How would the fight go down, Sup Forums?

How would the fight go down, Sup Forums?

Bill would fucking kill everyone. Did you even watch the show user?

Did you even watch the show user?

Bill was outsmarted by literal children and couldn't tell the difference between a hand with six fingers and a hand with five.

I wouldn't put it past Toffee to outsmart him, but Dominator and Rat King would be wrecked.

He was though

>Can control all of time and space, at least within a certain range
>The first thing he does ISN'T killing one of the nine people who can destroy him.
>Literally, any one of the nine people. If he killed one he'd be unstoppable.
>He has one trapped but doesn't kill her because reasons.
>He lets another one just fart around because whatever.

The only reason Bill stopped the ritual is because Stan was somehow even stupider than he was.

I bet that Tofee assists Domimator, she wrecks everyones shit and tofee backstabs her.

>Everyone who's not Bill quickly realizes that he needs to be taken out first.
>Toffee and Dominator team up.
>Dominator uses her feminine wiles to use Rat King as cannon fodder to distract Bill while she strikes the killing blow.
>Toffee immediately backstabs Dominator.
>Dominator counters his backstab, having seen it coming a mile away.
>Toffee counters her counter, because he saw IT coming a mile away.
>Dominator gets BTFO because she underestimated her foe.

Sound about right?

I'm pretty sure he didn't kill Mabel because of the deal she made with him.

or maybe he didn't kill Mabel because he loves her

All according to Tofees plan.

Then get one of his henchmonsters to do it.

None of Bill's deals make sense. He didn't seem to have to honor his deal of giving Mabel an endless summer, instead just trapping her in Lisa Frank's coma fantasy.

Heck, when he made a deal with Dipper, he didn't give him any hint. Nothing about Bill makes sense, so the only conclusion we can draw is that he just needs someone's initial permission to do whatever the fuck he wants.

Doesn't he attempt to kill Mabel to threaten Ford three episodes later?

Which, again, if he could kill someone just by snapping his fingers, is another example of his gross incompetence.

The Dipper one was especially weird because all he says is "I can help you" and mentions "the secrets of the universe".

He does reveal the mindscape to Dipper but for the most part it seems like he has no particular code to follow the deal.

That being said Dipper was a retard for shaking his hand in the first place considering Bill never stated what he would give him. The deal was basically "Give me a puppet".

Later when he finds out he entered Stan's mind he says "The deal's off". Actually I think he cares about the deal as much as it gets him into your mind, and then it's fair game.

Dominator was actually a real threat to the main characters since she was introduced
she actually destroyed things, and caused the main characters to fail, and contrasted the main characters to boot
Bill never felt like the main villain, his first 2 episodes he was taken out in comical ways, he only ever killed Time Baby, without the main characters finding out so it never really matter, so it was more of a jobbing, if anything he felt more like a lacky than a real villain. Gideon was a better major villain, he at least had contrasting traits to the main characters where Bill was just a frat boy
Toffee, still a lot unknown about him, needs more development, he could end up as a great villain, but considering the quality of Star Vs he'd probably end up half baked and poorly paced like all the ideas in Star Vs.
don't know the other guy

>don't know the other guy
Rat King from Pickle and Peanut. Kind of the odd guy out.

He's not very bright, but he's a total sadist and can't be brought down by anything smaller than an elephant.

In terms of raw strength I'd probably give it...

Bill>Dominator with armor>Rat King> Dominator without armor> Toffee.

I figure Toffee's the weakest physically, but that doesn't really matter because that's not his wheelhouse.

Rat King. He's the most opprobrious of the four.

Seems kinda lamentable to me.

>team up
Yeah no
Non of theses assholes would team up with each other because they all have the biggest egos

Toffee has no problem using other people for his gain.

Bill also has shown multiple times that he is willing to serve as a subordinate in order to get what he wants, with all the times he worked under Gideon.

