ITT: we debate this question: is there any chance of feminism to do actually good? And why?
Also feminist cringe/hate
ITT: we debate this question: is there any chance of feminism to do actually good? And why?
no, now fuck off beaner
No spic. go take care your 3rd world country.
If you want your society to become a pussified bonobo culture than it is a "good" thing. The problem with such societies is they are ultimately taken over by nigs that just don't give any shit.
Damn I missed these threads.
Where are the anti-feminist, the fat shaming, the anti-gay, red pills, the religious discussions, the stock market happenings, the yellowstone, the skyking, happening threads?
It is all gone and barely have space around here because all we get is fucking drumpf threads and trolls pretending to be shills trolling drumpfags.
I want my fucking Sup Forums back.
Kek I'm from Kentucky, just came here to visit
Think of the positives fags, this way we know exactly which women to avoid without trying much
Hi summerfags. You smell like trumpshills. The anti-mexican meme is only allowed in your shitty drumpf threads. Take your stupid hats and your soiled pants and GTFO.
Wowowowowow thats her white privilege showing.
OP here, another question: what the fuck is going on with the sjw's? Are they also feminist?
Yeah I forgot about George Orwell
>Where are [...] the religious discussions
There are a couple of religious shill threads every day.
A good old fashioned punch in the mouth would do wonders
Classic case of internalized misogyny. Any woman against feminism is the same as a black person being against the civil rights movement. A sad self hating uncle Tom.
No because it focuses on "feminism" - implying that there is something wrong and that women are oppressed at the hands of men.
When in reality both men and women have their own issues to one degree or another, and both should strive for egalitarianism, with respect to the differences of each gender.
A friend of my wife's has forever convinced me that the answer to whether leftism or feminism can ever do real good is unequivocally "No."
This person was born to a mother and a black father. Dad never stuck around. This friend has a sister, born to a different father (race unknown at present), who isn't around. This person was constantly moving around as a child, and as such, only knew their mother and sister as "stable." Problem is that the sister was younger, and the mother is notoriously unreliable, and only comes around when she wants something. Sometimes its money to rent a car (because the mother forgot that cars need the oil changed, or that cars need gas). Literally fucked off from Germany to Spain for a few years, only to come back and ask her child to watch her 2 huge dogs in an apartment that doesn't allow them, only to give them away later. This "mother" now has a government job involving the new rapefugees in Germany, and is still constantly needing financial assistance from her child.
This child, due to a complete lack of stability as a child, has no confidence in itself, and can only seem to find friends who are in a similar situation, which breeds abuse.
You might be asking why I don't use "him" or "her," when referring to the child. Well, thanks to this complete lack of masculinity in its life, combined with the fact that Germany loathes masculinity with a passion, AND all the instability in its life, has become trans in a desperate attempt to feel like it belongs to something. The German government diagnosed this person with the gender dysphoria disorder, and has been loading this former male with all sorts of female hormones for so long that they can no longer safely stop without really bad long-term effects, like horribly brittle bones.
And all of this could have been avoided if just one constant in this person's life, including therapists and psychologists just preached unapologetic self-acceptance.
ok, also did they really invented all that gender non binary shit? Or that just appeared in tumblr or Reddit?
The few joys I receive in life is knowing these women will die alone and childless.
That's fucked up.
Same here.
Does it really matter whether it invented batshit insane bullshit, or whether they adopted and pushed it? No. The origin doesn't matter. All that matters is that they are pushing something that is flat-out wrong. Men who follow their beliefs and mantras are all but guaranteed to live miserable, lonely lives, for which the feminists will not even sympathize with.
The trail they want men to march is a trail of tears for men, and they take orgasmic pleasure in that fact.
I don't give a shit. Don't come here and post this gay fucking shit
This is what happens when an entire society trips over itself to appear progressive and tolerant. It crushes people for being who they are, preferring to medicate them as child, and emasculate them as adults. Europa is dying, and for good reason.
>we post all the rabid retards on twitter
you sure are making a difference
Have you ever had any encountering with these kind of people? I hope not user.
Yes. Ivanka.
Yeah idk why Europe did that, now they can't handle all the deaths that the "refugees" are causing.
Is it just me, or do you guys cringe so hard when someone says Drumf?
Which kind of people? The batshit crazy feminists? If so, yes. They are insufferable, and the relationship usually ends quickly (thankfully).
If you mean the men who walk the Trail of Tears, not directly, but I've seen plenty of shit on here from Reddit about 40 year old virgin feminists who don't have any prospects, and feel miserable, only to have feminists telling them to check their privilege, and going on about how this is a GOOD thing.
Yeah, it's a good thing to be alone and miserable, and to never procreate, even if you fit the model man of what feminists demand.
I pity those men on one hand, because I think a bullet in the head would be more merciful, but on the other hand, I loathe them for refusing to realize that they are doing the same thing over and over again, getting bad results, and being unwilling to change, preferring instead to try and spread their misery.
They can handle it. Just like a person can handle the fact that they are going to die from cancer.
They are just in the Anger/Denial phase at the moment. Sad thing is, it isn't too late to turn it around. But they would need to take their government to task in order to do so, and they would rather die than stand up when it matters.
I imagine that WW3 will be fought over Europe once again, probably 20-30 years from now.
Man thanks for your answers, I've never encountered these feminist and I really hope I never see them.
Yes, there is. We should promote rabid feminism in Islamic countries and watch them slowly fall apart. It's a great division tactic. Too bad that it's difficult to implement with Islam around.
I hope they fix it soon, the paranoia is just growing in them.
I will say this: I've never been the one to end the relationship with feminists. It's always an old friend who went hard left, and would ridicule me about my decisions and insensitivity, and when I point out that they are more monstrous than I ever was, I get a load of "Fuck you's" and "You just don't get it!" which just results in me doubling down until they leave.
I'm unapologetic about who I am or what I've done. I've gotten feminists jobs, while those same people let me and my now-wife go homeless while they had a free bedroom. I've also paid the rent of complete strangers, and purchase people flights out of their failing country (Venezuela). I am who I am, and I am completely unapologetic about this. Feminists hate this the same way that roofers hate gravity.
They won't.
i don't know about that completely. there's 3 different "waves" of feminism and they often don't agree with each other.
but i don't disagree with the internalized claim - latin america is notoriously machismo.
what do you think about the OP first claim?
europe.the feminist agenda full swing.put women in positions of power because "muh vagina". the entire region is being "enriched"
we can poke both sides with sticks and watch the fire rise. encourage european feminist and go around the web and ask like a dumb heathen "if women are aloud to have positions of power in governments" knowing full well muslims blew some bitch up in the middle east for being in a position of power
if they play dumb to often switch accounts bring it up. theres video of the bombing when she returned after living in exile for years. fucking pakis
dont worry nobody needs to go to anyplace shady . youtube should work well enough since theres always refugees pretending to be americans defending muslims on news clips comment section
>animal farm was meant to be political satire of communist russia
>feminism=communism: proof
>feminism=communism: proof
Forced equality
that's the way they want it to be though