Why do married men care less about radical politics than single men?
What is it about a woman that turns men ...... so compliant?
Why do married men care less about radical politics than single men?
What is it about a woman that turns men ...... so compliant?
Vagina makes the rules
Lack of vagina means time to change the rules so vagina is easier to get
But you do this then you get it and it's back to making the rules
Only way out is sexbots and the complete annihilation of women
Being happy and content in life is p.great. Makes you realize that a lot of this political horseshit is really meaningless and well out of your control.
And if you don't love/love being with your spouse then lol. why are you even married?
No it's because married men are older, salaried, usually have good jobs. They can help themselves greatly by lowering taxes instead of violently overthrowing the government.Sometimes the truth is simple and not so elegant and worthy of a useless academic to tell it.
...why do you think everyone on here is so angry all the time?
By being in a relationship you're pretty much done, biologically. You no longer have the need for accomplishments. Just keep it at equilibrium, so you can raise your child.
Hey kiwi bro having children has made me more conservative.
I became much more political when married, i put it down to having responsibility and things that i cared about. When you're a single man you can cope with an unstable, changing world, but you want a safe and good one for your wife and children.
When you have something to lose you're less willing to risk it.
There comes a point where you wake up, look at her, roll over and just say "fuck it who cares anymore?"
A woman's vaj is a need just as much as water is. Thats why dry men become radicalised and aggressive, joining other sex deprived losers in groups like white supremacy, terrorism, and nationalism. We all know you dont get any just based on how you act.
virgin talk
Normies are asleep with their eyes open. They literally have no idea what's going on, they like leftist media and reality tv
lmao VIRGIN drumpf supporters don't get no pussy lmao
By definition yes
>people can't be normal without being a couple
You do realize there are tons of normal single people right?
Here I'm going to make your ad hominem easier by posting an anime picture, the true sign of "degenerate singleness".
>Vagina makes the rules
That's pre-Fleshlight thinking. It's a whole new ballgame, now.
You have more to loose.
I would probably have gone full Breivik by now if I hadn't a woman in my life
You honestly would prefer a fat angry roastie to what you can find in Pattaya?
>a junglechink tranny in clown makeup
Just stop
>being a couple
Are you that inexperienced at life? Have you ever thought of being your own manager and manage your women in it? Women can be friends with benefits too, youre still being supplied pussy, and you can go about your busy life.
Youre showing many signs of mental retardation, which has a strong correlation with what was said above.
found the roastie
I know you've never gotten nice quality pussy because you'd know there are fine women everywhere. It's normal.
They get mature. A marriage needs a calm soul. A strong one, but a calm one.
It says 'with' twice you blind fuck
Do women even like doing "womaney" things? I honestly think they do not. Does lilith win or disappear if we separate men from women but still breed without penis and vagina. Most people go the safe bet. Im not convinced i become the original adam who was allegedly 95 different types of sea horses with 27 nipples and 9 vaginas. So too do i get a little tripped up on the whole heterosexual marriage thing. Do your thang guys. But realise that men and women are of the same God but are distinct and I don't really know if they are actually oil and water. It's true man is not good to be alone. But this gender stuff starts going nuts when we do our usual ways of broad-stroke thinking about this. Toodeep4u
Yes goyim, shame your fellow men for not worshiping the holy vagina because they are not working hard enough to pay for her credit card bills.
Because radical political movements always target the young, uneducated men who want to feel like they're important and 'part of something bigger than themselves'. The older men actually understand that politicians are just manipulating people.
Look at Mao's communist revolution. There's a reason why he targeted young men, especially people from poor, agricultural areas to start his revolution. All the idiots with no real life experience who had never been to school ate his bullshit right up, because they thought they knew it all. Then, twenty years later all the people who put Mao in power realized that he was just making himself rich at the expense of the average Joe, so Mao started the cultural revolution where he mobilized the NEXT generation of young, gullible men to terrorize the rest of the population into obedience.
Radical politics are for manchildren in denial, whether it's radical left-wing or radical right-wing politics.
Got nothing to do with worshipping vagina. YOu may come to undestand one day youngling.
>it's not that married men care less about politics...it's just that they cannot voice their true political vews in the company of the wife....divorce is costly.
Why do your trips lie so?
Shut the fuck up, Canada. Your id literally says pun, you're that fucking hopelessly confused and dopey. Fuck Canada.
Nice picture of some random bimbo. Sometimes, you just have to settle down and get with a loser chick. Or else you'll be alone, forever.
>Radical politics are often in opposition against status quo politics
>this somehow benefits politicians
And moderates who sit around doing nothing to transform the political landscape are lazy and play right into the hands of politicians already in power.
I have more respect for people risking themselves to change things than the "stay-in-line worker".
If older men really understood things, they'd understand that our current politicians are manipulating us to accept things as is.
The days of worshiping women just because they are women are fast coming to an end.
Pornography is partly the problem, but also apathy.