Just a few weeks back, Sup Forums loved and endorsed Trump, now there are several shitposting threads daily that he's an idiot.
Can someone explain to me, who's not THAT into US politics, what happened past few weeks? Is it literally shills getting paid to post here for Hillary?
the jews are behind this, just aother liberal smokecreen
trump will win in a landslide, screencap this post
Landon Collins
Some are most likely paid. Most are actual supporters that get a kick out of shit posting.
Gavin Rodriguez
it's not only about shills it's about Don himself doing really stupid stuff and ruining his own campaign
Isaac Gomez
Sup Forums got very emotionally distressed when Trump's language was disrespectful of Muslims.
Landon Peterson
I see. I get that there are probably a few people getting paid to change the opinion, it just seems weird that the general opinion seems to have changed to be against him.
What has he done that's worse past few weeks than in the beginning of the campaign when he basically called women sluts, mexicans idiots and muslims ragheaded terrorists?
Juan Taylor
>when he basically called women sluts
He never did that.
Andrew Brown
Didn't he say something like "You would look great down on your knees" or something?
Josiah Wilson
They're finally realizing that nominating Trump ruined any chance of us getting an actual nationalist President. Instead we have someone who's either a Clinton plant or someone who's so incompetent he'd do just as much damage as Hillary as our Republican nominee. Hillary will win in a landslide and in future elections any nationalist candidates will get nowhere because people will consider them just another Trump. Congratulations Trumpcucks, this is your fault.
Anthony Roberts
He hasn't really done/said anything worse than he did during the primaries, but everyone expected him to pivot toward the center once he became the nominee, and he didn't. Making crazy blanket statements works during the primaries, but it makes him look bad when he's the nominee.
Justin Edwards
The man had a great chance to actually MAGA but he's been pissing it away so fast it almost looks like it's on purpose.
Still a lot of time left for this election though.
Isaiah Cooper
>Is it literally shills getting paid to post here for Hillary? Partly that and partly people having fun trolling Trump supporters. Sup Forums is anti-circlejerk by design. Once anything becomes popular anons will claim to hate it just to ruse other anons.
Michael Adams
we found out about his tiny hands. this is very undesirable for a politician. This is probably why he swoons over Putin
Carter Price
Shills need to take a hike :)
Dominic Powell
90% of them are not shills and just simple trolls trying to get a rise out of the hypersensitive Trump fanbase.
The only currency these people are making anti-Trump posts for are (You)'s not shekels. You've got to be delusional to actually believe that CTR is spamming Sup Forums.
Jace Wilson
People are just finally realizing that he's a bullshit candidate. It was high energy before he was picked as the nominee.
Nathaniel Ortiz
You forgot about the people who are generally progressive I know people like to think this is a right wing board but I ranges the gamut here
Justin King
As a joke to a woman on his show, which she took no offense to. Don't vicariously offended for her
Christopher Hernandez
Thank you for correcting the record shillary
Liam Walker
Trump has shot himself in the foot by spewing even more retarded nonsense than usual and the support is wavering, even here
Ian Roberts
WE ARE BEING INVADED paid shills from CTR are LITERALLY spamming this board, reddit, and facebook
don't believe a single "hue hue hue drumpf btfo" thread
Benjamin Carter
Ask yourselves, would posts like these existed two years ago
Grayson Perry
God, I wish trump was literally hitler, that way he would be a million times more competent. He is crashing his campaign and if he doesn't change course, there will be no survivors. 8 years of Clinton, might as well an hero now that I can.
Tyler Roberts
It isn't just a few shills sunshine. Now that the primaries for Democratic party are over, Hillary's campaign has dumped massive amounts of money into hiring people to shill for her from around the world. This is also ontop of a good number of people in the U.S. itself doing it for free as interns. Do some looking around and you'll find the threads on CTR.
Good luck dealing with your mudslimes.
