>see this image
>noticed that the statistics were not accurate
>told those responsible for uploading/sharing it that it was not entirely correct
>too much butthurt
>start getting personal

these vego vegans are a disgraceful image for all vegan vegos out there. this turned into one of the most entertaining arguments I've ever had on facebook

>see this image


please don't use images for ants


Nice try. No one is after your ping, or your 1984 Commodore VL.

In fact, if there is another World War, you will devolve into spider-niggers before your land is discovered again.




Wtf is this ? An image for beans ?


they all j.peg just click and read

You have no excuse not to be vegan









Dude, learn to fucking spell. Holy fucking shit.

at this point im thinking ok well this is really hard just to get the facts to support this arguement but maybe they just holding them back





at this point theres still nothing

so it ended up with a whole bunch of nothing to support these facts

yeah nice i bet you vote for trump too

Vegans are literally satanists..

i'm pretty sure disagreeing with women is rape now

when they call you names whilst caliming you are belittling THEM!

It's all so tiresome...

Hey buddy don't lump the vegans in with us

Vegans are cunts. The more of them that open their mouths, the more people hate them.

Stupid vegans, this is totally the same as killing sentient plants r-right guys?

>despite vegans being pseudoreligious fanatics
So you posted all of this to show everyone you're an annoying cunt?

you were doing ok till I heard you were 19, then I was like, well, the other one has like 30 years, so, how could the 19 be right?

Hans, you already are a cuck for foreigners, don't tell me you're a vegan pussy too now!

Yeah man everyone who consume meat also enjoy torturing and killing dogs

If you ever want to see a vegetarian or vegan's head explode ask them "what happens to all the livestock if we stop eating them"

These idiots literally think farmers will keep them as pets until predators (most natural predators were killed off before WW1) get them, or we set them free to get hit by cars, venture into neighborhoods where animal control will pick them up and send them to non-profit no-kill shelters, or they get hit by cars and everybody bitches about it then bitches about "death squads" sent out for misplaced animals.

At this point we have no choice but to eat farmed meat. And even if you say "well, I'll continue to eat meat, but only wild game". The same arguments against farm meat will be used for game meat, and the same problems will arise.

And even if we artificially substituted our natural predators by repopulating bears, foxes, wolves, and coyotes, these same people complain because said predators will eat their dogs and cats.

> Equating what third worlders do to first worlders

> Vegans have been known to keep their carnivore animal on the same diet they share, as well as their babies

naww lmao

You're right, I have no excuse, I just straight up don't want to.

Fuck you, now im hungry again

funny thing is shes not vegan shes a vego hahahah

they are vego not vegan which makes this much juicer

why do we need an excuse?

I'm eating beef jerky right now.

>arguing with women
>vegan women
>>>>>>vegan feminist womyn
Why lmao, also, although spelling has nothing to do with the argument, you really need to learn how to spell. It just gives them more """"ammo"""" for their argument.

But seriously, dont waste time debating feminist vegans on fucking facebook, its a waste of time for everybody involved.





it got real mang ive still got some guy trying to fight me

the whole point of starting this was to prove to her that the numbers are false
and they made it personal
i was going to 8 chan post this but i feel as though commenting here will suffice as im close to kicking it up a level

>If you ever want to see a vegetarian or vegan's head explode ask them "what happens to all the livestock if we stop eating them"

I'm a vegan and my head is not exploding. They just go back to doing whatever it was they were doing before we started farming them. Smaller population numbers aren't evil. Are you a utilitarian in relation to all species or just non-humans? What if superior alien race wanted to do that to us?

They aren't the same species they were before we started farming them. Do you really think there were dairy and beef cows roaming American grasslands, laying hens and roosters nesting in thickets, or trophy hogs digging up grubs and roots before farming?

Even if they were a native species, releasing them into the wild would have a colossal impact on wild species that depend on natural environments untouched by livestock.

they all die you retard, they're inbred as all fuck