What happened?
What happened?
Life unworthy of life.
>he doesn't know season 2 is on the way
The left has gone crazy
My sex junk... is so oh oh oh!
>this is what liberals actually look like
The British Empire lost the war.
America was a mistake.
Shrimp dick white boys.. you need to disappear. Because we have the science to make you genderqueer. Make way now, for the brown people. Sterilize yourself from taking hormones. Create awkward situations, in gender divided sports, that don't make any sense because this is an impossible situation. Cut off your shrimp dicks, little white boys. It's the future and I am a Jewish woman. CUZ MY SEX JUNK, IS SO OH OH OH MUCH KORE THAN EITHER OR OR OR!!!
Who paid for this shit?
Isn't it plain propaganda disguised as a science show?
See: Critical Theory; Frankfurt School, The
, The
Nothing. It's been renewed for a second season and I can't wait to see how the alt-right will react to it.
Fucking phoneposters
Unfunny jewess talking about her vagina. Does it sound familiar?
>What happened?
You're months late to the boring forced meme party you cancerous fuck.
nothing you stupid goy
Did you learn gay in college?
>bill was promised shekels and having a show again
>crazy ex girlfriend thought she could cash in on all the peterpansexual crap flying around in a funny but still soapboxing kind of way
>they both bomb so hard even the people who endorse this kind of thing hated it
pottery is what happened