why are americans and australians such bullies? the chinese athlete was taking heart medication
Why are americans and australians such bullies? the chinese athlete was taking heart medication
Like Maria Sharapova, right?
Every single professional athletes dopes. Without doping you would not stand a chance. Phelps is a fucking hypocrite drug addict.
>someone was better than me in a competition
>he/she must have cheated
Human skill and endurance only goes so far.
I'd like to see a chart of "olympic records". I have to imagine that a chart detailing new record achievements wouldn't be very steep for hundreds of years, but would then shoot near straight up whence it got into the modern era.
All because of performance enhancing drugs, chemicals, regimes, etc.
>one man, one shitpost
>one billion people triggered
Mack Horton is who we all aspire to be, a real human bean and a real hero.
>all because of drugs
There are plenty of other reasons for that leap, aside from drugs. The role of athletics has changed significantly over time. Many pro baseball players played drunk in the 1950s. Mickey Mantle nearly set the home run record and he hardly ever slept that season because he was busy whoring and drinking every night and hung over during the game the next day. In the early days of the Tour de France most of the competitors were criminals and drunkards, not dedicated athletes. Nobody really dedicated their every moment to excelling at a sport the way people do now from a very young age.
Also, the idea that PEDs give a huge advantage is retarded. Being the strongest one on the field or in the pool does not garauntee victory. If it did then every swimmer and ballplayer would look like pic related. Form and technique are more important than strength will ever be, with the only real exception being powerlifting competitions as a place where pure strength beats all, and a powerlifter would tell you that even there technique and discipline are both more important than any PEDs.
PEDs should be legal. The only reason that steroids, a true miracle drug that is prescribed to millions of people to accelerate healing without any of the terrible side effects that are claimed from recreational or training use, were ever demonized and criminalized was because congress wanted people to stop talking about Iran-Contra and used it as a distraction by making Lyle Alzado their poster child because he was dying of cancer and convinced himself that the cancer was caused by steroids and not the heavy partying that he did in his glory days (cocaine, etc). His own doctor said publicly that his cancer had nothing to do with steroids, but congress needed to slide the Iran-Contra thread from reality.
>no proof
don't post anymore
BULL SHIT lmao what a cheesy as cover story "heart medication" hahahaha
anglos dotn need proof, its concept of evil slavs to demand them.
He's funny and all but I just can't get over the fact he looks like a spergy nu-male.
Drugs also increse agility, reaction, concentration and allow you to think faster.
You talk about peds is if only steroids are peds.
>heart medication
There should be three olypmics
A super roid class olympics
The pro natural class Olympics
And the people's Olympics ( open registration to anyone, placement by random lottery)
gooks are heaps mad on twitter, its hilarious
That would be great.
hey we are bullies too one of our swimer said sun yung's piss is purple !
>placement by random lottery
damn I miss aussie slang
It's definitely heaps mad.
they are all on drugs. there are undetectable drugs and a huge list of not banned drugs. regulations and laws about use of drugs contantly change and thats the point where most athletes get caught, in those transition and change of laws.
i dare you, tell me that this ass wasnt made for 10 inch black dick
>placement by random lottery
Just make events in every countries where people can qualify.
Great idea desu
> calls for ban on drug cheats
> smokes weed everyday
Make Olympics in space where only lolis can participate.
>>Also, the idea that PEDs give a huge advantage is retarded.
as someone who has used "PEDs", you're fucking retarded.
>Chinese twitter users attacking anyone called Mack Horton
>UK dude points out it's not him
>You lie, you evil white dude
All white people not only look the same to these insects but apparently a country with 150 million Chans can't understand the concept of more than one person in the world with the same name.
They all dope. The smart ones don't get caught and go bananas on those who do.
>Form and technique are more important than strength will ever be, with the only real exception being powerlifting competitions as a place where pure strength beats all, and a powerlifter would tell you that even there technique and discipline are both more important than any PEDs.
missed this part.
here's the deal mate. steroids don't just make you stronger. they make you more agile, more precise, more coordinated, and they improve your reaction time. they improve quite literally fucking everything involved in physical sports.
the aussie won you fucking idiot and the 2nd place chink faggot did get caught doping
That would probably work pretty well for gymnastic actually.
spent a good half hour this morning mass replying to chick twatter users with pic related
this, once you got caught you should be executed
>performance enhancing
pls dont post again
Allow all steroids. I want to see some supermutant freaks in the next Olympics. You're lying if you say that you give a shit about these total stranger's health.
>le wet weed man is anti drug
>tfw your american bros have your back
love you bros.