Landon Clark
Bitch I was on Sup Forums when we were still circlejerking about Tsukihime on Sup Forums because /jp/ didn't exist yet. Not everyone who disagrees with you about your carrot top faggot bitch candidate is a paid shill. I just don't want the literal most retarded person to ever run for POTUS to win, even if he's running against a corrupt corporate whore. I'd rather have the competent liar than the incompetent racist.
Adrian Parker
The American people have a responsibility to question anyone who seeks the presidency desu. Anyone who blindly accepts someone seeking that sort of power is a fool.
Chase Sanders
I'm a Trump campaign adviser, and my group used to browse Sup Forums on a daily for social media suggestions and to actively scope the landscape of pro-Trump topics.
We really don't come on here anymore, for business related themes anyways. We know how to spot paid Hillary bots and they're all over this board.
We still keep up with reddit, but Sup Forums is pretty shilled now.
Aiden Walker
paid shills. just ignore. they can't change our opinion anyways
Lucas Baker
>Muh shills
Though it is true that there might be some psyops going on, are you really going to defend a candidate who is now railing against pornography and keeps railing against a gold-star family? He is going to ruin nativism, xenophobia, strong borders and anti-islamism for a generation, if not forever, because of his absolute incompetence and autistic fits. All valid points, now ruined because of a goofball who just can't contain himself
He better fucking win against shitlery, or we are doomed.
Oliver Gomez
Hows your numbers looking then, Jack?
Ayden Young
leave hillman
Christian Ross
Jace Parker
The lefties all got BTFO of Reddit by r/the_donald and so they all came here.
Carter Mitchell
He's said a lot of dumb things lately and he's crashing in the polls. It's hard to keep the hype train going when the conductor is slamming on the brakes.
He's a shit candidate all things considered but he is better than Hillary.
Christopher Williams
CTR happened
It's a bunch of sissy fags pretending to hate him
Mason Rivera
I hate both Trump and HIllary. After the convention clusterfucks, I really gave it some thought. I can't vote for either of them in good conscience. I'll be voting Johnson, I suppose. I almost don't even care anymore. We're fucked either way.
You'd have to be a complete fucking retard to think every anti-Trump post is a paid shill. Whatever. It's just pointless bickering before the coming storm.
Carson Sullivan
It's simple. What 8 million dollars in campaign funds buys you. shill army
Every time Hillary does something retarded Trump calls her on it like a flamming faggot, this way changing the bad attention from her to him. It's like he's trying to ruin his campain.
Christian Watson
>posts evidence >that's not evidence >Was getting caught part of your plan?
Jeremiah Howard
YEAH where is the evidence of paid shills posting here? Oh you dont have any. Back to plebbit faggot.
Aiden Reed
Nathan Cruz
In fact, where you look in July, you can see where the next big infusion of money came in, while the traffic was dipping and then BAM WAY UP
Jaxon Ramirez
Delusional m8
Elijah Price
Australia... I think it's time you got your shitposting under control.
You and Canada can start going back at it again once the election's over.
Leo Morris
I think you need to stay in your shitty general containment thread or fuck off to plebbit where you came from.
Josiah Wood
>Clinton >actual supporters
Ryan Rivera
>called women sluts When.
>mexicans idiots When
>muslims ragheaded terrorists Fair dues he did pretty much say that.
Nolan Williams
Isaac Collins
>we're gonna keep winning! >can't even beat fucking Hillary in the polls
Toppest of keks
Nathaniel Kelly
I'm not even going to try debating any of Trump's actual positions on NATO, border control, tariffs, ect.
Would you live in a non white neighborhood? Of course not. Would you live in a majority non white country? South Africa, Brazil, and South Rhodesia are good examples of why you don't want whites to become a minority, not that Trump's campaign really addresses any of those concerns other than the shit we're getting from our southern border. There is nothing wrong with keeping a majority a majority.
