She's right, you know.
Sup Forums BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
Islam was right, men are dogs and women are meat, and you either kick the shit out of the dogs or hide the meat.
low quality b8 m8
>not wanting your daughter to become a whore means im a pedo
good one retard
>tagged: misogyny
It's okay when girls do it.
>girl sucks thirty seven dicks before turning 18
She can do whatever she wants, she has that freedom and i have the freedom to not date sluts for the reason that i think they are mentally damaged goods.
In a row?
>hooking up with guys
>wearing deliberately revealing clothing
>"you're sexualizing them"
Do Canadians actually try to shitpost or do they genuinely believe in this? Because it's always a fucking leaf.
This is right too about Huma Abedin
This article sums up Abedin and Clinton's weird relationship pretty well.
Here's a creepy quote from it, too:
"'A lot of times, Hillary would snap her fingers and go, ‘Gum.’ And Huma would fetch it.' Abedin took her duties so seriously,
the source recalled, that when she learned that Clinton had once carried her own bag up a flight of stairs in her aide’s absence,
Abedin nearly burst into tears."
"How often does Huma Abedin see her husband?"
Not very. She's usually travelling with HRC.
"Why is she always with HRC?"
She's like her servant.
"Who goes missing, and why? Sometimes people do not go missing at all.
They simply show up in places they are not expected, and they remain where they are least likely to be."
Okay, so where would Huma Abedin be least likely to be? Probably anywhere HRC isn't. Where is that? With her husband?
Her husband is a pervert like Epstein and Bill. Maybe he's connected to humman trafficking.
Back to Huma for now.
She wasn't at Weiner's sexting scandal conference. She was in Abu Dhabi with HRC.
Abedin returned home on the 15th of June.
What did FBI user mean by people remain where they are least likely to be? Is it more likely that Huma shows up in Abu Dhabi and stays there
amid her husband's scandal? Or is it more likely that she returns home to her husband instead of constantly travelling and working with HRC?
I guess a clue would be the way she reacted to Weiner's second sexting scandal in that documentary "Weiner." According to the same Newsweek
article I pasted above, she didn't react much at all:
"Abedin comes off as supremely smooth, even a bit cynical. As the sexting scandal’s second chapter exploded,
she kept an eye on what she called 'the optics.'
('You will look happy,' she advises one Weiner aide as the woman breaks down in tears. 'I’m saying this for you.')"
Pretty fucked up.
It looks to me like, any normal person would drop everything ASAP and go home to deal with this mess. But that's not what happened.
This scandal broke several days before Huma had to leave, she could've called off the trip, but she didn't. First of all, this tells me that,
for Huma, it's perfectly normal to stick with HRC instead of dealing with her imploding family situation, despite being pregnant.
So, the odd thing, is that she spent so much time away from HRC when she came back. Second of all, I wonder who she and Hillary met with on that
trip. Who was so important that she had to put an extremely sensitive, potentially nuclear (for her, personally, I mean) situation with her
husband on hold in order to meet. Apparently a bunch of people in the UAE and parts of Africa.
Just found an article in the New York Post that shows Huma Abedin came back to New York on June 15th 2011, the day before
Anthony Weiner quit his State Rep job, and then planned to take some time off from both Anthony Weiner - who would be in rehab -
as well as her State Department job, while at an undisclosed location.
The article also said that Abedin's family would be watching her like a hawk.
Obviously, I need to figure out where she was and how long she was there for. Her family might be a clue. Where do they live?
Also, where was Anthony Weiner in rehab and for how long?
Another interesting point: according to the New York Times, Anthony Weiner annouced his decision to step down as a representative on 16th
of June, 2011. Huma Abedin returned home to Weiner on the 15th of that month, and, also according to the New York Times, Weiner made his
decision to step down that same night. Abedin, however, didn't show up at the press conference the next day.
It's simple.
"slutty" dress, such as miniskirts, shirts that deliberately show off most of the midriff, lace up jeans etc are originally developed and designed to be racy, attractive, appeal to a fetish, or a combination of those.
