have to supply our info so that in 50-100 years when white people are genocided by the arabs and nigs, the based Asianbros will be ale to know how many of us were genocided and can pull the "6 gorrillion" card to BTFO of the coons.
>Im on newstart and put religion as islam
Oh shit I knew I forgot to do something. Since when were Anglicans ever given affirmative action? I dun goofed.
Slavery, it wouldn't surprise me, I've just not come across anyone stating Aboriginals were inslaved.
In the 70s and 80s we also rewrote history to not include how much cannibalism, rape, pedophilia and genital mutilation was going on in abo culture.
Of a sorts, yes.
Not an argument.
That's Papua New Guinea you retarded fuck.
>slavery and genocide isn't bad
So much for Westerners having morals over the soulless Chinks, huh?
Why would you have abos for labour when you have plenty of irish and chinese? abos are the worst workers on the planet.
I wrote them down honestly and I couldn't find anything wrong about it. I mean I really don't understand some people feel frustrated over this.
>75~% white
That's why. Your country went from 90% white in 2000 to less than 80% white just 15 years later.
Abos were doing the same shit you mong.
>That's Papua New Guinea you retarded fuck.
It's true for aboriginal culture regardless of whatever happened in PNG, you red herring.
Let's see some sources, cunt.
Slavery is bad but it was needed
Genocide is good
If you had the chance to wipe out say genetically modified mosquitoes that were intent on destroying human life wouldn't you get rid of them?
>genocide is good
I think you'll find that there is a difference between genetically modified mosquitos and human beings.
I will find you and fine you.
Some people don't like handing any of their info over to a government that doesn't care about them and has fucked them over in the past.
People defrauding the government also dislike the cross referencing of records.
Both our controlling parties are left...
Your country was literally built on the back of British ingenuity, labour and innovations. Count your blessings you entitled fucking chink.
They've "been around" for tens of thousands of years and have done nothing but live in caves and kill each other.
Here's one.
But does it even matter when you will just ignore them anyway?
Why don't you share with us the truth about abo culture? about how they were kings and queens before europeans arrived in australia??
I can provide many many many more sources if you want but I really don't see the point since you aren't going to read them or accept them anyway.
That what they teach you in Australia? When the British fucked off, we lived in a bloody Indian-tier town.
It was Lee Kwan Yew who built this nation, not the British.
How the fuck does your Senate work anyway? Sessions is the head of the immigration committee and wants to reduce immigration. Does your senate have that kind of real power? The fact here is your country is drowning in LEGAL immigrants.
Also, here's an article about why this isn't common knowledge.
Basically the controlling party can do what they want.
Fair enough mate. What's your point?
I'm sorry, I don't recall a special provision in the UDHR and ICCPR waiving human rights if they've been around for tens of thousands of years and have done nothing but live in caves and kill each other.
>human rights
The stolen generator-woops I mean stolen generation was done because aboriginals would abuse their kids, so the state took them away in hopes of educating them and integrating them into society.
The aboriginals would pop out a kid, rape it or kill it if it wasn't strong enough, and then they'd abuse it and rape it until it was 12, at which point they'd cut it's dick open or get it pregnant depending on it's gender.
They were animals, they killed their own young, and they refused multiple offers from the British to simply give up their land and move away with no harm involved.
Human rights don't mean shit in the end, they're a construct. Attempting to apply them is retarded and you know it.
I don't vote and I never do the census.
So now you feign ignorance.
My point is that you are claiming the evil british were so awful and it was censored how awful it is.
You provided no source for any of you claims that abos were enslaved or genocided by the british and was later censored from the public. Nothing to back up you claims at all.
My point was that there is actual proof that abos were constantly raping children, killing or allowing their own children to die, and even cannibalizing eachother.
I can provide many sources that support this and I can also provide sources that back up my claim that this has been censored from the public record.
Further, I don't even have to go back to early colonial australia to prove abos fuck abo kids constantly because even to this day there is many many cases where abos have been raping abo children in abo communities.. So many in fact it is common for abo mothers to put their abo daughters on birth control pills the moment they get their first period to avoid unwanted pregnancies from their own fucking relatives.
