>chinese tourist loses his wallet
>instead of helping him, german authorities take away his visa, turn him into a "refugee" and put him into a refugee camp where he's stuck for 2 weeks

You can't make this shit up..

Other urls found in this thread:;art67,385337

No way

>go on a tour through europe
>speak nothing but mandarin

great plan


At least he probably got benefits, free housing list priority and some ficki ficki courtesy of the german taxpayer

KEK. Can you imagine it? This slope has no idea what's going on. He's the only scrawny little Finn there and everyone around him are Allahu Snackbars.


35.000 neue Dunkeldeutsche täglich - Wie Seehofer die Bayern und ganz Deutschland verarscht

Merkel-Junta bricht Grundgesetz am laufenden Band: Einsatz der Leyentruppe im Inland gegen die Bevölkerung

Kölner Ficki-Verbrecher lacht sich kapput marschiert in die Freiheit für neue Bereicherungen

Bald geht's ab. Ich hoffe ihr seid bereit.

I don't speak Tanned. Can you translate?

>Australians are fat and have small dicks
That's what it says - more or less.

At least he gained the right to ficki ficki as he pleases

Looks like some retarded conspiracy blog. Lots of grammar mistakes.

>don't have your consulate's number

Has Cuckmany officially surpassed Sweden yet? Holy shit this just gets more and more embarrassing.


well seems some germanon hacked the bavarian govt. and found out that seehofer's band of criminals imports fickis secretly with buses, a mere 35.000 sandworms A DAY

nothing to see here, move along

the rest is the usual, german army to be deployed againt own population (w3hich is highly illegal btw), sandniggers of cologne walking free, etc etc

Can confirm, that's what the mainstream media says about australians.

Nice sources.

That's why they actually talked to him. He looked so out of place. Normally they just process all the peoples to get them in the camps.

1) 35,000 new "Germans" daily. How an anti-immigration Bavarian MP and the whole of Germany was taken for a ride.
2) Merkel regime breaks the constitution by deploying troops to fight internal terrorism
3) A refugee in Cologne find the enrichment situation in Germany incredibly funny

>Bald geht's ab. Ich hoffe ihr seid bereit.
Isch bin jetzt erstmal in Polen, ne. Mach Abschlussarbeit. Also in gewisser Weise schon?

but hans I just want to go walk in italy

to the kikes are just jealous. ignore them

Well, some are skinny.

We all have small dicks due to red back bites when using the loo, though.

>by Heiko

Full kek.

Thanks for the translation mate.

Well I'm off to stick my small dick into my white gf.


Anything that causes chinks to suffer even the smallest inconvenience is good


the rest is known for months, they only made it official now

Did you German anons see the thread earlier where some user saw that flights from Turkey were being scheduled during the night and restricted flying hours to come into Germany
I wonder what was on those flights?

don't dick around you refugee. if you think your prison island will be spared than you are even more retarded than (((us)))

>mfw the stupid wessis get the full enrichment



Dude you really should stop getting your """information""" from conspiracy blogs.


yeah. that's the older news, right. they (((officially))) claim the numbers are on the decline, but the numbers of actual asylum permits explode- so something doesn't add up. where are these asylum seekers coming from?

i guess there is the answer. the merkel junta is a criminal enterprise and will either be charged with treason and trafficking or.. well, the other way. i'm all for that :)

>oh no i fappy

It's all a conspiracy!

Good, chinks BTFO

Isnt like german army deorganised and the roaches are in it? Also, supply problems? Also, small funds on army?

The refugee camps aren't actually what they seem to be. 70 Years ago they were already in use.

i am not your dude you rotten kike. piss of to your shower

>helping the police in the case of terrorism is the same as using the army against your own population

kek. there is no italy anymore, didn't you get the memo? europe is gone.

Nah ahmed, not yet

we're going to start the uprising several countries at the same time, that should keep em busy. or maybe that's just misinformation, you'll never know o)

>He thinks they will be "helping" the police
>With fucking army troops

I read 'refugee camp' as concentration camp.

Yes it is.
The most of them lost their fightig moral long time ago.
Bad gear, broken vehicles, no ammo for training and so on.
In that time, i was in the army, most of the people inside the canteen was Russians and they spoke only russian

The police really could need it though. They're notoriously underpaid and low in personel.

maybe not yet, but soon, wazlech. the air is getting thinner either way. i wonder how many will die. nah. i dont care. blood for the blood god. kek wills it.

> be rapist muslim paki
> be given free shit and german lolis to rape, free access to every european country for welfare, brings 50 uncles and cousins to gang rape more lolis
> be chinese tourist
> get locked into refugee camp

Can't make that one up

>i guess there is the answer. the merkel junta is a criminal enterprise and will either be charged with treason and trafficking or.. well, all germans are castrated and force feed tasty mandingo sperm, i'm all for that :)
ftfy hanz!

You won't do shit because it's not in the german mind, germans are drones and behave like children (it's not OUR fault it's clearly SOMEONE ELSE'S fault!)

and the dubs are on our side. they are outgunned 100:1. topkek

holy shit pajeet I also.

Well they can give those leopards to us, we can spill wódka on them and make them work. Actually talked with one german and he complained about shooting range practice (or lack of them) and lack of basic good quality stuff like boots.

