How many of you think that Bernie Sanders was nothing more but a scam? His only purpose was to get young voters to support Hillary Clinton while he collected little extra from them.
Why do i think like this? Well up untill now 2015 and 2016 socialism was seen as taboo in america. So how can all of the suden an anti capitalist demagouge spread ideas of socialism and rile people to support him? Would rich and elite not try to stop him? Alright and if they support freedom of speech and right of socialism as pilitical movement...
Why are they against Trump? An self made multy billionare capitalist who wants better conditions for private buisneses? Why? How does someone who is direcly anticapitalist run for president in capitalist world, but a experianced capitalist like Trump is seen as a threat?
So in a logical conclusion... does that mean that Bernie is a controlled oposition? While Trump is as thread because he cannot be bought?
Then that means that elite are using socialistic ideas to blind young voters and get them to vote for establisment.
In other words Yuri Bezmenov was right.
Bernie was a plant!
Other urls found in this thread:
It really is horifying to think that people like Yuri Bezmenov, Alex Jones, Ben Carson, Bobby Fischer and many other are right...
Even Snowden who may be hero or tratior to you.
We live in a world where truth is punishable, but not by goverment, no they learned from USSR's mistake no, this time you are punished by people.
You are being labelled as crazy, you are verbally abused, your personal info is leaked, you are ridiculed, and all.... all because you don't fit with the "herd".
I never trusted this kike from day 1.
Someone who regularly drinks champagne and rubs elbows with the elite, would never hoist the underclass.
True words, user. Panders never seemed to even remotely wanting to win. And how easy he folded in the end.
Bernie was 100% a fraud, confirmed by Ron Paul
Now basically you need to know that all that is happening is crazy, it makes no sense to us.
Let's see the exsample, globalists are fighting in Midle East to protect petroldolar right? Yes and this cause an Immigration on such scale that was never seen in this world before, right?
So logical thing for immigrant whould be to go to countries who share simular views, are culturaly simular and have same religion. But wait they are comming to Europe for money. So like any logical person whose pattern of thought was not disturbed by constand propaganda and forced liberal progressive education, whould say that we should not risk puttin our selves with people who don't share
anything with us neither religion, culture, history, laws, language etc.... But no they, who know better, decided that we ordinary people should risk ourselves for those in need, and those useful itiots are doing nothing more than virtue signaling.
We are constantly told that they are going to boost economy, be productive, take a lot of jobs so they help country in general, or at least Soros says so, but it is ironic that neither of those things are happening, even worse new immigrant are forming their own ghetos and are making unreassonable demand for host country.
But this is important, this what i will say.
Simple minded people can't make sense of a chaotic world so to them everything is preplanned and a conspiracy.
Why are you so simple op?
The ELITE are contradicting themselves when they say that immigrants are here to bost economy, we can see that, the say they are going to fill empty and create new jobs, but wait this is a lie, why? Because we are progressing the automation stage of industry, which mean that there will be less and less jobs as year go by. So wait why are there so many immigrants comming in to western countries? Is it to replace dying native population? But if there are going to be less and less jobs in future they don't need replacment now do they? So immigrant who don't contribute to economy, who leach on state welfare, who harass native population, orm ghetos and NO-GO zone, they... they have no purpose, but to destroy white population.
This is one of the many thing that is going on, ad to this: SWJ movement, BLM movement, active racebaiting, wars in Syria, Lybia, Iraq, Yugoslavia... , active oligopoly of media and internet censorship( see Milos's case - does not matter if you like him or not), Hillarys emails, Nato Expansion and troop build up along the Russian border, installation of Air defence misilles in Romaina to defend them from imaginary Iranian threat, contest on the South China sea, active promotion of degeneracy and hedonism, verbal abuse of non conformists and cynics, racebaiting, white guiltying etc...
There is many more problems that globalists face but you get the idea.
Truth is there.... Only thing you have to do, is to connect the dots.