Chase Collins
>Hillary will win in a landslide While she probably is going to win it's not going to be anywhere near a landslide, she couldn't even win her own primary, they had to rig it for her remember? And this was against a complete unknown who was an open socialist, too things that really should've hurt him and yet despite that he beat her, without massive corruption she wouldn't even be a nominee at this point. If she does win (which she probably will) it'll be a very narrow victory, even with all of Trump's stupidity, she's just that bad. It's not so much that so many people are going to come out to vote for Trump it's that so many people aren't going to come out to vote for Hillary.
Andrew Gonzalez
Trump made one too many mistakes and now even his supporters are saying he's a retard.
Vote for Trump if you want world war III with China.
Isaiah Cooper
Grayson Ross
>You've got to be delusional to actually believe that CTR is spamming Sup Forums. Why? CTR's stated mission is to correct the record on what Hillary has or hasn't done, on Sup Forums people constantly talk about that subject usually in a way that's very negative for Clinton and this isn't exactly an insignificant website, it's too big for that label now. Why wouldn't they come here?
Joseph Rogers
Funny when he was ahead after the rnc we heard nothing but gloating from trump fans... I guess they're only relevant when it suits you, a typical shilling tactic.
Leo Richardson
>yfw gonna be out of a job soon
Kayden Cruz
>Funny when he was ahead after the rnc we heard nothing but gloating from trump fans...
Well yes, as soon as he started winning convincingly, they changed their polling methods. Vox and Reuters publicly admitted this, the others haven't but are doing all the same.
Charles Ortiz
>a gold-star family You mean that one who let one of the most corrupt and war-hungry politicians in America today exploit their son for cheap political points, that family? Yeah real class acts, nothing appalling about coming out to support the person who was partially responsible for starting the war that their son was killed in and then trying to use their death to help their campaign.
Owen Wilson
Here's your (you).
Literally no one on this board thinks Trump would cause World War III. If anything, Trump is the least jingoistic candidate running right now based on his comments on nation bulding and criticizing our fucking around in the middle east. Now, I don't think you got paid to shitpost, but your post sticks out like a sore thumb. I refuse to believe you're not just pretending to be retarded or some ill informed outsider.
Nolan Davis
You are retarded and deserve to be gassed for listening to the lies in the media kike
Ethan Butler
>Is it literally shills getting paid to post here for Hillary? yes, just look at your thread
Ayden Thompson
Even Sup Forums has got bored of Trump but Trumpfags are in denial and will call anyone a shill if they don't support Trump.
Hudson Edwards
Man I get it. You have questions like what will I do with my life when trump loses and i cant shill for him every hour of the day on a Chinese dog cooking forum
Lucas Cruz
Correct The Record
Charles Brown
This, he came out with a serious boost after the RNC speech about America first and the very first thing he does is fall for the mudslime DNC bait HARD and let the liberal kike media use it to bury his message. Fucking stupid, he should have pushed the nationalist message further, I bet Manafort is banging his head on his desk.
Actual Trump supporters, not actual Clinton supporters. Anyone who has ever heard of Sup Forums will have heard enough of Clinton's crimes and scandals to find her unsupportable.
Ryder Ramirez
God this thread is a fucking shill thread. You people are fucking souless.
Caleb Anderson
Ctr upped their funding six times Just a coincidence And its amplified by the summer fags thinking its an ebin troll
William Perry
Look at the shilling. Already posted here.
Daniel Hill
Owen Hughes
Why is it out of the majority of countries polled, the chinese were in the most support of trump?
Ayden Bennett
You give them polls, articles, videos, and corroborating stories that explain everything and they still tell you NOPE. DELUSIONAL. DRUMPFAG.
John Bennett
Angel Scott
Some are paid shills, probably only 3 or 4 at most
Some are Reddit raiders
The overwhelming majority are trolls
Nolan Thompson
Michael Reyes
When? I bet you can name about as many dumb things he has actually said as you can say good things about Clinton that won't get ripped to shreds under scrutiny.
Daniel Ward
>, now there are several shitposting threads daily that he's an idiot.
Logan Perry
It's shills you idiot, this board is under attack 24/7, there's also the occasional disagreements.