National Guard user here guys, VERY IMPORTANT INFO

They're hunting for me. They're tearing apart all the arms lockers and checking them to see if I used them for pictures. People are having their hands photographed and compared. All because you guys had to keep posting about that fucking laptop.

But I have to risk it all to get this info out. This is CRITICAL INFO that can CHANGE THE ELECTION. It came to me straight from my friend who EAS'd into an analyst position at a certain intelligence agency. Turns out it's his job to watch you guys and create threat matrixes. You could say he's kind of a big guy who is good at explaining stereotypical badgers to his boss. He knows you guys need this.

They want to stop you from having it, Sup Forums. But listen & believe, then share and keep them from sliding this. The paid shills are everywhere but you guys can stop them. You're like a million john connors fighting in the digital resistance. It's an honor knowing that you have the back of the country I'm sworn to protect.

Also I embedded hidden tricks into my post yesterday to throw off the investigators trying to track me down. Shills will try to present them as 'proof' that I'm a psyop. Don't even give them one single stinkin' (You)

Other urls found in this thread:

shilling so hard on Sup Forums just everyone replying should just sit and wait for real happenings fire up the ron pauls and be happy with popcorn.

Here it is guys. #FinishHer #MentallyHill #UnfitToLead


>he's kind of a big guy


>They want to stop you from having it, Sup Forums

Stop with the RP bullshit. No one believes you faggot

nigga what

He's a fucking shill. Ignore and sage

how do i know you're not the shill

read the letter jackass.



We have take trolling to the next level

thats some prime fucking bait lad
Honorary Aussie

CTR delivering quality shitposts

did he sign the ltter with ms paint


SfVkukz8 is a fucking shill, don't give him any (You)s

His ID even has kuk in it. MEME MAGIC MIST BE TRUE

control the record , sage delete

i ain't even mad anymore this is the cherry on top of a deranged work of art

How did you do this

U dun goofed

it must be real, look at the racks

>that fucking nerf dart in the top left
It really is nerf or nothin...

>All because you guys had to keep posting about that fucking laptop.
>They want to stop you from having it, Sup Forums. But listen & believe, then share and keep them from sliding this.

Wanna guess how I know you're bullshitting?

>national guard

truly america is today's shitposting paradise!



>implying that's even the same hand writing



Holy mother of god, you have reached ascended levels of shit posting. Congratz, I wish there was some sort of token of appreciation that could be awarded to you, but it wouldn't mean anything anyway because you're beyond that. You're like a deep agent so deep that you don't even know you're a deep agent.

What's happening boo boo

Can't be real.

Doesn't even mention her Rectovaginal fistula.

You know that bitch has a vaganushole.

This guy is real ! I know it because he has guns and a grey file.
He is probably in some sort of military secret base where they keep top secret documents.

This is serious guys ! Don't let the shills slide this thread !

>Nerf dart

I'm glad to see that someone around here is still putting effort into trolling.

Most obvious meta-shill I've ever seen in my life.
>$0.02 added to your CTR account!

You got me again you cum guzzling cock gargler

dat pussy stankin

we was

You have earned this (you), meme peddler

epws xli keqi.

well well well it seems as though you've fallen for my ruse

This so bizarre that it could be real.

>OP got black bagged and was posted to discredit the whole thing as trolling

Wait... Isn't Trump the one being supported by the Russians?
Eh, whatever.
It's all fucked anyways.


fools, the real information is in the code at the top of the partially hidden page.


Act like I dropped a major bomb and I'll delete this post in 5 mins.

>not the xray maymays

fake and gay
nu/pol/ strikes again


not made by OP but was next thread

^^^ OPs original thread not counting the fucking jizzilion copy pastas since like here

Worth skimming like a special blu ray Directors cut



Great job my boy, i think this will win you a screenshot.

>not using a Sup Forums user script that automatically loads deleted posts

check this out guys, what is it? :o

Image of that paper is here


Damn, so OP is like a Jason Bourne?


I can't believe people are falling for this. Your so full of shit!

>rakim + H

Dindu hill shill get out

A (you) and a peep for your troubles. Sadly it's all I have to offer.

Mouthbreathers here will call you a shill because their puny brains can't comprehend anything more beyond bipartisan shitflinging, but I appreciate your effort. God bless you.

we knew they were going to post shit like this to lead people toward fake ass conspiracies and shit to:

1. make Sup Forums look like fucking idiots
2. discredit anything posted on Sup Forums

/k/pol/ here.

>OP claims to be national guard

Not Colt, not FN

Also, bottom AR has no 3rd pin for burst or full auto.

KYS You fucked up.

this looks fake as fuck; however, there is always something in me that is more than ready to believe the government and all other forms of authority are out to get the fine citizens of the United States of America.

Anybody else have a power outage this morning?

Sunny here. Power went out for a few minutes this morning. And so did the power of some major airports.

huh. what a weird and not at all related coincidence.

>Magpul stock
>Natty Guard

Fuck off, you bullshit artist.



Your the dumbasses spewing the shit You eat. Go make yourselves look like retards with an open butt in front of everyone

Government shills out to kill us all


My fucking sides.

I dont want this election ever end.

I'm so fucking glad my half hearted ms paint shitpost was taken up by a professional. God speed user.

I dropped everything to leak that crucial info as soon as I saw it, CIA bro.

Someday we'll explain Spurdo to management together, in Valhalla

> tfw this thread is legit
> shills are shilling themselves to shill
We have to go deeper

US government spy

and so it begins

It's real ! Look at the guns !
Fuck off m8 !


*yawns* pretty bad attempt at starting a conspiracy theory.

just as bad as the flat earth theories on alt-right Youtube vid comment sections.

Bored watchstander on balls to 6 detected.

OP deserves some repeating integers, and it's a crime he didn't get any

Okay so I typed in the series of numbers and letters at the top of the one picture in google, and got redirected to this page.

No. Now it ends.


Old lady here, I've been working in the field for years, filed thousands of these reports and can confirm that this is as real as it gets.


After reviewing the thread abit, the person who posted the second image was using a Norweigen flag at the time.

We all knew OP was a shill before, but now we know that it is a proxy as well. Fug.

Eat shit. Include me in screen cap cause my id keeps it $100%

I typed the whole thing on my phone and got redirected to tubgirl.

So yeah thanks

We ALL have repeating numerals, on the inside.

Mac Virus!!!
Do not click!!!!!!!!

now your in the national guard? fuck off you fucking nigger.

Funniest shit I've seen. I wonder if Bernie would have croaked too if he got elected. I dunno how these 70 year old bastards expect to be president for eight whole years.

fucking mac fags. If you have a mac then you deserve that.

>yuropoors can't afford macs
how fucking poor can you be

Glad everyone forgot about those laptops.

Now let's forget our troubles with a big ol' bowl of ice cream!