Just because an underage girl wears some clothes, doesn't change the original context of those clothes, and it makes you a normal human being, and not a pedophile, just to acknowledge what that context is.
Now, whether or not teens should fuck each other and dress like sluts is a different topic, and I could understand people arguing that it's natural and acceptable.
But arguing that you're a pedophile if you don't agree with it, it's a fallacy.
Abedin and Weiner's son, Jordan Zane Weiner, was born on Dec 21, 2011
According to this article in the New York Post: "The couple had been spotted in public several times since the scandal,
including during an Parisian “babymoon” and on a walk through Forest Hills, Queens..."
That means Weiner would have been out of rehab sometime between June and December of 2011. But how long was Abedin away from Clinton?
An article in the Daily Mail points out that Huma was spotted on a CBS News brodcast in October, informing Secretary Clinton that
Mummar Gaddafi had been killed on October 20th.
"Mr Weiner and Mrs Abedin moved out of their Forest Hills home in his former congressional district in Queens
before relocating to an unidentified apartment in Manhattan."
"The best guess so far puts their apartment in the Gramercy Park or Flatiron neighborhood,
and considering that they were spotted in the area around Eataly - which is on the Western edge of Madison Square Park-
those predictions seem to be right."
Basically, this means that She had finished her time off after Weiner's sex scandal between June and October 20th.
Also, how is she able to constantly be around HRC, and be with her husband as she was in the subject of that article?
Interesting to note, also, is the fact that Gaddafi died a few days after Clinton went to meet with the leaders of Libya's
National Transitional Council.
"The reporter asked if Qaddafi's death had anything to do with her surprise visit to show support for the Libyan people.
'No,' she replied, before rolling her eyes and saying 'I'm sure it did' with a chuckle."
Fuck, now I have to look into Libya's National Transitional Council, too.
I'll stick to Huma, though, for now.
Just found another article in the Daily Mail.
On August 26th, 2011 "shamed former congressman Anthony Weiner has taken his pregnant wife on vacation to an exclusive Italian hotel
favoured by celebrities as the couple continue to work on their marriage."
So, I guess that means Huma only took a break from Weiner between June and August then, right?
"It is the second vacation the pair have taken since the scandal. In July, they celebrated their first wedding anniversary in Miami, Florida."
Huma and Anthony were married July 10th, 2010
So, Huma came back to New York from Africa on June 15th, Anthony stepped down and announced that he was going to rehab on June 16th,
and then the two of them are seen celebrating their anniversary in Miami on July 10th?
What kind of faggy, pussified rehab program lasts less than a month?
"Weiner headed to an 'intense' rehab programme to help him treat his sexting addiction."
The amount of weight the word 'intense' is being forced to carry in that sentence is downright cruel.
"Sources close to the couple have reportedly claimed that Mrs Abedin's devout Muslim family was furious with Mr Weiner over the incidents."
Really? Their daughter only married a narcissitic, unfaithful, Democratic politican and New York Jew named Weiner. Sounds like a devout Muslim
family's dream.
From another article:
"Mrs Abedin seemed more keen on business rather than romance as they walked together in the Montmartre district of the city.
In the pictures, her politician husband, 46, looked bored as he lagged behind with his hands in his pockets."
"Mr and Mrs Weiner travelled to Paris in late August after spending the previous week in Italy at the luxurious Le Sirenuse hotel in
Positano on the Amalfi coast, which is favoured by celebrities including Reese Witherspoon."
Might be worth looking into Clinton's email archive, specifically emails to and from Huma, during this trip.
Also, check out the hotel. Who owns it?
"It is not known how unemployed Mr Weiner paid for the extended getaway, or if his wife was footing the bill."
HMMMMMMMMMMMMM (his wife was footing the bill (via embezzling the State Department))
"Weiner and wife Huma headed to Miami last weekend to celebrate their wedding anniversary."
"The couple sat in the private wine room with the curtains partially closed."
"The Post said they were affectionate at the table and laughing as they dined with another couple."
What other couple?
