Will Smith Hopes America Can ‘Cleanse’ Itself of Trump Supporters
Will Smith Hopes America Can ‘Cleanse’ Itself of Trump Supporters
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wtf I hate Trump now
>political opinions of an actor
who cares
Yaaaaassssss big Nubian King slaaaaaay!!!!
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2 Shekels have been deposited into your account.
Caring about opinion of the member of the cuck church of rich people, who couldnt even control his kids, also he got fucking mad from money.
he's not just an actress though, he's also a Scientologist.
well at least we both agree that a "Cleansing" needs to occur.
See you on the front lines, nigger
will smith didn't start this thread you dumb truck. save that gay shit for your tweeter.
Trump is having a hard time. When is he dropping out?
>implying I have any normie social media accounts
Logging in is the bane of my existence
lol Will Smith on suicide watch
Put in a few screencaps of his sons twitter and this is the best pro Trump poster I can imagine
>Says Trump is a problem that needs to be cleansed
Negaro, how about you pay more attention to your skirt-wearing son instead?
>the takfiri strikes again
Will Smith is just happy the media gives a shit about him considering hes borderline washed up.
I mean can you really blame him?
Just watch this video:
the opinion of a kid.
and I hope will smith can cleanse himself of being a former cult follower and a nigger
>"Will Smith hopes America can cleanse itself of Trump supporters"
What did he mean by this?
The nigga with a city block long bus?
for you
go back to africa Will
I was super excited for suicide squad. Now I'm just going to stream it. Fuck him.
>Closeted Scientologist who funds Scientology schools
Choose one and only one.
dis nigga should focus on straightening out his faggot son before he does anything else
It's kind of funny that he's less of a box office draw than t&a actress for the year.
Says the millionaire who uses nepotistic studio connections to give his untested, untalented son starring movie roles.
Also, being a Hollywood Scientologist, means that he has brainwashed cultist SLAVES.
fuck this nigger
>listening to a scientologist
nigger you should be preparing for the upcoming race war instead of focusing on do-nothing resistance tactics like pirating a shitty will smith movie lmao
Make my day Nigger with a faggot son
Top comment is great "this coming from a guy who puts his son in a dress" kek
Day 2 of the race war, Will Smith figures out that all of the firearms he touched on set were fake.
He dies with 3 bullet wounds in his chest an hour later.
Who is the nigger here? I'm prepared. I got an AK with 6,500 rounds of ammo in FILLED magazines 6 feet from me.
Don't talk to me about race war.
Yea right dude, did you not see Will Smith shoot in Suicide Squad? You'll get wrecked.
>trump is like hitler, wants to cleanse the world of terrorists
>we need to cleanse the world of trump supporters
When did we become the bad guys?
Lol fuckin trumplet losers man
Does will Smith like folk music? m.youtube.com
Will Smith is a Scientology follower.
Nothing he thinks is important, is important.
>There is no such thing as a hot autistic girl
Prove me wrong.
Wasn't this movie partially financed by a Trump supporter?
Smith is a Scientologist??
When did that happen?
>actors opinions
>that's why we're here in Dubai
Wait a minute, is Dubai an Islamic country that doesn't practice Shariah or any of that shit? Someone redpill me on what Smith just said.
(((Trump supporters)))
the same could be said to "mexicans", antifa and whatnot
you anger people, people gonna spout out obscenity
Well guess it's official now.
Fuck that nigger and his special snowflake crack baby
that nigger is crazy, and needs to drop dead
What does RDJr say about Will Smith?
And James Woods?
>criticizing America over "Islamophobia" from a country that literally has slavery
Thats all they collected from a whole year of coverage? BLM does worse in a single week.
Dubai isn't a country, retard. It's a city in the United Arab Emirates.
>“As painful as it is to hear Donald Trump talk and as embarrassing as it is as an American to hear him talk, I think it’s good,” Smith said, according to the Associated Press. “We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country.”
What we learn from just this part of the quote:
1) It is painful for Will Smith to hear Donald Trump speak. It literally causes him physical harm to hear populist talk.
2) What Donald Trump says is so consistently embarrassing for Will Smith (why?) that he is embarrassed every time Donald Trump speaks.
3) It's good to know who Donald Trump supporters are, because...
4) ...He wants to remove them from the country.
Obviously Will Smith wants lists of Donald Trump supporters so that he can ruin them either financially, publically, or outright murder them. He wants to do this because hearing what Donald Trump has to say gets so under his paper-thin skin, violates his liberal double-think so horrifically, that it causes him physical pain and embarrassment. (He's probably also being put up to it by all his leftist Hollywood Jews, and fellow actors.)
