Can Trump fix it?

Be honest with me.

Do you think Trump will actually change much or are the machinations of the Elite and established government powers that be too strong?

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If anything, he's fighting the narrative. And that's step one.

He's a member of the elite. He was born with a silver spoon up his ass and has absolutely no reason to care about you.

No. Lol.

Listen to this and tell me Trump can't fix anything.

Pride and legacy. He has done all he can and more as a business titan. Being a fucking President is the only thing that can really cherry his sundae. He can do two things at once. Gain his Presidency and earn a place in history as a single man running against the establishment on both sides and winning. Then bringing America into a new era of prosperity. He has literally no reason to shill. All he has left now is to be the biggest and brightest star he can.

Whether or not he can make it work is another question. His intentions are not in doubt however.

What's he going to do by slashing taxes and increasing spending?

He's another neocon that will give his rich buddies tax breaks and send the country spiraling into depression.

I love that man. I would fuck some shit up to make America great again. When he talked about unity in our country, and protecting ALL of our citizens, and about how we can actually help our black and latino brothers escape the devastating poverty of the inner-city.. that shit sent a chill up my spine.. He made me love my country again. You CTR niggers are fucking scum.

Even security offficials from his own party admit that trump is dangerous and reckless.


Among the people who say he is dangerous is the former direction of the CIA himself, the former homeland security secretary, and the formal directior of national intelligence.


he's only talked about cutting spending. take that ctr shit elsewhere nigger

this. so much this.


Thanks for correcting the record, greatest ally.

Nah, nothing will change. At the very best I hope he will be able to stop pressuring Europe into multi culti like US has thus far. If he cuts military defense of EU as well I see that as a good thing so we have to start spending on army and by extent nationalism again. That's why I support Trump and hate shittary cunton.

But other than that, Trump is an idiot who shouldn't be able to run for potus.

If previously americans had to choose between shit and shit, this year they have to choose between a steaming pile of garbage and vomit.

>falling so hard for empty demagogic statements

His presence in the Oval Office alone will force the elites to change

Trump is in the pocket of no one so they'll have to come up with another way which likely be to double down on their backing of senators and representatives

They'll no longer have a man who will sign whatever bills into law they tell him to or sign executive orders pushing the liberal agenda

Do you think trump cares more about you, or about his billionaire friends?

Here are some hints to his true interests:
> Guys, global warming is a chinese hoax :^) and i totally don't say this to try and mislead the public with conspiracies to favor my billioanaire friends in the oil industry i promise :^) :^) :^)

>Hey... guys... i maybe scummed some people to make profit and lost the cases in the court, but i promise i care about them and not about myself :^) :^) :^)

i know you are having a hard time in life. i know you need the money they giving you. i know you have a quota to meet. but while you typing your ctr non-sense, listen to this 9 minute speech. it will make you feel better. it will make you want to be better.

Trump is a property magnate

That means he's a shareholder in this nation
It's why property ownership used to be a prerequisite for voting as you actually have ties to the nation and how the nation does effects you as a property holder personally

I already heard him open his mouth way too many times.

Btw, this totally was not the most asshole way possible to tell a mother leave his rally /sarcasm

US, wake up, you don't want this person to be your president

Hi yid. Global warming is a hoax to force nations to pay carbon taxes to the UN. Nice try though.

Global Warming is not even a political discussion, its a scientific fact.

Go learn some climate science and then ask yourself why politicians dare to plant false information in the public just to favor some billionaires

It's not a hoax as the planet is in fact warming but the idea that giving the "right" people boatloads of money is what will fix it is silly to say the least

lol.. you're not very good at this. that lady has already done a million interviews defending him. give the clip a listen faggot. you are taking money to shitpost, it's the least your faggot ass can do

I don't do this for any payment.

I merely try to open your eyes and help you realize trump is an empty demagogue and legitimatley a reckless person

And btw, the whether the lady defends him or not doesn't change the fact he acted like a complete asshole.

Judge his attitude by yourself. its pretty obvious it was a really sarcastic and bad way to tell a mother to leave the rally

Not directly. Trump's the hammer who will smash through the grip the elites have on the government. Then someone like Ron Paul will come in and fix everything

>Trump said something rational, but in a blunt and mean way that probably hurt someone's feelings.
>Let's instead vote for a woman who wants to give Black Lives Matter a platform as they demand that all whites give away their homes to blacks as compensation for slavery.
I really hate you and I used to be pro-Israel, but I am now a PalestineMissile.