Yeah but those people he use are easy to control in the first place
These three are the people who do the controlling or just out right destroys everything because they don't give to fucks about anyone else that is themselves
Rat would just kill
Lord D would just kill him
And Bill would do something stupid like challenge to a game because he sucks ass

You really going to trust Bill to not fuck you in the ass? Doesn't matter if he is willing to serve you because he is still getting what he wants

Maybe I want Bill to fuck me in the ass.

Bill turns them inside out.

The point is that he's not afraid of being a number two long enough to get what he wants.

He and Toffee have no problem not being in chrage if they get what they want, but Rat King and Dominator get legitimately offended at the idea of anyone claiming to be equal to them, let alone their superior. They wouldn't act like a henchman period.

What kinda shit is Toffee packing? I assume he is at least a competent magician, but I haven't really followed StarVs.

One word: Disney XD
They can't really have a great threatening villan or else it will be pg, and Disney won't have that.

Alright then make sure you use lube though

This whole face off is just wrong, I mean we have two fighters and two "master minds" duking it out
This thread would be better if it was Bill vs Toffee and two more villains like them

He at least has access to material that is extremely magical resistant, and grows back twice as resistant should it actually be shattered.
He also can regenerate, so odds are he has that missing finger stashed somewhere for a rainy day.

He hasn't fought much actually. Toffee's big deal is strategically positioning himself to get what he wants without lifting a finger.

Ludo spent the entire season trying to get his hands on the wand, while it took Toffee one episode to get Star to literally hand it to him on a silver platter.

He refused it, because he wanted her to destroy it instead. We still don't know what his long term game is, but so far he's gotten everything he wants without any trouble.

if bill can use his full power he wins , Toofe is the only one that could possibly fight him but we haven't seen his full power


This seems likely, but the problem is that Dominator is so absurdly powerful and competent she'd be virtually impossible to backstab. Hater only beat her by straight up ripping out the ship's engine, and Toffee never had that kind of fire power. At best he'd probably pull something similar to My Fair Hatey, only for it to backfire, make her stronger, and end up being a slave for her to torture. He can't win here.

This, Dominator is pretty damn resistant to others' attempts at persuasion and she's burnt through more than one galaxy, I doubt Toffee could pull any big surprise on her especially considering how on top of things she always seems to be.

How powerful is Bill really? We know he felt the need to catch Time Baby off guard, isn't omnipresent, and Stanford's gun thing could blast a hole though him and even push Bill if aimed correctly...

I'd bet Toffee would go for manipulating Bill first, but assuming Dominator can resist his attacks long enough (WoY power levels are pretty high up there) she could convince Bill that she would be a stronger ally with better world destroying creds (what, is he gonna trust the lawyer over her?), then keep Bill duped until she can find a way to dispose of him (they're both sadists after all, so she can keep him entertained).

I don't know shit about Rat King though.

>I don't know shit about Rat King though.
Rat King is the weakest one there. He has no magic powers, isn't particularly bright, and his feats of strength (tossing aside ten-plus rebelling mutants like they were nothing, smashing through walls like they were paper) can't really measure up to Dominator's absurd feats of strength.

Is that the fucking rat king?

I tried to get everyone from XD's line-up.

Couldn't think of a big bad for Penn Zero or 7D.

It's really hard to judge just how powerful Bill is because it's so inconsistent. He claims to wipe out entire dimensions, and claims he wants to do the same the the GF universe, but for a reality warper/destroyer he really doesn't show it. He gets hurt by conventional items and gets tricked relatively easily. He doesn't even kill the Time Baby, only incapacitates him for 1000 years.

Considering just how much of a joke Bill's proven to be Dominator might actually be a legitimate threat to him, if by sheer competence alone. Hell, Toffee might be enough to beat him.

Okay, taking this from a character standpoint, Bill probably instantly offs Rat King, as he's got the most to prove out of the gate. If we're imagining all of the universes are connected/common in some way, then Dom and Toffee are both well known, Dom for being the top of the conquer-board and Toffee probably being a big name in interdimensional law/business.