Dawaj na ring

Hey same here except no russians or turks.

And we actually have morale.

you have been reading too many lügenpresse articles ;)

The police is 100% controlled by the turks and their (((globalist))) allies.;art67,385337

Here comes the epic kraut denial!

Here is what'd happen
>We dindu do nuffin
>We good aryans
>We wuz kaizers and sheit
Here is what any non-childish population would do
>Clearly we're at fault for electing merkel
>So we do a referendum and take care of our mistakes
Which is unthinkable in the german mind. He never do nuffin wrong, he good aryan, dah anglo keepin' me down!

Really skilled in Polizeiarbeit!

>welcome to Germany
>don't forget, you're here forever

yes some of them who went to Afghanistan bought the flak jackets, boots and even night vision by their own to have at least a little bit better quality.
It is a shame what the germany army has become to. And even more that they dont start a revolt or something.
They even took all the old barracks and make refugee camps out of it.

Holy shit. I feel bad for the true germans being in the military. No one has balls to actually do something about it?

NZ Army troops and Australian police were deployed to Christchurch after the earthquake, so don't go acting like you don't know anything about dealing with a natural disaster

We will never lose our fascination with internment camps jesus

Shame you don't do anything about the Muslim immigrants taping your women.

Too bad you fucking betrayed your own fucking shitty belief and got jews, faggots and german rapists/criminals as kapos in such places. Also before you shill me - it was written in the diary of Rotmistrz Pilecki, a man of honour who volunteered to check the situation inside Aushwitz. He died after the war killed by fucking commies.

Natural disasters are very rare. Terrorist attacks might become daily events in Germany.

Also, NZ army is nothing even compared with the Bundeswehr.

>dirty porn
>mfw the city really is full of horny milfs

>German police see non-German in Germany
>He gets thrown in a camp no questions asked



>'.. having his fingerprints taken, undergoing a medical check and being handed some pocket money..'

>German Red Cross (DRK) found it strange to see a well-dressed and apparently wealthy person at the camp.

>They gave him pocket money
My god I can hardly breath. This is hilarious, just made my day.

believe what you will. other opinions are completely irrelevant to the process. state tv butthurtly reports that "anyone who is against migration, is a racist"while the regime splatters blacks on blondes adds. lol. you can't kike this shit up. there're literally asking for it. once this bomb goes off, all will end. i'm just observing the process, is all :) about time this kike country gets fixed up.

One of the biggest cities in Germany is located there. Fucking bullshit.

>jews, faggots and german rapists/criminals as kapos
now we have women and leftist cucks

Well the tables have turned it seems

we? they forced this on us, get your facts right you pole

What's the Endsieg?

Ethnic Germans form guerrilla units backed by Russia and try to reclaim Germany, fighting Jihadis and BRD-Regime troops to reclaim towns and cities?

there has been no government here since 1945. the brd is a criminal enterprise. its a company run by the usa. so fuck em.

don't act you don't appreciate the view of a nicely organized internment camp

A german state without internment camps is not a german state at all

>you pole

Dude, you better organise something not cluessly watch ahmed and his brothers mohammed and hamed ficky ficky your girls in cologne

i am the old man on the mountain. i see everything. i don'r have to do anything, everything will happen as it is seen. the time for things to happen draws nearer, thats all. i couldnt care less who foes what, what happens in the valley is a looong way from here. there are no roads to the top, or anything for that matter. nice view

East Asian. Too polite to do that.

Whats up with big eyes in your chink cartoons? We all know your eyes get fixed with scalpels and retractors so you can actually see something.

Wir schaffen das !

>every foreign citizen is counted as a refugee
>fuckin racist nazicountry

Guys, let's be more left! Against racists and nazis!


well they won't try to ficki-ficki simply because they're beta cuck

Because it's hard to animate e.g. smug expressions if your default is already slits. There's no room to show facial development, that's why you only find slits in one dimensional caricatures. Asian animators want asians to be the protagonists, so they want to be able to show more facial expressions than just "fierce mongolian hordes charging".

I dont see why someone would want a 4'5 tall man to be protagonist

A 4'5 tall man would.

That's just terrible. People don't go on a vacation for this shit.

Oh you got me there

Not an argument.

Imagine being a tourist in Germany, you lose your papers, go to the police, and get locked up in a refugee shelter for 2 weeks with hundreds of rabid ISIS muslims from Syria

That's worse than going to prison

The new normal in Merkelland

In related news, every single night, THOUSANDS of rapefugees are secretly FLOWN into Germany via commercial airflights, these flights land in Bonn near Cologne between 1 am and 6 am everyday...

Not a SINGLE fucking word about this in the Lügenpresse, only the major bloggers are reporting it.

Most of those rapefugee shuttle flights are from Turkey, with a couple from Greece...

This is what happened right after the balcan rotue was shut down, systematic arab and turkish colonization of central europe, 500.000 a year.

zurück nach KC mit dir Bernd

> kike

Ronny stop fucking posting and making a fool out of yourself

> being this delusional

>most of the people inside the canteen was Russians and they spoke only russian
Germany is dead.

ye, the anitmilitarism really killed us
People are now openly discussing letting foreigners join the army, it's sad