>Be """British""" Paki >Decide to visit Eastern European countries for a holiday >Sup Forums tells me to be prepared for racist attacks by neo-nazi aryan ubermench defenders of the white race. >Go to Warsaw >Nothing happens >Go to Krakow >Nothing happens >Go to St.Petersburg >Nothing happens >Go to Moscow >Nothing happens >Go to Budapest >Nothing happens
I thought Sup Forums was always right?
Keep in mind I didnt just stay in the touristic areas. Whenever I go abroad, I make it a goal to experience things the way a local would. So typically this involves going to out of the way restaurants where they dont speak English. I found most people very pleasant and accomodating, particularly in Hungary.
is full of edgy kids. Ignore everything here and you will be just fine. In any situation
Nicholas Martinez
"le stronk kebab-removing eastern european slavs" is a meme
Ian Myers
Contrary of what Sup Forums tells you. Polish women are known coalburners.
Carter Reed
Of course nothing happens if you stay like 24h in your hostel room, shitskin.
Logan Roberts
This is so true actually. The Polish cleaner at my work got knocked up by the Nigerian canteen guy. He got deported soon after lel.
Jackson Roberts
No, we just don't attack people who don't deserve it. If you are asshole you will be victim of every form of racism, if you are nice you will be victim of vodka, that's how we roll, doesn't matter if you are brown, white or black.
Grayson Diaz
You should visit GAZA, they are very nice and friendly there. Dont forget to wear gold and show off your iPhone 6
Adrian Hall
Sup Forums is full Americans who have never even visited those countries The only times you face violence is when you have bad luck You also proparly look normal and manly enough, Slavs only beat up guys who look weaker and different than them(for example gays)
Andrew Sanchez
Sup Forums was wrong about us yet again if you like alcohol, then we'll like you as well
Samuel Hill
Have you been to 'Shot bar' in Helsinki? The owner is an Israeli jew, he gave me free drinks all night because I was brown.
Nathaniel Phillips
Eastern euros are cucks like us. Thzy should have slit your throat.
Luis Powell
Fucking asian ghenghis khan half breed tries to tell paki about slavs. End yourself.
If you would stirr shit up or walk on hood areas on friday night you would get fucked up.
David Thompson
Fucking frenchie, go organise your la resistance or some shit.. Oh wait.
Elijah Robinson
Indeed. The Ruin pubs in Budapest were fucking amazing, familia.
Gavin Rodriguez
Lol, that was a tourist trick
Luke White
Tbh I would make him drunk with like 0,5l because westerners cant drink vodka and are pussying out after drinking beers, and feed him pork, film it and give him the vidya in his backpack the day he leaves.
Dominic Rivera
>If you would stirr shit up or walk on hood areas on friday night you would get fucked up.
Thats true for literally everywhere, Błażej. Only an idiot would start trouble in a foreign country.
Dominic Allen
So long as you behave you should be OK almost anywhere, just no muslim stuff, raping children, machete work, exploding in the name of islam etc etc, that's where the problems come, not with skin colour - look at how bro-tier Sikhs are for instance.
Adam Carter
Well immigrants actually manage to do that in yours
Connor Nelson
Yeah, thats true. Particularly Poles, who drink way too much, hassle the kebab shop guy, then trash his shop. I dont really have a problem with Poles, but when they drink, they really become like white niggers.
Bentley Gutierrez
>enjoying kebab instead of fish'n'chips Fuck you!
Christopher Martinez
You should probably know that people that immigrate are (not all of them) mostly backstabbing even their own countrymen to get more penny hoodlum degenerates? The thing that Poles in the times of peaces are really shitty to each other, especially if they live in another country - they literally backstab each other. Also, living in Poland. Going to other countries only to sightsee and have fun. And no, I am not a boy who gets cash from father/mother.
Nicholas Russell
M8, I do enjoy fish & chips more than kebab, but the price of fish nowadays is ridiculous. Tourist traps almost always charge >£9, wheras at my local takeaways, its £7 for the fish only. Most of the time its not even Cod, its Pollock, because Cod is overfished and barely recovering.
You can get Doner Kebab, chips and a drink for £3.50.
Justin Bell
d-delete this!
Don't you ever dare to tell other shitskins that you were safe. We don't want your kind "visiting' our countries.
Andrew Diaz
Seriously Chad, you should not eat stuff that makes you diarrhea. Also can you like record yourself with "oi oi oi oi blud" stuff for keks?
Carson Torres
thats redit user non pol
Owen Powell
You should visit the favelas and see what happens
Colton Long
if you would go to worse parts of those cities not dressed in a suit you would get guaranteed whomps, not even kidding, or you should have take a night bus in warsaw
Hilarious. Also the guy on the left nodding, is he like ainsley's long lost brother?
Jacob Harris
You seem bitter Rabbi. Did you Alya failed ?