Disgraced former pol Anthony Weiner, 'miserable' wife Huma Abedin spotted dining in Chelsea
What? The article is dated June 25th, 2011.
"Disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin, were spotted dining at La Bottega in Chelsea's
Maritime Hotel on Saturday - but she "looked miserable," according to a witness."
Apparently this happened on June 25th as well.
So, what? She gets back 10 days ago says she's going to an undisclosed location to take some time off,
he says he's going to rehab 9 days ago, and then...they don't?
Okay, what the fuck.
"No sooner had he addressed crowds in the very place he launched his career 20 years ago, informing them of his resignation and
issuing a humble apology for the 'damage' he caused, then Weiner had his weekend bag packed and was driving down the
freeway for a relaxing getaway in the Hamptons."
He never fucking went to rehab.
This article also mentions something about Weiner's tax returns. Might be interesting in the context of how he paid for a fucking trip across
Europe after losing his job.
"But an Ethics Committee investigation opened by the House into his conduct is expected to end as a result of his resignation,
because the committee has jurisdiction only over members of Congress. And Mr. Weiner will retain control of
more than $4 million in his campaign account."
Just looking through the Wikileaks Clinton email archives, it doesn't look like Huma took any time off after her husband's sex scandal.
Then I find this article talking about an investigation Huma for embezzlement at the State Department. She never filed any maternity leave
or vacation forms, meaning that she was paid for time she spent in the Hamptons, Miami, Italy, and France.
Look up who Weiner and Huma saw in Europe, Miami, the Hamptons, as well as were they stayed. Who are those people? Who owns those places?
Next to impossible to say. There aren't many picutres of them on their trip.
Figure out exactly when Huma ended her time off and went back to the State Dept.
--she didn't, she never formally began any time off, she never filed for leave--
"The Clinton aide admitted that she took a two-week vacation in Europe in 2011 ahead of the birth of her child, which she labeled a 'babymoon.'"
“You are 100 percent right on the babymoon,” Abedin explained. “I don’t recall. One hundred percent right.
I don’t recall filling out any paperwork saying I was taking leave. I’m not even going to blame it on my pregnancy brain.”
So she admits she didn't file for leave. What happened to the money?
"But sources close to Abedin, Clinton’s former deputy chief of staff and current vice chairwoman for the campaign,
argued that the news actually exonerates Abedin because the Justice Department’s
public integrity unit declined to pursue the matter. It’s unclear exactly why Justice didn’t take it up, but it’s now
being handled as an administrative claim in which State has asked Abedin to pay back about $10,000 the IG concluded she was over-compensated."
So, she paid it back?
"Abedin’s lawyers have acknowledged the $10,000 overpayment issue weeks ago and said they’re fighting it.
They maintain that she was actually working during the maternity leave and vacation time, though it doesn’t appear she properly
logged the information into the State Department system. But they’ve denied that the overpayment dispute, widely known,
ever turned into a criminal investigation."
I guess not. Despite her saying that she should've filed for leave and forgot to, it wasn't actually a vacation, anyway. She was working.
I wonder what she was working on...
Whoops not done yet
"Grassley also referenced a fuller state IG report and its findings on the overpayment issue, a report that has still not been made public.
The Washington Times first reported on the State Department watchdog's investigation of Abedin.
According to Grassley’s description of the state IG’s full report, the watchdog also found that
Abedin billed the State Department for more than she was allowed while working as a “special government employee”
and exceeded by more than 100 days the limit on the number of days such contractors are permitted to work for the government.
Her legal team disputes that she worked that much, however."
The report they're talking about hasn't even been fully released. How is anyone even supposed to know what any disputes are based on?
They can just keep making the guy trying to get her charged look ridiculous because no one knows what he's talking about.
"Sources close to Abedin said that’s not true, pointing to an office of government ethics memo that says SGEs who exceed their estimated hours
“still will be deemed an SGE for the remainder of that period."
I wonder when that took effect, and who signed off on it. Hmmmm
"The IG also found that Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s former chief of staff and longtime legal adviser, signed off on the timesheets.
