Why do white people support BLM?
Why do white people support BLM?
Other urls found in this thread:
jews are not white
virtue signaling and a hatred of themselves
the cops face says it all
also can someone please post the horsey meme where its a pepe and says testosterone on his shirt
Black Size Matters
why do people overlay french flag on facebook picture every time they get aloha snackbar'd?
Not every white person who supports blm supports it for the same reason. Of course some just have a shallow, emotionally based reason, and others legitimately agree that blacks are being unfairly targeted by police and the justice system as a whole and believe it should be changed.
left propaganda
>Women are fucking stupid
>The males only support it becasue they think they will get pussy if they do
Personally I believe it's the brainwashing our schools are forcing on us to make us more susceptible to manipulation like this. Or we are just complete cucks who don't want to be labeled racist because "muh political correctness"
Because they're projecting their own failures on to others. It's typical of libcucks
because they know a couple totally cool black guys so black lives obviously matter, there's no way poor innocent baby TrayTray was a violent thug or Mike Brown could be a bad guy because that doesn't fit their preconceived notion of black people
Brownie points.
Look at people bashing this fold song bc we are so cucked..... why can't we accept the past and move on and enjoy things with out these craving attention liberals. m.youtube.com
Every single secondary and higher education school system in the United States - including universities and colleges - has drilled into their brains that white people are natural oppressors, the colonization of Africa ruined it forever, all whites were greedy capitalists in the past that sought nothing but profit from blacks and treated them unfairly. They are not only taught that there is nothing wrong with being black, but that they are the same as blacks and blacks have never oppressed anyone or been racist. Being a racist in modern America is the same thing as calling yourself a murderer racist Nazi, it's one of the worst things you can be and people will shun you and relegate you to the image of the inbred hick KKK member. It's easier to understand someone that way, because to comprehend why they think the things they do - what makes them consider blacks inferior - would be, in their eyes, a futile exercise, it's less difficult to just shun them for their outdated ways.
So you drill this into young white people's minds for over 50 years, across every community and school. Then, with the spread of communication technology, you see that there are reports of policemen shooting and killing unarmed black men. Naturally, white people will think it is their fault, as was colonization and slavery. It's easier to go by this emotional response, because looking into the context of the situation would mean questioning if it was injustice, which it clearly was according to everything you've learned in high school and college.
That is why you have white BLM supporters.
White guilt my friend.
Okay, can someone explain this fucking argument to me?
How the fuck does being Jewish change whether or not you are white?
Europeans in the 8th century converted to Judaism. How did that suddenly change the fact that they were/are white?
user probably mean those white cunts get brainwashed by years of jewish propaganda.
There is ton of evidence, so I let you investigate but you should start with a certain Soros, funder of the BLM movement.
Why? Because those Jewish converts will say that they are white when it is convenient for them. I.E. when it's making life more difficult for white people. I.E. how Jewish professors, accredited from Jewish colleges, teach in American colleges that the US needs to be multiculture and diverse, while the Israelis say fuck no to that and fight tooth and nail against it.
When they are back among themselves, say that they are white, and they will call you an anti-semite, and cuss whites.
Where is the consistency? The only thing that is consistent is self-serving intentions.
Welcome to /pol.
Everything bad is da juice.
Not enough dicking
Idunno frankly, Jew is not a race. Maybe only by American standards where speaking Spanish makes you a different "race" for some reasonm
Because police forces are always ultimately nothing but a tool for government violence and should be dissolved.
Though for most it's just their rampant white guilt.
>I'm Jewish, not white
WALLACE: Black History Month, you find ...
FREEMAN: Ridiculous.
FREEMAN: You're going to relegate my history to a month?
WALLACE: Come on.
FREEMAN: What do you do with yours? Which month is White History Month? Come on, tell me.
WALLACE: I'm Jewish.
FREEMAN: OK. Which month is Jewish History Month?
WALLACE: There isn't one.
Virtue signaling, it's like caring about children, animals or the environment.
I don't get it either how you can support people that don't care about you and your ethnic group at all and even hate you because of that. You think they will protest if you are getting killed by one of them or by a police officer? They couldn't care less about your life. Really you have to be a retard to support this cause or these people.
some of these Sup Forums faggots say white people with brown eyes aren't real whites. they have been brainwashed by jewish propaganda as well
Did BLM just gave up? I haven't heard anything of them in a while (although I haven't been on Sup Forums for a couple of weeks).
Because why not? They dont lose anything by supporting it, and they get to show all of their friends how progressive they are. Their brain sorts all of this out subconsciously (which path is the least scary.) They're dumb as fuck man. They may have adult bodies, but they are not adults.
>and others legitimately agree that blacks are being unfairly targeted by police
Faggot. Racial profiling is necessary for Police to do their job catching criminals and preventing crimes. An unknown young black guy hanging around a predominantly white residential area is very likely to be up to no good and ought to be checked out.
If it wasn't for the disproportionate amount of crime they commit, black people wouldn't be dealing with Police as much. They need to stop blaming other people for their own failure as a community everywhere you find them and fix their own shit.
At best, BLM is a supremacist group that want special treatment from society for black people. There is no reason for white people to get involved, those that do a virtue signalling idiots anxious to demonstrate how colorblind and anti-racist they are. They're the cucks of cucks.