The point my mongoloid friend is quite clear. You like many other retards have swallowed up the narrative that colonialism was the worse fucking tragedy of all time and was a genocide of the noble natives of the world. But the truth is the natives were savages and colonial settlements were called as such for a reason. They were settling the wild savage lands of the world and they improved things for everyone. Including the savages, except for those savages who refused to give up their savage ways.
So suck my colonial cock you stupid little jungle asian monkey.
>no sources for abos enslaved or genocided by the british
Tasmanian Genocide is common knowledge, and I DID provide a source for slavery, if you care to look above.
>and was later censored from the public.
Nigger where did I say that? From the IMAGE you stupid fuck.
>My point was that there is actual proof that abos were constantly raping children, killing or allowing their own children to die, and even cannibalizing eachother.
Right, and where are you going with this? That two wrongs make a right?
>>Oi m8, give us all your land!
>see, this is a perfectly reasonable offer, it's their fault for refusing it
>Human rights don't mean shit in the end, they're a construct.
A construct which should be upheld and adhered to. Don't get nihilistic with me.
Also where was I feigning ignorance in any of this? In admitting I was wrong? U wot?
I have no idea, to me it's like those anti vax people. I never fucking meet them, but apparently they exist. I live in Sydney like 20 mins from the CBD via car, you'd think there would be a mix of these census dick heads around, but no. Buisness as usual. imo, it will be fine and our glorious abs will have them stats
REMINDER: When you get to the religion question put down 'Kek (Meme Magic)'
you absolute madman
You guys really need a better Constitution
Or just revert to monarchism
>There was also slavery and genocide in between those two panels, but that was censored because the British dindu nuffin.
>Tasmanian Genocide is common knowledge
So you just contradicted yourself or you were lying.
>Nigger where did I say that?
Your first post.
>Right, and where are you going with this?
Feigning ignorance again.
>Also where was I feigning ignorance in any of this? In admitting I was wrong? U wot?
Right there. Where you have twice pretended you don't get the point.
Now allow me to turn the tables. What is your point?
Do you have a point? Or are you just here to argue about nothing and express how buttblasted you are about nothing?
Nah, just gotta get rid of one or two shit policies. NSW can fuck Mike Baird off and we'd be ok, dick head tyrant runs the place with our police commissioner
Oh yes, I have a point. The image argues that the British are entirely just in colonisation, when in fact the atrocities that they committed are inexcusable.
Is the end result a good thing, Australia, a good thing? Yes. Does that justify the path taken? Obviously fucking not.
>Feigning ignorance again.
There is no ignorance. What. Is. Your. Point?
>Your first post.
No I didn't, try again.
>So you just contradicted yourself or you were lying.
Where? The Tasmanian genocide happened. I provided a source for slavery.
Jokes on them, I said the national archives can hold onto these hot hot details and release them in 99 years
What are these for?
>obviously fucking not
It's all over now mate, no point being a salty fuck about it.
If a country deliberately starts a war with you over land after giving you an option to resolve everything peacefully, and you decide to fight it to the bitter end, you're to blame if you lose.
That's it.
And human rights only apply when all parties involved give a fuck about them. All the aboriginals cared about was their land and all the brits cared about was getting the abo's land.
If both parties cared about human rights it wouldn't have ended in genocide, but they didn't and it led to genocide. Big fucking whoop, that's how humans operate.
Time to recolonise Singapore, brother!
>no point being a salty fuck about it.
I'm not salty about it, I honestly don't give a shit. The fact is that the image is complete bullshit in terms of the argument it puts forwards.
>If a country deliberately starts a war with you over land after giving you an option to resolve everything peacefully, and you decide to fight it to the bitter end, you're to blame if you lose.
No, no, no. If some muzzie shows up at your doorstep, tells you to get out of your house because he lives there, you refuse, and he kills you, it's not your bloody fault.
>No, no, no. If some muzzie shows up at your doorstep, tells you to get out of your house because he lives there, you refuse, and he kills you, it's not your bloody fault.
Yes it is your fault, you failed at protecting your house.
>the atrocities that they committed are inexcusable
Killing savages is excusable if it is to secure civilisation.
The atrocities you are condemning were not as bad as thew atrocities which abos commited on eachother.
The british were not killing abo children.
The british were not raping abo children.
The british were not eating abo children.
Abos were doing that.
According to abos the worst tragedy of all time was the "stolen generation". They class this as a genocide.
The stolen generation was white people taking abo children away from environments where they were being raped and killed and educating them and providing a safe home for them.