Maybe to a point, but the founding fathers made our government a slow and terrible mess for a reason. If it was actually efficient it would marginalize citizens rights at break neck pace.

>Trump alone?

He ran as a populist, and it will be 10 million members of the White Working Middle Class that will storm DC if they sniff something is amiss.

>Fix it all?
But on the main 3
>foreign policy with clear anti terror objectives, not proxy wars with russia
>audit of free trade agreements
>audit of immigration both legal and illegal
the US will start heading towards the right direction.

1. He could have done it in a much simpler way and still be honest. yet he chose to do it with an asshole and offensive attitude. thats not being more "blunt", its just being more of an asshole. not to mention Trump was cought lying an incredible amounts of time, even more times than hilary, which is not the most honest of people either. just google it. Trump is NOT an honest person, he is a compulsive liar.

2. The statement you made about Hillary and blacklivesmatter is false

Let's say GCG is
>a threat to be immediately dealt with
>disproportionately human-caused

who would be better suited to countering it? A pro-nuclear energy Trump, or a lukewarm on nuclear energy Clinton?

you wont even agree to listen to a 9 minute tube clip... how would you ever hope to change my mind about anything? seriously, the first thing you do is offend the shit out of me, then you talk about 'changing my mind'? are you nuts nigga? you are either dumb, or you are getting paid. you should tell people that you are getting paid :D

>The statement you made about Hillary and BLM is false.
>Only 90% of murdered blacks are killed by other blacks, not 97% you filthy liar!
Obviously it was a hyperbole, friendo. My point is that I, not being a black or a jew, would rather vote for a candidate that doesn't support a terrorist organization.

I've seen too much from trump's campaign already, i dont want to be exposed to more of his bullshit. it's as simple as that.

He contentiously refuses to listen to opinions of professionals and makes stupid statements. the fact people actually think he is fit to be president is ridiculous.

Definitely Clinton consider trump has history of attacking oil alternatives, and the democratic party historically is in favor of doing things to reduce global warming, unlike the republican party that favored their oil patrons.

BlackLivesMatter is not a terrorist organization, the acts of violence were done by individuals.

You should really stop trying to twist the truth

>Definitely Clinton consider trump has history of attacking oil alternatives
Nuclear is *THE* oil alternative

>and the democratic party historically is in favor of doing things to reduce global warming

Both parties are and were in the pockets of the oil oligarchs. The Republican party is up front about it. The Democratic party is so unwittingly, by blocking the funding for maintenance of nuclear plants of building new breeder reactors, or closing down old plants with no replacement.

Trump at the very least is calling to question the relationship the US has with KSA and other oil producers.

There doesn't have to be one alternative to oil. trump consistently made tweets against green energy, that alone should tell you something.

Besides, there is more than one way to produce nuclear energy. the current way nuclear energy is being produced creates dangerous waste products that can be weaponized. what should be done is to use nuclear energy from Thorium, that has dangerous waste products (the waste product is an isotope of uranium that is much harder to turn into a weapon.)

And about both parties being "in the pockets of oil oligarchs" - the facts still are that the democratic party still were more pro global-warming than the republican party.

then, obviously, go fuck yourself you stupid faggot :D

*I meant to say that Thorium generates LESS dangerous waste products

You tell me OP? An establishment shill for his entire life now wants to "change" the system?

>Trump is in the pocket of no one


No. Only Hilary can satisfy your wishes.

>Turning those boos into a weapon for him

That was based as fuck.


What the hell is ctr? a meme? ctr monitor? Am I literally not seeing what youre talking about because im browsing Sup Forums on a lcd?

I know! Trump is soooooo horrible. We need to elect Hillary, she's so much better.

>establishment shill his entire life
>marries away all his children to powerful Jews
>shills neocon "facts" troughout his campaign
>BUILD WALL meme fools all the retarded shills on here

you literally can't make this shit up, for a board so "redpilled" I really question if the average on this board is under 18

he changed her from a lesbian slut to a warm loving mother. he can do everything

pretty gross

The machinations of the Elite and established government powers that be are too strong to let him get elected.

Demographics will kill his bid for POTUS and any other right winger from now until the collapse of the US. When he loses it will be more open-border, SJW cuck-fests... which we can't afford. We are already on the tipping point. Next stop; Germany levels of cuckoldery, followed by Sweden-tier levels 12 years from now.