Literally every single pro athlete dopes. Why wouldn't they? Amateur bodybuilders could easily evade the olympic tests.
Everybody knows this right? Just look at testosterone, you can't test beyond ridiculously high levels so why wouldn't a bro athlete make use of it, especially when so many doctors are giving out TRT if you just ask for it
The people who claim that pro athletes don't abuse drugs are retards who have no fucking idea how the tests are performed and believe in all the anti-drug propaganda.
Can you get me some bro?
Based Frenchman said quote, "that chink pisses purple"
There should be three olympics IMO.
First one is the natty olympics.
It's all natural but lots of training and dedication and shit.
Second one is the freak olympics.
Steroid abuse, robotic limbs etc is all acceptable.
Third olympics and my personal favorite is the completely unprepared olympics.
In this one normal people are selected at random to compete for their country for a random sport they have no training in.
Go to your doctor and get some blood tests done for T levels. After that all you have to do is just ask for TRT. If the doctor says no then go to another and keep trying until you find one who does.
During Iran-contra, HGH was not synthesised. Proathletes were using cattle steroids, sheep mainly for gains. Prolonged use would led to cardiac problems, most suffering multiple hearts attacks usually in their 30's.
Medfags can explain why they are so damaging to the cardiovascular system
Didn't Phelps agree to more than the required testing just to prove that he wasn't? At some point you can't just claim this shit without proof.
His weed smoking aint the best, though.
when you realize Australian bantz is as effective as a nuclear bomb.
China get's so butthurt and threatens to start war with Australia over bantz
Just searched for #mackhorton on twitter. Genuinely hilarious how many mad chinese there are.
Who gives a fuck if he smokes a little weed. It's not cheating any more than smoking cigarettes or drinking booze. If anything it's a handicap.
Besides all that he's in his 30s now. Condemning a 31 year old because he smoked a bong when he was 24 is retarded.
>Everybody knows this right?
No they don't.
Every olympics cycle new retards pop up to berate doping and applaud their own athletes for being clean. It's a fucking joke.
Even the sports themselves don't want to do proper drug testing for this very reason. Look at the Lance Armstrong "scandal" and people in the circuit admitting every single one of them was doped. And yet he gets stripped of his honors and is shamed. What fucking purpose?
Michael Phelps is the same. If some intrepid little shit who doesn't understand how the system works does some digging he'll be outed in a shocking "scandal" as well. You really think he could compete on that level for this long without drugs? Even the people who claim he's not on drugs claim his competitors are, do they even realize what the fuck they're saying then?
An old athlete is outcompeting younger talent that are on drugs?
You're a fucking idiot
How isn't it?
So what's wrong with doping? Olympics don't matter anyways and they're just pure entertainment. Why are they over-glorifing it so much? They're being held in Rio FFS! This should tell you how low the standards are.
My take, let them do whatever and let's just enjoy it. Sports are more fun when everyone goes over the 100%
If you ever choose to sober up and realise the state of your nation you will understand why smoking weed is a hindrance.
You can't have an anti-drug propaganda machine when literally every pro athlete is on drugs.
I'm not even some DUDE WEED LMAO. This shit is just painfully ridiculous
I don't care for drugs and shit, but if people want to ruin their lives, who fucking cares.
Not like there's a shortage of athletes out there, everyone trying to prove themselves.
Back when drugs were not regulated during sports and especially baseball, people were hitting home runs for days, now that's entertaining!
Bunch of crybabies. MUH ETHOS
chinks deserve everything they get
The Olympics should be abandoned and the World's Fair be revitalized. The nations of the world would benefit more if we had healthy competitions.in the fields of science, industry and innovation.
In 2016 who cares who can run faster & etc?
>Heart meds
You can get medical exemptions. How high are you right now?
-meeting people
-learning new things
-being able to rely on your memory
-accomplishing complex tasks to a high standard
Weed doesn't help with any of these things. I enjoy a smoke, but I don't pretend for a second that it makes me any better at anything except eating pizza and mumbling unintelligibly.
I've been thinking about this a lot recently.
Isn't it time for society to value academic brains as much as they do sports stars and celebrities?
I'm so fucking sick of hearing how song writer is only making millions of their latest hit due to torrenting when only a small fraction of marketable geniuses are making what they're really worth. I don't want to sound like a commie or anything, but capitalism is starting to piss me off.
Apparently he smoked it to help himself eat more because his training was burning so many calories
I know Arnie said that he would smoke marijuana to relax
Sport is crucial to promote for good health and charity of mind, also national pride IS A GOOD THING!
