Anime should be banned. It reduce Japan birth rate by encouraging a generation of young men to grow socially awkward and desire only 2D drawing. Anime is also direct cause of NEET crisis in Japan.
Only based Abe can save Japan by banning Anime.
Anime should be banned. It reduce Japan birth rate by encouraging a generation of young men to grow socially awkward and desire only 2D drawing. Anime is also direct cause of NEET crisis in Japan.
Only based Abe can save Japan by banning Anime.
I don't bloody think so pal.
Dating is for cucks and nu-males.
>Being a weeab
get your shit together, son, you'll never find a bitch to fuck or a job to work at this rate
you're killing our country, you scrounging cunt
Is this a political thread?
Or do you want cute anime girl dumping until the thread gets deleted?
What does worshiping women have to do with job?
I literally have no drive to pursue dating anyway.
Sex is fucking shit anyway, not worth it.
post more
OP and are gigantic faggots.
You can have my daki
when you pry it from my cold dead hands
$.02 has been credited to your account
In Russia, if you're weeb or smth close, you get tons of pussy. Animegirls are super slutty.
I have a custom daki being drawn for me right now.
Can't wait desu.
Behead all those who insult anime.
Madoka Akbar
anime has been around in japan for decades. nothing to do with birthrates
Is Megumin a muslim?
I know you're just baiting but killing anime at this point would just hurt japan.
No, she's a moeslim
Of course not.
Muslims hijacked the bomb meme long before they hijacked planes.
What % of domestic spending is anime-related?
I thought it actually wasn't all that much.
>implying they wouldn't just find an even gayer vice
I'm not socially awkward because I like anime, I like anime because I'm socially awkward. I would still be the same even without anime, the only difference is that without it I would probably kill myself.
Not sure but I don't think gutting the anime industry will fix anything. Japanese would lose money and I'm not entirely certain what would happen to Otaku. I guess they would just die.
>direct cause of NEET crisis
that shit is so minimal in Japan you don't even need to act like it's a problem. way worse in the US.
Who cares how someone else acts? Do you feel a need to fit it with the rest of the degenerates in your country?
I certainly don't think it'd help them, but I don't think it would be *THAT* crippling.
How much of domestic sales are on blu-rays in the first place though?
A small minority of people here in the states bother with physical copies of shit nowadays.
>I certainly don't think it'd help them, but I don't think it would be *THAT* crippling.
It would be interesting to see what would happen.
is anime considered haram in your holy book, Ahmed?
>Implying mudslimes are not degenerate
>promotes Japanese culture
>bans anime
No one, not even Abe is that retarded.
They could name the movement "banime"
Many japs are internet illiterate and buy physical. Anime industry is worth about 15bn USD, about a third of the whole Japanese agriculture.
No, but it fucking should.
Jap ag is a tiny fraction of their economy though. They (rightly) import most of their food. So anime would be a fraction of a fraction of Japan's domestic economy.
What went so wrong ?
I hate "my body, my rules." All I see are loud, feminazi, "down with patriarchy," and misandrists....
The radiation never went away
Agriculture is a tiny fraction of any developed economy. They provide loads of jobs despite not being a big fraction of GDP and also have services that are tied to anime but aren't considered part of the industry. Anime is also one of the few things that show growth. Banning anime wouldn't crash Japanese economy but it would be more painful than one would think and it's not like Japan is its best shape anyway.
Japan's problem is that people work so much they don't care about biological cravings.
Banning anything anywhere will always hurt an economy m8.
Not that so much, it's just that "more effort than its worth" is the base sentiment. It's not directly related to their work environment, although the employment climate in Japan certainly is toxic.
No it isn't. Actually anime helps most NEETs coping with their problems. Anime like Flying Witch, Natsume Yuujinchou, Barakamon, Gin no Saji, Working and NHK ni Youkoso! are perfect examples of works aimed towards helping japanese youth. The problems of non-dating, disinterest in sex and social awkwardness are causally connected with the introduction of american culture in Japan. Japan's debt levels are through the roof and will implode very soon. After globalization fails on a global scale things will go back to normal.
>Flying Witch
Fair enough
Aw yee
I don't know a single person that got 'healed' by NHK but plenty went even deeper into depression.
Are one of those people who recommend Texhnolyze to newfags?
>Banning anything anywhere will always hurt an economy m8.
Banning child prostitutes with hydrogen suicide vests doesn't hurt the economy no matter what you ancap degenerates think. I was saying that banning anime would hurt Japanese economy more than you might expect. It's really big for an individual industry and it's concentrated in Tokyo.
NHK helped me a little
ban cars, they kill a lot of people each year
ban knives, they hurt a lot of people each year
ban alcohol, it destroys many peoples lifes
ban ....
banning doesnt get you to the root of the problem. because getting to the root would actually solve things, and that my friends, should never happen. the status quo must go on.
birth rate is rising in japan though.
Inb4 Japan is a ghost country. See guys, this what happens when you don't have immigration
How does it feel knowing that Japanese have a higher fertility rate than white british
This is only meaningful if TV series are sold the same way as anime.
With anime you'd need to buy 7 separate discs toown a single 13 episode anime.
If they sell regular ol' box sets for TV shows like they do here this chart is meaningless.
mcfucking kill yourself baka
>not funding super comfy SOL animes full f daughterfus
You're smalltime, Abe.
>rising birth rates without enrichment
>you will live to see Emperor worship begin again in Japan
>you will live to see the rise of the next Japanese empire
>you will live to see Abe make Japan Great Again
Feels good to have at least 1 non-ruined country on earth
Anime is not the problem
ban only the shitty unpatriotic anime
make bushido national law of conduct
mandatory sex lesson from grade 9 on.
encourage child making, and living in the rural areas
that's all it would take to Make Nippon Great Again
Ban this ban that how very authoritarian. So, nope.
Your a fucking idiot that's not how shit works.
>inb4 fucking degenerate weeb get off my board!!1!1!1!!111
When anything is ridiculously as popular as anime it's near impossible to ban. The fact it's considered an art form doesn't help either. Also your literally saying shit that sounds like your opinion, are you 14-16 or something?
>Not getting more immigrants
>Anime should be banned
The problem isn't anime, its that women become less desirable with every generation.
The problem is society as a whole.