Has any show declined in quality as quickly as House of Cards has?
Has any show declined in quality as quickly as House of Cards has?
Yeah, Heroes
True Detective.
Sherlock 4th season.
Not that 3rd was good, but the garbage that poured out of the screen in the 4th season, was quite shocking.
i thought the whole "going to war" bit at the end of s4 was ridiculous, and i haven't watched any of season 5
is it even worth it?
It's straight up garbage
It's pretty good untill episode 9. The old hag and the dad from Spiderman are filler, but the election itself is pretty fun
Good...boring as shit...pure shit
True Blood
Death Note? Joe Dirt?
Who the fuck was this creepy bitch? Where did she suddenly come from?
She's CIA
Perfect example of feminism in entertainment gone wrong again.
Great quality until the dumb bitch took over. Kevin Spacey still makes some good money so good for him.
She's from the department of commerce
Nah, I think that was fairly gradual after S4. 5 was okay, 6 had the hottest scene in the entire show where Miranda fuccs him in the murder room
I hear 7 was pretty shit though
only had one good season.
All had problems from episode 1. Especially Sherlock and True blood.
None of that even comes close to answering how to she suddenly has complete influence over the Underwoods, or why they (kinda) trust her with "sorting shit out". Almost a Mary Sue character.
What seasons was it when Mara got pushed into the train tracks? I stopped watching about 5 episodes into that season. It seemed to get flanderized since then and I couldn't watch it anymore
>implying you wouldn't fuck the hell out of her
The morale of the story is never give fans what you think they want, because fans don't know how to make good television.
>implying that i would fuck makes her character appearance make sense
So you would fuck that old granny?
has always been utter shit
ho shid, It's Tammy #1
House of Cards was unwatchable basically the instant they threw the chimp faced girl in front of a train.
Walking dead
Season 2.
True Blood went back and forth a bit though
with ups and downs until the last season was just awful garbage
True Blood had this amazing ability to have a season finale that seemed to set up something pretty cool and then completely ruin it in the least satisfying way in one episode
Neither do the writers
I'd fuck a lot of things.
fans wanted claire to become president and focus of the show?
Wayward Pines' drop in quality from S1 to S2 was fucking astounding. I know the S1 showrunner was let go but thats happened to plenty of other shows but the drop in quality was NEVER as massive as Wayward Pines.
>Has any show declined in quality as quickly as House of Cards has?
Not many, but yes;
It was always bad, to be honest. It was always generally bad. Amazing given the talent and funding they had.
After the first two seasons it goes from being bad to being shit and just keeps going downhill.
Game of thrones.
Raise your standards man.
game of thrones isnt in decline, it has good and bad seasons.
>god tier
season 1, season 3
>good tier
season 4, season 2
>lukewarm tier
season 6
>shit tier
season 5
Fans wanted Claire to be the focus of the show, for sure. Muh Ice Kween and all that.
Thats some autistic headcannon.
House of Cards has always sucked and I feel like a crazy person surrounded by normies and Sup Forums users who say it's good
Season 7 was better than 5/6
Agreed. I didnt care much for the UK version either
Just you cock sucker.
Come off it. Season 1 Dexter was fucking fantastic and it stayed good till the trinity killer
>Muh Ice Kween
You're a fucking idiot user
Twin Peaks
Fuck off normalfag. Youre not fooling anyone.
>implying it ever had quality
HoCfags are the worst. I genuinely don't understand how they could even exist.
>last two seasons are the shittiest seasons
So it's in Decline?
if you ever try to imply Oz declined in any way whatsoever I'll fucking find you and make a Beecher out of you
>Prison Break
>All the Seth MacFarlane shows
And arguably Trailer Park Boys and South Park, but I'm not adding them on the list because they've brought it back *somewhat* and there's still occasionally gems in the dung heap.