What happened to spongebob?

What happened to spongebob?
How did the show get so bad?

most of the old writers left, brighter color schemes, more focus on "zany" humor and shit slapstick rather than actual jokes.

What are some essential episodes / seasons?

Haven't watched spongebob in decades but I'd say my favorite episode of all time was either the butterfly one or band geek.

The same thing that went wrong with The Simpsons: nearly all the best writers left.

The first 3 are considered "golden age" because that's when the original creator was working on the show. That and the movie, which was originally supposed to be the finale.

Staff changes i guess. Seasons 9-10 are pretty good though, even if it took years of utter garbage to get to it

>Chocolate...did you say chocolate?!

>With or without nuts?


Fucking Normie

rock bottom might be my all time favorite episode in any tv show ever

I love the episodes commentary on the transgender bathroom debate.
Really subtle yet powerful.

Basically the first three seasons.

The real trick is trying to find decent episodes from beyond this point.

First three seasons, Season 4 is where quality starts to dip.
Then it goes complete shit though I've heard the newest seasons are sort of getting back on track.

I have season 1-3 on dvd. Should I listen to the commentary now that im "grown up"?

fiirst you must acquire a taste for free form jazz

Only the first two seasons were good, season 3 and afterwards are shit (yes that includes the movies, they're all shit)

How can trips be so wrong?

I listens to commentary for movies when I was a kid.
Than again I have autism.

>the movie that should have been the conclusion
True fans will always consider Ocean Man to be the spiritual conclusion to the golden era

true fans stopped watching before the sereis even went HD.

true fans keep watching even if it turned to shit