Bottled water cucks

americans buy bottled water for $1

/pol btfo

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Actually I get gallons from the supermarket for like 58 cents baka.

Are you that poor that you can't even afford $1 for water? cheap cunt

oh look... i got double 77.. """"""kek""""""" approved of my post

Yes, you tell them goys

Maybe because we aren't poor ffags like you leaf tards


Maybe it has something to do with the quality of the water? But then in Germany tab water is cheap AF and HQ AF without the fluorides and fracking derivates.


worlds purest water, almost free. not complaining


My local grocery story has Kroger 20pk for $2.50. Who cares?

>buying something that literally comes out of your tap for a fraction of the cost

>"but muh chemicals"

then boil it you fucking retard, enjoy your cavities.

>a bottle of water is only water
You are paying for the convenience of the cheap durable plastic bottle that you can easily refill.

Cunt it costs where I live $1 for 1,000 litres of water. BTFO Amerifags

drinking tap water is literally degenerate

I only buy bottles of water when I forget to bring mine to work with me, so I buy another and refill it at the drinking fountain at break and lunch. And dump a flavored powder packet in it, like tea or lemonade or something.

>Went to movies a few months ago with gf
>Tickets cost $18 for students
>See bottled water in the snack bar
>$4.50 for 600 mL

That's a vast oversimplification, you have to account for logistics, the cost of the plastic and administration, etc, but yes, there is a huge makeup.


They have a store down the road where I can buy a liter of diet coke for $1 but the 20oz ones cost $1.75

guess having them cool your drink cost $0.75 extra

>what is BPA

>paying for bottled water
>outside of a third world country

Is this real life?

Because your paying for the sevice of that bottle, that bottle being filled, that bottle being delivered etc. derpa derpa.

30% of the bottled waters is from Nestlé. Thanks Americans

where's that pic with the guy buying and eating shit while calling others poor for not doing it?

cinema foods and drinks are always overpriced

I drink nothing but bottled water because my tap water tastes like shit (when you drink nothing but water, the different tastes of water become extremely noticeable) and the water filters I've tried haven't worked.

That said, I buy it in gallon jugs. And recycle.

To be fair, medical grade shit that is meant to be transplanted up the ass of some autist with c diff is expensive as hell.

Poorfags btfo

Because that's the only place the theater makes money. Roughly 95% of ticket revenue goes straight to the HollyJew.

>$1 dollar for bottled water
>$1000s for AIDS treatment for drinking US tap water


>not knowing that tap water is filled with estrogen
>wanting to be fag so much

You're not First World if you can't drink tap water safely.

fucking pansies got Son of Beast shut down!! best wooden roller coaster in the world at the time