The watchdog’s report, according to the Grassley letter, includes a copy of a February 2012 email, suggesting that Ms. Mills emailed a
White House assistant counsel “to discuss the calculation of Ms. Abedin’s leave balance.”
In case anyone was wondering how or why she's able to get away with this.
"The watchdog also concluded that Abedin worked 244 days as a special employee, exceeding the 130 day limit imposed under federal law.
Her lawyer said there was no way she worked that much, but didn't offer a number he thought was more accurate."
Guy's a hell of a lawyer. Doesn't even have to argue and his client walks. Damn.
Alright back to the babymoon.
They left around August 26th and came back around September 12th, 2011.
Scratch that. According to this article they flew back on August 31st.
They stayed at the Le Sirenuse hotel in Positano in Italy.
"The oceanfront hideaway on the Amafi coast, which is known for its privacy..."
"Mr and Mrs Weiner were spotted enjoying a meal with friends at the hotel's La Sponda restaurant.
'They started at the Champagne and oyster bar, where they met another couple. From there, two other couples joined them,
and they went downstairs to the main room for dinner,' a source told the New York Post."
Here's what they did in Paris
"The duo were spotted at Ralph Lauren’s Paris restaurant, Ralph’s, this week, according to a spy.
“They were having lunch at the same time as Diane Kruger,” the source said. Lauren’s resto is known for dishes like crab cakes,
Southern fried chicken and burgers. Weiner and wife had also been seen at the Ritz Bar this week and were spotted strolling in the
Montmartre district."
Hillary didn't travel at all while Huma was on her babymoon
Search news archives for Hillary Clinton between July 25th, and September 1st, 2011.
What was she doing while Huma was gone?
Also look up Hillary's July 25th, 15th and September 1st trips. Check to see if Huma went with her.
Look up the Clinton Foundation around the dates of the babymoon. Did anyone make a donation from either France or Italy or Miami?
If not, who made a donation?
Check to see what the State Department was involved in before the sex scandal and after the babymoon.
Finally, look into the event Huma put on for Bill Clinton on September 20, 2012. Who made donations before and/or after?
What happened before and/or after? Missing persons reports from the area? Where was Jeffery Epstein's plane at the time?
Look into Libyan president who visited Bill and Hillary two days after the Benghazi attacks. Why was Hillary pushing the narrative that
the attacks were caused by an internet video? Maybe she's covering up invlovment?
We can't have this thread slide now can we?
Social media is absolutely not exploitable in any way at all :^)
Memetic Warfare albums (anti-Hillary meme galleries): ***many of these have sources, it’s not all hearsay
Advanced Meme Warfare:
font suggested by belgian user: Use Roboto Sans & Playfair Display
Social media tactics:
Connecting Social Media and Pushing Content 101:
dat nude ID
She seems to be saying that if you are against 13 year olds wearing slutty clothes, doing drugs, and hooking up, then you are a pedophile. Feminists are so fucking dumb.
You want your daughter to have freedom yes. But girls start being sexually attractive at 14 to people that aren't even looking to fuck kids. So putting on clothing that baits these people is increasing the risk you will lure in older individuals with sex enslavement intentions.
It's just a matter of biological facts, and taking precautions, it isn't about forcing patriarchy down young girls' throats.
Nope, I am not interested in actual children. Sorry.
You act like a dog, you will get treated like one. Just don't come back crying about your human rights being violated.
If you don't shitpost, your enemies win.
> whether or not teens should fuck each other and dress like sluts is a different topic.
I could only get behind this if they are in actual relationships and understand the importance of safe sex, but we both know this is not usually the case.
>put adult clothes onto little girls
>'y- you're projecting adult values onto children you paedo'
Somehow I don't think this tumblr user is secretly harboring sexual desire for underage girls, or any other aged girls.
the children are acting out sexually and projecting sexual prowess into the world they do not understand and in nearly all cases are perpetuated by the consumption of media.
Young girls are always pushing boundaries and trying to get attention. Try being a grown man around a teenage whore and the more you ignore them the more they do ridiculous things for attention.