Imagine being from Kenya, it's a hot dusty poor shithole but every four years you know your marathon guy is going to kick some arse.
But I wholeheartedly agree on the World Fair sentiment
>ctrl+f 'german 2016 Olympic medals'
>0 results
Freudian slip talking about Africa. Fucking moochers
Kek modern performance enhancing drugs are not easily tracked, look at Lance Armstrong for example.
You Americans cheat in every single sport you compete in and you do it brilliantly too (Lance was given a shitload of tests as well and he managed to dodge the bullet (almost) impressively).
Okay, you've both clearly proved you know nothing about the standards and technicalprocedures that are used to prevent doping. If the procedures and standards are upheld, you cannot dope.
Of course this is providing that the procedures are properly implemented and corruption isn't an issue. Also, New drugs are being developed every day , but it usually isn't long before the regulating body discovers it and jumps on it.
>Be Olympic athlete
>Have heart condition
>Be filthy ching chong
>Take a banned drug that improves heart function
Which is more rikery scenario?
How do you catch testosterone abusers?
I don´t take this cunt seriously
Proof of what? That people who aren't /fraud/ are less capable than those who are? Are you retarded?
I guess when your country regularly prescribes heart medication for your athletes for 30 years you get a reputation for being as dishonest as every other part of china's dealing with the world.
The super roided one would actually be pretty interesting, we know the "limits" of the human body, but that's either with small scale doping so not to get caught or no doping at all.
It'd probably get shut down after the first year because of some 2nd place guy murdering first place in roid rage.
Would watch
Funny thing is they banned Russia and yet people like Gatlin and Gay are still here. Double standards...
Once again you're making that ubsubstantiated allegation that we cheat at everything.
There are 300 million people to choose from in our country and we have the most advanced athletic infrastructure in the world. We always win the Olympics because we have the most talented athletes.
>Achievement unlock: Trigger of the century.
Funny thing is that there has been 4 confirmed orgies between the black runners and white female athletes.
If doping becomes accepted it means that only the countries with advanced pharmaceutical research will be competitive.
>Arguing for PED use
Why am I not surprised?
Didn't the same thing happen at the last summer games? In women's speed swimming? "Oh my god, The US didn't win. The Chinese athlete is secretly a man!"
Who you calling gay?
WADA is corrupt to it's core. Every level within the organisation is a failure. Atheltes are easily warned in advance of 'random tests'.
So much money is involved within the industry now, that athletes have specific compounds created by experts in the field.
Such compounds can be designed to leave the system extremely quickly.
The technology used to test for drugs is stupidly expensive. Expanding testing methods is a complex task, that makes it almost impossible to keep pace with the progress of PEDs.
>Somewhere deep in the recesses of the enormous, wood-encased facility, though, in a freezer in the anti-doping lab of the Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdique, the clock was ticking on what some believe may be one of the biggest suppressed doping scandals of all time.
There is a reason stories like this slip away into the background.
Based Chinaman
Yeah, can't explain how poor black countries always dominate the running comps. Also can't explain how they end up getting the most sex out of anyone in the village. Steroids doesn't do that, it's called being a genetically gifted BBC.
Tyson Gay
Literally everyone (successful) in the Olympics dopes one way or another.
Either they avoid bans by timing their doping or use designer drugs that aren't detected or haven't been technically banned yet.
Just get a chemist to tweak stanozolol slightly, rename it "stanozokek" and avoid bans all day
>tries to throw his cap to the crowd
>throws it back into the pool by mistake
Daily Reminder that the genetic distance between Blacks and everybody else is greater than the genetic distance between Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens in general.
Coal Burning IS Bestiality.
>Also can't explain how they end up getting the most sex out of anyone in the village
This is flat out untrue. Take your fetish elsewhere
why it dosent surpise me?
>Be me
>Swim reary fast to get gold medal and avoid beating at most popular china repubric
>Win the gold medal
>Try to be popular throwing typical low quality child factory made cap to white demons
>Ramen falls down my speedo
Any news on her?
WTF. I just had my fucking mind blown hard.
I see this thread pop up again. Decide to check it out.
Posted in it a little about an hour and a half ago.
Scrolling down.
See this post for the first time.
See an american bro has made a post very close to mine expressing an idea almost identical to mine.
I swear I hadn't seen this post before when I made this post:
Absolutely shocked.
I honestly thought I was being original with my post and there it was already posted ahead of me.
holy fucking shit....
Do you think horses are on drugs too?