America won the space race

>America won the space race
USSR was the first to get a satellite into space
An animal into space
A person into space
A manned satellite into space

US lost in every checkpoint, declare the moon the finish line, said they won then gave up.

Fuck off leaf
The dog died in space sure they were the first but in real terms they only got half way there.


Winners make the rules.

If early victories equated to won wars then the Federated European States would exist right now, headed up by Goebbels grandson.

>caring about firsts
Fucking leaf. Who gives a fuck besides your retarded liberal ass?

>95% of all failed space missions were Russian
>100% of Russian attempts to reach Mars have failed


>Gave up
I don't see Russia taking pictures of Pluto and Jupiter.
What have the Russian's done since Mir that wasn't a huge clusterfuck?

>I was first 99% of the marathon
>Who actually finished first after that is irrelevant

Sovjet never reached the finish line. Burgers (and Nazis) did.

Did America actually declare they won the space race?
I think Kennedy and the media just kept reporting that America would be the First Nation to send a man to the moon

Shooting vodka monkeys and toasters into the air with stolen nazi tech isn't as impressive as landing on another celestial object. And we did that with stolen nazi scientists, so who really won the space race comrade cuckold?

The moon wasn't the finish line. This isn't a 100m race, it's a marathon, and the US is leading by a wide margin.

>Canada's space program was and is entirely inconsequential compared to the likes of America and the USSR.

The most insane thing about the space race was that competition between two nations who hated each other got us farther into space than working together. Says a lot about humanity eh?

Canada has a space program?

>He bought into the space race meme
It was about making better rockets to launch nukes with.

friendly reminder that US BTFO the ruskis and that US won the cold war.

>400 miles is the furthest russia could send flesh

absolutely pitiful. america sent multiple sacks of meat 234 THOUSAND miles into the abyss. If it was a race we beat them so bad we went back in time and fucked their mom

>first controlled spaceflight
>first satellite launched used for comminications
>first gps satellite
>first planetary flyby
>first reusable spacecraft
>first and only moon landing
>more satellites and planetary flybys with recordings, images, and other data than any other country
>more successful space missions than any other country
>first private space travel organizations

>first man-made object to travel into interstellar space and the furthest man-made object from the earth

Someone hasn't been through the American education system


The space race was akin to a home run derby or a slam dunk contest. Just a show of capabilities. The real goal was the nuclear championship.

>that alternative timeline when we use the moon base to shoot rocks at canada

When's the last time the US sent anyone to the ISS
Oh wait, you don't do that, only Russia does