Liam Stewart
This is the dumbest shit ive ever heard.
>"You may have had a great time in *city*, but visit *poorest, most crime infested neighbourhood in the country* and see what happens.
Camden Cruz
No surprise here. Whites are cucks no matter where they come from.
Hudson Cruz
And he visited capital countries/region voivodeships so it doesnt count.
Give back land to Hungarian brothers and Bulgaria. And you can give some to Russia along the road and go back to India help them poo in the loo.
Ethan Barnes
Lol. Why you mad?
Nolan Williams
come on Pajeet wouldn't you like to be stomped by her several times?
Caleb Harris
That's because they believe you have the might of the British Empire behind you.
Joseph Evans
>you seen blud >yer blud >nah man >init blud >understand senpai >understand? >blud >whats he doing blud? >whats he doin? >whats he doin? >whats he doin? >whats he doin? >whats he doin? >das it blud >senpai >ive had enough blud >ive had enough senpai >man go europe blud
Elijah Howard
poo in the loo
Juan Collins
>visits capitals and/or tourist sites where everyone is used to melanin enriched individuals >presumably doesn't chimp out >is surprised when nothing happens
Shitskin intellectuals, everyone.
Jayden Gray
>visit for a holiday why would you think people would attack tourists? that's just retarded try forming an underground pakistani pedophile rape gang or organize some violent migrant protest or something and see how it goes compared to UK
Andrew Davis
Gladly. But remember you'll have to clean after me
Jaxon Thomas
Nah, Polish chicks are really bitchy in my experience. Also, her chin makes me feel uncomfortable.
Joshua Moore
nah pajeet, you poo in the loo after you give the land back and go back being the outcasted class below pariahs in india
Easton Nguyen
>I thought Sup Forums was always right? Did you behave like the average Pakistani, or did you behave like a man who browses Sup Forums?
Matthew Wright
For me actually British chicks are really bitchy and you know, "nose tilt up" type of women. Though the accents of some cuties were gorgeous.
Alexander Cruz
William Rogers
Lucky you.
Ayden Morris
Agreed. I have the most trouble talking to British chicks actually. Even just as friends, they're very unapproachable and somewhat manly. They're easily the least attractive girls in Europe too.
Isaiah Foster
Why should we give land to the week hungarians or bulgarians?
Matthew Johnson
When people know you're a tourist on what I assume was your best behavior not causing problems in your short stay there you probably won't get touched. Try pulling the type of stunts you do in western countries though and it'll be different, smart guy.
Landon Diaz
Well, lets be honest, most people who browse Sup Forums are either agoraphobics with crippling self esteem issues, or hard headed ""nationalists"" who wear fake Doc Martens.
Most Pakis are quite timid and somewhat pathetic looking.
I'd say I walked round like a guy who lifts and has blackbelt in 2 martial art disciplines, without the overinflated sense of superiority that normally comes attached. I also like to wear anime tshirts in public.
Thomas Lee
>Agreed. I have the most trouble talking to British chicks actually. Even just as friends, they're very unapproachable Maybe because when they see a paki scum a huge RAPE alert siren goes off in their head.
Tyler Sanchez
Because its not your land.
There was one girl two years younger than me with cute accent, making me melt instantly. Too bad she was a filthy lefty and she was a girl who acted as another one.
Benjamin Sanchez
Yeah, thats most likely true, pham. I dont really mind though, for reasons already stated.
Nolan Bell
We are the majority here and always were. Hungarians are a turkic people, not even european, and we defeated them fairly in the 1920 war.
Owen Young
Good. Enjoy your own inbred women wrapped in a sarcophagus. You probably have a wife lined up from age 5 anyway.
Jose Rogers
couldn't have said it better
Samuel Wood
Magyars are bro tier, and you and your gypsy lower-than-pariah caste is not.
Josiah Sanders
Why are poles butthurt all the time Its not even your territory Always coming here making romanians gypsies without any solid evidence or even personal experience
Ian Edwards
Daily reminder that Poland is the most tolerant nation. Pic related! Typical Polish politician.
Why you acting like having an arranged marriage is so bad? I dont even have to talk to womyn and I still get laid. Living the dream. Dont forget, by holy mudslim laws I can do this not once, but 4 times!
You're just mad that you wont ever be able to have a fivesome with qt brown lolis.
Matthew Gutierrez
poland and hungary is closer to romania in terms of gdp per capita than any developed nation, so you'r just as shit don't kid yourself
Samuel Long
its because is west fueled with racist claims to cuck them up to maximum when they try to defend their rights and justice eastern europeans rnt racist they just wont give u special privileges if ur of color and thats considered racist in west but if u try to cuck them theyll probably cleanse u
Noah Scott
The three you listed are not present in sejm. Also, leftist cucks with that commie trained by kgb faggot entered sejm in 2010 because of they said they would legalise MJ. They didnt and they didnt enter the sejm again.
