What the heck was his name again? I forget.
What the heck was his name again? I forget
Maximus Decimus Meridius
N'Sync Shrader, the most fly detective in the district.
nutsack schrader
a sack schrader
sameface jim
the extremely cunning dea agent that ignores facts for 4 seasons
Dwayne Johnson
Wtf does a.s.a.c stand for anyway?
A$AP Schrader
Ralph Nader
I think it's just a dumb plot hole but it could be commentary on his belief shapes your perception. Hank couldn't believe it would be Walt so he never even let himself look at things that way
amazingly sexy and cute
do people really find this funny? that thread just looks so cringy
Isaac Schrodinger
>I'm too fucking stupid to use google
It shows user, it shows
Go home, Vince.
>not wanting to see the alternative acronym definitions anons will come up with
Go be a giant edgelord faggot somewhere else you failed abortion
Ballsack Shredder
Based Vince
It's amazing how you typed up all that with your iPhone so far up your ass
Maxwell Res deFault
daytime trader
Dixie Mafia
hank from breaking bad
Hank "the Beaner Hater" Schrader
hank schrader of schraderbrau fame
Unca Hannk
Also don't forget it's not like he picked up the book and went OMG WALT IS HEISENBERG, he still had a lot of doubt which is why he locked himself in the garage and went full conspiratard.
Haha from breaking bad
underrated comment
A. Super. Asshole. Corkscrew.
I think what you meant to say was
u-u-unca hannnk
MC Schrader, bringing you the hits old and new
Angry bald dude
Assistant Special Agent in Charge
People are stupid. Didn't you know that?
el oh el
He's a Rock
Vic Mackey.
Frederick Cumberbatch
Mineral Rocks
>being this unfunny
Oroku Saki
>you will never drink a schraderbrau
feels bad man
So being the SAC you'd be #1?
A sack o' schradder
So he was in charge here? How can this be happening?