>the year 2000+10+5+1
>still drinking the liquid jew
Explain yourself.
The year 2000+10+5+1
Goes well with cereals and coco.
>everything I don't do is a jewish trick
Are you still falling for the Racial Jew?
What about the oxygen Jew?
What about the gravitational Jew?
>the darker your country is the blacker you are
>2015 b.c. + 4031A.D.
>still not having left the jewish Globe
It's like your not even trying
I guess Nigeria is one of the whitest countries in the world....
Thanks. I was about to chastise you on your lack of African geography.
>America whiter than Europe
Fuck off with this trash.
Why do you fucks hate basic things in life and accuse it of kikery?
how is canada blacker than us?
>Stardate year twenty one six
>Not realizing space is a Jewish conspiracy
Git gud
It`s healthy and I´m /fit/
Most white Americans come from the extreme north of Europe you self-hating cuck. The lactose intolerance of white Americans is about 13%, and the map shows that while providing provisions for the other groups in text.
thats Sup Forums level...
fuck the dairy Industry
American schools have been lying about the health benefits of milk for years, what else have they been lying about?
>muh cereal
u might wanna Google search a few of those chemicals you're eating on a daily basis before your balls turn into dilapidated raisins
>believing in ball earth propaganda
just my proof of not being a nigger.
>one guy doing all the work while two others dick around
>gonna break down any day now
>full crew maintaining it 24/7
>been runing for years
>dont make it like they use to
If you can't drink milk, you are literally not white.
MILK is the literal anti jew
>produced by animals which you can even own yourself
>completely free when you have grassland
>pretty much stacked with every vitamin you need except for some
>protein and fat
>best lifting food
>only Europeans have evolved to drink it
It's like you don't want to be white
Milk is for the master race.
If you can't drink milk then you're a subhuman.
Milk for the milk god.
it helps me shit more often
Autism - the post.
People who know nothing about the American diary industry.
Poland darker than America
At least you gave me a chuckle
You don't breathe oxygen and use antigravity??
That pepe scares me..
>not having strong bones
>not living on a farm and drinking it the way it was meant
fucking jews reading our secrets
wtf I'm not from the UK
idk why but "gravitational jew" made me spit up all over my table
You are now
>He can't drink milk
Found the shitskin
>drinking milk
>still falling for the "strong bones" meme
>not realizing most colorectal cancer have a direct and distinct link with milk and red meat consumption
lmaoin @ milk drinkers
I'm white, I produce Lactase into adulthood, as my people have for millenia. Sucks to be subhuman, I guess, I wouldn't know.
Wow, are you lactating? TitsOrGTFO. Don't forget timestamp.
You're an embarrassment to Slavic peoples everywhere, and that's saying a lot. Lactose is the protein in milk. Lactase is the protein produced by Europeans, male and female, which allows us to digest milk.
Why didn't Hitler finish the job in Sudetenland?
Butthurt fatass detected.