There's literally nothing redeeming or jealousy-inducing about your people. Enjoy your freak baby from your arranged marriage, Sadiq.
Kevin Morales
Of course, OP. There's no such thing as racism and no white man has ever committed any racist act.
Grayson Phillips
Too bad we are not the ones outcasted and being the shittiest shill country ever made next to Kosovo and Macedonia.
Caleb Perry
Low iq pollack knows shit about history.
Brayden Bell
They got mad because they were the first to be kicked out from britain and try do the same
Tyler King
I know you claim you wuz true romans n sheeeit but I found it laughable. Everyone knows you ran the fuck away from India because they treated you worse than pariahs.
Aiden Hernandez
If I go to Russia will I be safe?
I have white skin..
Jack Murphy
>None of your opinions facts matter because of my one special personal experience
Chase Moore
Go eat shit with you turkic friends you half russian mutt.
Chase Hill
Well no shit, eastern europeans are some of the funniest and nicest guys i have met. You sheep-niggers should come to finland to some of the smaller towns and go out on a friday or saturday night and you might be fucked, or atleast that is how it is where i used to live, but the people who fuck you up dont do it because of your race but because they like doing it.
Kayden Evans
Mate, have you ever fucked a retard? Its perfect, you can hang them from the roof and just leave them suspended all day, and use their mouths at your leisure whenever you want to polish your carrot.
Serious answer though. Most inbreeding is due to 70% of the pakistani population being from a very specific part of Kashmir. This area, even in Pakistan has the reputation of being full of retards and yokels. Its basically the Norwich of Pakistan. Pakistan has a lot of ethnic diversity, with very different customs, so grouping all Pakis into one is a bit silly. I myself am not even from any native pakistani ethnicity, my dad is genetically Iranian and my mum is half poo in loo, half uzbek.
I'm pretty sure that the UK is much worse for random drunken violence than some cuck viking country
Leo Nguyen
>en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dacians Dude, that's like polish nobles in XVI century saying that they were Sarmatians. You dont know anything about it. First you say you are true romans and then you say you are dacian? AYY
Jordan Morris
Ive been to Helsinki, Turku and Espoo. Finland was by far the most benign country ive ever been to.
Making small talk was nigh impossible, you all seemed to suffer from some form of autism and stand 3 feet apart at all times and walk with your heads down.
Beautiful country though. Being naked in the saunas was a great experience.
Benjamin Walker
Nobody is safe in Russia.
Wyatt Parker
The base for the romanian people are the dacians.Then theres the roman and slavic influence Give me some proof that the romanians(not gypsies)have something to do with india
Are you retarded Roma people are gypsies Romania isnt even mentioned
Samuel Gray
I dont see a difference.
Aiden Gonzalez
That's a lie. OP got lucky. Seen countless times how some fellows jump on the darkies on trains and streets in Moscow and Kraków.
Levi Bennett
Gypsies make up less than 4% of the Romanian population, you halfwit Polack. Anyone who can rub 2 braincells together can easily tell the difference between a Romanian and a Gypsy, they don't even look similar.
Jace Garcia
>we like you if you enjoy dumbing yourself down on toxic fluids
tfw humans are so anxious about each other that they can't enjoy the company of each other in their sober clear headed state
tfw people don't trust others that don't partake in the same degeneracy as them
Ethan Ramirez
I know gypsies have only left side of the brain, but didnt expect that kind of bait catching from a burger lord. Did you emmigrate from gypsy town, pajeet?
Grayson Martinez
Hear, hear, hear. The same things applies to many Lithuanians. If you give a really good opening they will backstab you within second.
Kevin Foster
actually they do you fucking burger
Jackson Brown
Meh. Come to my country, and you'll be treated with respectably everyone... Until you insult or act rude, then you'll be called all sorts of names, from donkey to comments about your inferior race.
Eli Jenkins
Of course you don't because your're an uneducated bydlo peasant
So lets analyze your logic, you claim all Romanians are gypsies because all the gypsies that were brought to Europe for slavery started mixing with Romanains, ok fine. But that means that Hungarians are gypsies too, Slovaks, aswell, Serbians, Bulgarians, and my persnoal favorite Poles. because all these copuntries had and have gypsies living in them. Because if the gypsies mixed with the local population in Romania then that means they mixed with the local population in other countries aswell. So congrats, by your own logic you are a gypsy too, imbecile. Not to mention USA and Brazil, because they all have over 1 mil gypsy population.
Luke Taylor
Also, they do. Move out from Alabama with your sister sometimes.
Christopher Morales
True. The only attractive women I ever seen with a black was Polish. She was very hot. Still a bit annoyed by it but every single day I see ugly fat mothers walking alone with their half black babies and I feel better.