We can go over this until the cows come home but just how I said when this discussion began you will continue to ignore anything you dislike.
You have insisted that the actions of the british were censored. You have denied saying this twice now. But there it is in your very first post in the thread.
This is the attitude you have when you are getting wrecked. Play dumb, and continue to ignore the facts in favor of playing out the same tired narrative that is proven completely and utterly false.
So for that reason I am ending the discussion having exposed you for being an absolute cunt and a total shithead.
Forgot based Singapore flag.
Is that the view the justice would take when they prosecute him?
>Killing savages is excusable if it is to secure civilisation.
No it is not, and it will never be.
>The atrocities you are condemning were not as bad as thew atrocities which abos commited on eachother.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
>You have insisted that the actions of the british were censored. You have denied saying this twice now. But there it is in your very first post in the thread.
In the bloody image you cunt.
>We can go over this until the cows come home but just how I said when this discussion began you will continue to ignore anything you dislike.
What have I ignored? If anything, you're pretending the Tasmanian genocide never happened?
>being this ass blasted
Forget to take your meds this morning
A majority of the stolen children entered homes where they were abused on a regular basis dude...... In a majority of cases that they were taken, the conditions were not that poor and happened at a very young age
Also no. Did a lot of Aboriginals die? Yes, and It was caused by disease. There was never any systematic removal or targeted extermination of Aboriginals. The estimated amount of Aboriginals that were 'killed' by colonists is about 20,000 over the course of 150 years and do you think those Abo's dindu nuffin? Not a genocide.
>inb4 meme definition of genocide that just means "demographic change"
>Chinks BTFO
>having a political discussion on a political discussion board = assblasted
>unironically using butthurt
Off yourself, you have to be eighteen to browse here.
If we didn't establish a port in Singapore, you would still be a shithole like Malaysia.
Us Celts were also colonised by the Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and the Normans, after which we established the British Empire upon which the sun never set. Get over it, chinky chong. It's history now. You love us. We gave you civilisation.
I hope none of fucking memers put down "Australian" as your ancestry
It just muddies the waters and makes it harder to extrapolate races from the ancestry data. It can generally be assumed that anyone who picks only "Australian" is white but at the end of the day It's still an assumption. Don't know why the fuck the Government allows it as an option, Australian isn't ancestry. Aboriginal, English, Scottish, Irish - these are ancestries.
Difference is that the Romans weren't bloody barbarians running around massacring any racial group they saw as inferior.
>If we didn't establish a port in Singapore, you would still be a shithole like Malaysia.
If Romulus had never killed Remus, Rome never would have risen.
We can play this game all day.
I'm posting the above again, by the way.
> australian isn't an ancestry
> anyone but 5th generation or more white like myself choose it
Fuck off Jamal.
>Black War
>do you think those Abo's dindu nuffin? Not a genocide.
Put white and some type of Christian
We can be the new Jews when we're eventually genocided
I don't deny that the Tasmanian genocide occurred at all. In fact my earliest ancestor in this country was on the HMS Sirius with his brother, not as a prisoner but as an able seaman. They were among the first Europeans to live in Tasmania and they helped commit the genocide of the abos who inhabited it.
I am very proud of this fact.
Also, here's a fun fact. The abos of Tasmania didn't even know how to make fire.
Abbos had it coming in the bush/frontier wars
People only give enough shits to actually kill people when they're a serious threat shown by over violence
Not an argument. Your ancestors didn't come from Australia they came from the British Isles. Australian does not exist as an ancestry and its presence in ancestral data merely adds bloat and obfuscates the truth.
PS I'm as white as they come, with my mothers side being from England and Wales in the 1860's and fathers side from England in the 1960's.
Apparently mum filled out the census and answered all the questions without me knowing.
I asked here if she put Kekism down as my religion.
Her answer - don't be fucking stupid, you're Christian and we can't let the Muslims win
The aboriginals attacked our isolated telegraph stations in the middle of the desert. Killed them brutally with spears. There is a memorial in the cemetery near my house where British soldiers slain by the "savages" are buried. We merely retaliated to restore order.
The Romans took Briton, Pict, and Celtic tribesmen into slavery on a regular basis. Vikings took Irish into slavery. English aggression against the Scots was extremely brutal at times. Have you not heard of William Wallace or Hadrians Wall?
based mom
Human decency goes out the window because they can't start a fire. Good to know.