So because Will Smith feels bad, he wants to kill you. Someone better call the cops on him.
Trump was on Fresh Prince though. youtube.com
Retards and autists always look like shit. It's nature's way of keeping you from wanting to breed with genetic refuse.
>“For a man to be able to publicly refer to a woman as a fat pig, that makes me teary,” Smith told the news website, referring to Trump’s long-running feud with actress Rosie O’Donnell.
Will Smith cries when people exercise free speech. No seriously. That's what he's doing.
>“My grandmother would have smacked my teeth out of my head if I had referred to a woman as a fat pig. And I cannot understand how people can clap for that. It’s absolutely collective insanity.”
Will Smith cannot comprehend how people can:
1) Applaud when they hear the truth.
2) Applaud when they hear things he disagrees with.
This man has reached the depths of intelligence required to be legitimately called a stupid nigger.
That's pretty fucking progressive.
Isn't Will Smith that one nigger that was a child rapist and made Halloween music?
Will Smith is a bisexual swinger along with his wife
So who the fuck is he trying to lecture? He's as degenerate as they come.
Hollywood is literally ran by pedophiles & scientologist cultists.
It's kinda a mix of funny & sad whenever they attempt to preach to us about morals and how to live.
I agree with Smith! Once in a while you need a good cleansing.
proof it
hollywood truly is a cesspool of liberals. I wonder if there even are actors that are Trump supporters? I bet it's harder to come out as republican / trump supporter than coming out as gay or a tranny. What is happening to this world.
I'm still not sure if lena hamham is male or female
"smacks lips"
He didn't say anything about trump supporters.
Fuck you faggot shills trying to turn me against Big Willie style.
The bad guys in action movies are often played by conservatives.
Based Clint Eastwood is pro Trump
After pushing his hack son as much as he has been, I don't really take him seriously anymore.
Another cuck to add to the list. Another one just who doesn't get it. He's talking about Dubai... Just zero awareness. How many rapefugees and terrorists from Dubai do we have? This is not what Trump or any other realist is about. It hurts to know that some people take what this idiot says at face value.
Cleanse Trump supporters? How about we cleanse the cucks? The cucks are ruining our society.
>Muslims are good guys!
That is highly interesting. Please let me know what other entertainers or similar types of people having an ethnic heritage think about political matters.
If you happen to know what Tiger Woods thinks about US-Iranian relations or the current situation in Ukraine, I would be especially grateful, and would pay you several millisheckels to an (((account))) of your choosing.
It really implores me to conjugate.
they have too keep quite or else they wont get a job
>I feel he is the last chance we have to establish law and order, and preserve the culture I grew up in.
is this statement supposed to be bad or outrageous? i dont understand.
pretty gross
Chuck Norris is a Trump supporter. Seriously.
Don't you ever sit down and wonder just how?
How is this possible? She looks like she was built by molding sacks of doorknobs together.
overrated nigger with potato offspring
>massacres hundreds with guns in his new movie
>wants to ban firearms
Typical dynastic hollwood oligarch hypocrite star who wants a two class society, one law for him and his worthless brood, another law for the plebs that pay to see his movies
Hollywood stars need to be flat out disowned through massive taxes.
>literally calling for cleansing of a political group
>isn't in jail for inciting genocide
Literally right-wing buzzfeed.
Sorry folks. Hillary is going to get her ass handed to her. No amount of debate gerrymandering can save her from the news coverage and play by play.
Trump isn't Bernie. Bernie was soft and you know it. If Bernie went all in she wouldn't have stood a chance.
Bernie had a chance but he chose not to take it. He might have beaten Trump. Bernie was a pussy though, you know that too. You saw his face, sitting in the crowd at the DNC looking allllllll sad. I know you saw that shit.
Do you people really think that Trump isn't ready for this? Trump is 5 steps ahead. You don't want to believe he is. You want to believe that he's stupid and he got rich and raised a good family purely based on luck and handouts but not hard work! Not sobriety! Not intelligence!
You're so so wrong.
There's a lot of bluster ITT. I know false confidence when I see it.
Expect a calm, cool and collected Trump dismantling Hillary.
It's not a matter of if, it's a mater of when.
Isn't it just one kid he doesn't control? His other ones seem like they came out normal.
thats too bad, i liked independence day. I hope kek goes a little easy on him
full on boycott of hollywood, not even for free should you view that shite, you like movies make your own
>Don't talk to me about race war.
Kek shows no mercy to the non-believers.
>Austic chicks
>can't be qt
Wew lad
what are they faggots? wouldn't surprise me, black men in hollywood gotta wear the dress
Don't forget
>and libertarian politics
you need both wings to fly