With Rat King out of the way, it's easy to assume that Bill would try something stupid to be even more impressive, like do his weird Pyramid form. Dom stabs him in his now gigantic eye and kills him while he's down because why not.

That leaves Dom and Toffee. From the finale of WoY we know Dom is powerful and not willing to make a deal for pretty much anything. Toffee's got a lot in his court. He's smart, regenerative and seems to have a lot more knowledge of his foes than they realize. If we're giving them their powers (Dom gets her armor, Bill gets reality warping) then Toffee gets his team and his knowledge.

Toffee definitely has a trap set for Dom, takes her and keeps her either as a living or stuffed trophy. She's too monomanical to not fall for something Toffee's cooked up, be it a simple ruse of letting her win or offering her the chance at perusing bigger game (namely, alternate dimensions.)

Toffee's got this one.

Toffee is really a tossup in this fight. He hasn't shown any real physical feats, but he's frighteningly competent and we haven't even really seen just how far his schemes have gone. If it comes out that he knew all this shit with the wand would happen, and still made it out alive after the season 1 finale, I'd say he might even be enough to take down Dominator.

Of course he would do this from the inside as there's no indication that he could take any of the top in a direct fight, but I could see him manipulating Bill and Dominator into destroying each other.

This. I think any way you slice it, Toffee wins just by virtue of being the smartest guy in the room.

Definitely. If Dominator showed anything but sheer ruthlessness it'd be a fight, but she didn't seem too cunning or interested in planning past "torment, exterminate, repeat"

Bill's stupidity in the finale was because the writers wrote themselves into a hole. If he'd actually been able to be smart there was no way the heroes would have won. I think the needs to be taken into account. Perhaps he should have a handicap in that he doesn't have a physical form and has to obtain one? Of course that would mean he's untouchable until he gets one but he would have a hard time harming the others.

When you think about it, Toffee covering for Bill would make them basically unstoppable. Bills weakness mainly came from his own ego/carelessness/stupidity, all of which Toffee is great at managing. He would work with Bill to take down the others, then just outsmart Bill.

Eh, if we're writing ourselves in and out of corners then we have to make those assumptions for every character, which probably re-evens the playing field. Plus, Bill was never that smart to begin with. He couldn't win deals with ACTUAL CHILDREN, how could he win against universe destroyers and business lizards?

Unfortunately it's just speculation but he must have done something right to be a universe destroyer himself.
Also we've gotta consider situation, do they have access to outside help or are they locked somewhere where the last one alive leaves? I think it's very situation dependant.

>He couldn't win deals with ACTUAL CHILDREN
What do you mean by this?


Competent wasn't in the statement you replied to.
I watched enough Gravity Falls and Wander Over Yonder to have a vague under standing of Bill Cypher's and Lord Dominator's destructive and lethal potential. I know nothing about the other two. I know the Lizard was in Star Vs the Forces of Evil, but I never really made an effort watch this show (though I enjoyed the episodes I watched).

Who is Rat King and what is he from?

">don't know the other guy
Rat King from Pickle and Peanut. Kind of the odd guy out."
No wonder I didn't know who that guy was.

That really doesn't help Toffee in the slightest though. Toffee relies on the power of the deal and negotiations, and Dominator doesn't give a shit about any of that. His regeneration would help, but Dominator might actually love that she found someone she can torture over and over again.

Didn't Toffee die?

The last shot of him is him smiling triumphantly as the wand explodes.

He can regenerate and is missing a finger.

The unicorn powering Star's New Wand seems to be possessed.

I'm not so sure about that. he held all the cards with Star.

So long as there's something somebody wants, Toffee can probably bend it to his advantage. And even Dominator wants/needs a few select things.

One of those cases where what we've seen in the show so far implies he did, but the general nature of the character and the fact that we're only at the beginning of season 2 in a 3-season show means he could possibly return.

Could go either way at this point.

Who's the red guy between Dominator and the Star Vs. guy?