>To have a soccer match you need 22 players organized in order to play a game.
>Why someone with millions can't organize something as simple as a planting establisment pupet in presidency, you have all the money in the world.
Reason they are loosing is because world is chaotic, but nowestablisment have intestified, as they say better safe than sorry.
I will try to link more things togeter soon, but just know that holes in Globalists logic makes these conclusions posible.
And remember if rich people we re guilable and naive like useful idiots, they whould not be rich.
Agreed, assuming anything is preplanned is just delusional, good to know there are more of us sane goys here
This is mostly pre-writen so that i don't have to improvise in reply box everytime, but if you have any questions ask.
Some Boby Fischer quotes:
I have a crazy quirk, Eugene. I like to say what I think. And if you're gonna work for the Jews, you can no longer say what you think. You can't say the holocaust never happened, for example. That is an absolute no-no. You can't say that circumcision is a crime. There are so many things you cannot say once you get on the Jewish bandwagon. … There used to be a lot of people like me, but little by little the Jewish spirit seems to be conquering all.
Bumb if you can so that this does not slide.
I think he was actually just a beta outsider jew who wanted his moment in the spotlight for once in his pitiful life
However he is the reason most of the young idendity politics people will vote for Hillary.
His intentions might have been to win or not, but really compare the ideology of Trump and Bernie.
Why were they so nonchalant about Bernie?
Protip: So is Trump. They now that nobody would vote for Shillary, even is she ran for potus against a crippled mexican cat. They needed someone they can portray as a literal Nazi to scare the people into voting for her.
It's just that all this effort in shilling on FB, Reddit even Sup Forums would be pointless if Trump was a plant.
But alas we can only hope he isn't.
This is true. They are old friends. Unfortunately, Clinton is the lesser evil, Trump is a Rusgol plant.
Too bad for them, people actually wanna vote for the Nazi.
I don't know where people keep getting the idea that he or the DNC will go away with millions, he spent almost all the $230 or whatever million he raised.
Ugh, you realize Clinton was a few hundred thousand votes behind or ahead of Obama in 2008 (the total votes don't include a few states), right?
They were going to vote for just because she's a woman, the same reason people voted for Obama because he's black.
Let's spice this up. Some things about Huma Abedin.
This article sums up Abedin and Clinton's weird relationship pretty well.
Here's a creepy quote from it, too:
"'A lot of times, Hillary would snap her fingers and go, ‘Gum.’ And Huma would fetch it.' Abedin took her duties so seriously,
the source recalled, that when she learned that Clinton had once carried her own bag up a flight of stairs in her aide’s absence,
Abedin nearly burst into tears."
"How often does Huma Abedin see her husband?"
Not very. She's usually travelling with HRC.
"Why is she always with HRC?"
She's like her servant.
"Who goes missing, and why? Sometimes people do not go missing at all.
They simply show up in places they are not expected, and they remain where they are least likely to be."
Okay, so where would Huma Abedin be least likely to be? Probably anywhere HRC isn't. Where is that? With her husband?
Her husband is a pervert like Epstein and Bill. Maybe he's connected to humman trafficking.
Back to Huma for now.
She wasn't at Weiner's sexting scandal conference. She was in Abu Dhabi with HRC.
Abedin returned home on the 15th of June.
What did FBI user mean by people remain where they are least likely to be? Is it more likely that Huma shows up in Abu Dhabi and stays there
amid her husband's scandal? Or is it more likely that she returns home to her husband instead of constantly travelling and working with HRC?
I guess a clue would be the way she reacted to Weiner's second sexting scandal in that documentary "Weiner." According to the same Newsweek
article I pasted above, she didn't react much at all:
"Abedin comes off as supremely smooth, even a bit cynical. As the sexting scandal’s second chapter exploded,
she kept an eye on what she called 'the optics.'
('You will look happy,' she advises one Weiner aide as the woman breaks down in tears. 'I’m saying this for you.')"
Pretty fucked up.