>The Black War was prompted by the rapid spread of British settlers and agricultural livestock throughout areas of Tasmania that had been traditional Aboriginal hunting grounds. Historian Nicholas Clements has described the Aboriginal violence as a resistance movement—the use of force against an invading or occupying enemy.
>Vikings took Irish into slavery.
Well aware of that, kind of irrelevant.
>English aggression against the Scots was extremely brutal at times.
Well aware of that, kind of irrelevant.
>Have you not heard of William Wallace or Hadrians Wall?
Heard of both of them.
Hadrian's Wall was to keep out Pictish raiders, and somewhat irrelevant.
>The Romans took Briton, Pict, and Celtic tribesmen into slavery on a regular basis.
Well aware. Still no mentions of genocide.
Why would I care for the lives of beasts?
Do you mourn the death of every crocodile or every shark, every tiger, wolf or every bear?
>kind of irrelevant.
So when things happen to whites it's irrelevant, but only black lives matter right?
We don't care because you are not us. Just like you don't care for us because we are not you.
>Why would I care for the lives of beasts?
3edgy5me m8. You're talking about human beings, no two ways about it.
Thought you said you were done with making yourself look like an idiot.
>So when things happen to whites it's irrelevant, but only black lives matter right?
Entirely missing the point. I asked where the Romans committed genocide, not said that nothing bad has ever happened to whites. Also fuck BLM and fuck you.
>We don't care because you are not us. Just like you don't care for us because we are not you.
Entirely irrelevant.
Muslims literally think that the information will be used to deport them.
Scott Ludlam even alluded to such a conspiracy in an article he wrote for the Guardian
That's about as far from the truth as you can get.
25,000 deaths over 120 years =/= a genocide
Also, the bulk of that killing was not done by authorities in any organised fashion but by farmers/rural workers defending themselves or retaliating
>Also, the bulk of that killing was not done by authorities in any organised fashion but by farmers/rural workers defending themselves or retaliating
Mind if I get a source on that?
Aboriginals were not genocided. They died from disease and alcoholism.
>Paleopathologist Stephen Webb in 1995 published his analysis of 4500 individuals’ bones from mainland Australia going back 50,000 years. (Priceless bone collections at the time were being officially handed over to Aboriginal communities for re-burial, which stopped follow-up studies).[15] Webb found highly disproportionate rates of injuries and fractures to women’s skulls, with the injuries suggesting deliberate attack and often attacks from behind, perhaps in domestic squabbles. In the tropics, for example, female head-injury frequency was about 20-33%, versus 6.5-26% for males.
>The most extreme results were on the south coast, from Swanport and Adelaide, with female cranial trauma rates as high as 40-44% — two to four times the rate of male cranial trauma. In desert and south coast areas, 5-6% of female skulls had three separate head injuries, and 11-12% had two injuries.
>Web could not rule out women-on-women attacks but thought them less probable. The high rate of injuries to female heads was the reverse of results from studies of other peoples.[16] His findings, according to anthropologist Peter Sutton, confirm that serious armed assaults were common in Australia over thousands of years prior to conquest. [17]
>From 1788, British and French arrivals were shocked at local misogyny. First Fleeter Watkin Tench noticed a young woman’s head “covered by contusions, and mangled by scars”. She also had a spear wound above the left knee caused by a man who dragged her from her home to rape her. Tench wrote, “They are in all respects treated with savage barbarity; condemned not only to carry the children, but all other burthens, they meet in return for submission only with blows, kicks and every other mark of brutality.”[18]
i think it's funny they use nearly nothing but abos to advertise the Reserves
did you really expect me to read all that shit?
>Human decency
>can't start a fire.
i just ignored last census. the poor cunt came to the house like 15 times threatening fines. just always left the envelope on the door step empty
nothing happened. was funny af
Don't think that's the definition of human, unless we're running by Jungle Book qualifications.
Can you correct the record for me?
Not a specific one, but reading on the Frontier Wars, such as this. Most conflicts were very small though
They seem pretty serious this time, though. They've upped the fines, too.
my family has been here for 200 + years
how do you become ancestry
abos are literally too stupid to enslave
ill let u know how it goes. i dont think ive even got the first one yet in the mail